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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About kjp97

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About Me

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    Gastric Sleeve - 25/05/2017
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  1. kjp97

    A little scared

    I was also nervous, knowing I'd never be able to eat the same again terrified me. So I just ate like a queen on the lead up to my pre op diet (best thing I ever did!). Then after I woke up from the surgery that was it, my life had changed, and to start yes it was a little difficult to adjust to, but after a while you just get used to it and its just normal life. Having a sleeve was the BEST decision I have ever and will ever make. It's changed my life in so many positive ways, I am so grateful to have had this amazing life changing surgery and I don't regret it for one second.
  2. At first I was very embarrassed that I had the surgery, I was only 20 at the time. As you can imagine with social media a lot of people were asking a lot of questions. My sister had her surgery done a year before myself and she was very public about it (@fromonefatbitchtoanother is her Instagram if you want to check it out). It was very obvious what I'd had done. If people asked I wouldn't lie, but I definitely wasn't shouting it from the roof tops. I am now 6 stone lighter and I couldn't care less what people thought about it. I am proud of who I am now and peoples opinions don't bother me anymore. I still don't shout it from the roof tops, but I am comfortable with telling people the truth and really educating them on the matter. Especially those idiots who think 'healthy eating and exercise' is the 'right' way.

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