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About Susie93054

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  1. Ten years ago I had by-pass surgery.  My starting weight was 562.  It has been a long road, and I wanted my goal to be 180.  I am 218 and now I find out my weight for 5'1" should be 143.  I really think I can get that thin.  HELP!!!!!

    1. Orchids&Dragons


      Congratulations on your long-term success. That is very inspiring! I don't know if you can get to 143, but you've done awesome so far. Good luck!

    2. KimTriesRNY


      You may want to be thinner, but that is a success! Wow! You must feel so much healthier now!

    3. Missouri-Lee's Summit

      Missouri-Lee's Summit

      Of course you can get to 143! You lost 344 pounds...didn't you? And, honestly, did that seem possible all those years ago?

      Orchids&Dragons is right. You've done awesome so far. While there's never a guarantee, you've proven that it's possible. Patience is your best friend.

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