Like you, after six years I had my band removed yesterday. I have been begging my doctor to take it out for years. I have never had to have a fill b/c it was immediately so restrictive that I was basically on a liquid diet for the first year. Then as the years progressed I could eat things like popcorn, ice cream, chips but not salad, fruit or chicken. After many years of frustration with this and pain, I had it taken out yesterday. I thought I would be ecstatic but the doctor is not sure that I will be unrestricted. After he removed the band he said that I was still completely restricted when he passed an instrument down my throat to check. He had to remove a bunch of scar tissue and he kept passing something down my throat to make sure that I would be unrestricted enough to eat. He says that I will notice an immediate difference when I can start eating but that it will take a full 6 months or more to make a big difference. I'm very disappointed in this b/c I had my victory lean cuisine flat bread in the freezer b/c honestly that is what I"m craving. Not junk food but things like broccoli, sandwiches, asparagus. Things that I haven't had for 6 years. Anyways, I apologize if I"m rambling on but I'm still on painkillers. Anyways, I'm very glad I found this message board. Just wondering if you were still restricted when you started eating. I note the people who have only had them a few years aren't but what about those that are at 6 years? That's a long time and I imagine our stomachs didn't bounce back after the band was removed.