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LAP-BAND Patients
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About byebyebandinva

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  • Birthday 10/02/1975
  1. Happy 37th Birthday byebyebandinva!

  2. byebyebandinva

    I think my band has got to go.....

    I just had my band removed yesterday after 6 years. I never had to have a fill b/c it was so tight from day one. Over the years it's gotten worse. I've had more Upper GI's, cat scans and endoscopes than I can count and they all said that the band was perfectly placed. Yesterday in pre op my doctor said that my case was highly unusual. I was shocked to hear that I should have felt no restriction at all with no fill. I didn't realize it was so unusual. Then when he removed the band he checked on the restriction and it was still there. Basically he ended up removing a lot of scar tissue in the area where the band had been. He thinks I will notice a big difference when I start to eat solid food again (still on liquid diet) but that it will take 6 months to go back to normal. I'm praying for normal. I would love to eat broccoli and a chicken breast after six years of soup, popcorn and yogurt (anything mushy)
  3. byebyebandinva

    Finally eating after band removal

    so do you still feel restriction? I'm so worried I'm going to feel restriction when I get off the liquid diet.
  4. I had mine removed yesterday.It was outpatient surgery. They sent me home w/ a bottle of vicodin. Good luck to everyone w/ this process. We are all so different. Some of us love the band, others like me have been suffering since the minute it went on. After 6 years I'm relieved to have it taken off. I'm still on a liquid diet so the thing I'm most worried about is that I will feel restriction even w/out the band b/c of how long I had it. The doctor removed a lot of scar tissue but said it would take 6 months to be back to normal.
  5. byebyebandinva

    Anyone else having problems after band removed?

    Like you, after six years I had my band removed yesterday. I have been begging my doctor to take it out for years. I have never had to have a fill b/c it was immediately so restrictive that I was basically on a liquid diet for the first year. Then as the years progressed I could eat things like popcorn, ice cream, chips but not salad, fruit or chicken. After many years of frustration with this and pain, I had it taken out yesterday. I thought I would be ecstatic but the doctor is not sure that I will be unrestricted. After he removed the band he said that I was still completely restricted when he passed an instrument down my throat to check. He had to remove a bunch of scar tissue and he kept passing something down my throat to make sure that I would be unrestricted enough to eat. He says that I will notice an immediate difference when I can start eating but that it will take a full 6 months or more to make a big difference. I'm very disappointed in this b/c I had my victory lean cuisine flat bread in the freezer b/c honestly that is what I"m craving. Not junk food but things like broccoli, sandwiches, asparagus. Things that I haven't had for 6 years. Anyways, I apologize if I"m rambling on but I'm still on painkillers. Anyways, I'm very glad I found this message board. Just wondering if you were still restricted when you started eating. I note the people who have only had them a few years aren't but what about those that are at 6 years? That's a long time and I imagine our stomachs didn't bounce back after the band was removed.

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