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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sophie7713

  1. Sophie7713


    GORGEOUS! The dress, the hairstyle, the hose and the shoes!!!! Not to mention, the stunning woman wearing them. Hope the party was fabulous! ;]
  2. Sophie7713


    Still awaiting my vintage sock monkey PJ's to replace the old 3X ones... No deliveries today. BUT hubby returned after his haircut and grocery run for chili fixings with these new friends for Bobby @ Woof Gang bakery. He gave to Bobby several opportunities to select his favorite AND unequivocally, it's the Fluffy Chick! Now, why would none of us here be surprised by that choice? See what happens when your compression garments after 11 days become your constant OOTD fashion statement and faithful companion! Maybe mine is pulled a little too tight. LOL. Going slightly stir crazy here. Any fun Super Bowl outfits in those closets!?
  3. Sophie7713

    🎈 Pity Party🎈

    You'll get there babe! Think major surgery. Minor setbacks. Amazing things yet to accomplish when the bod is ready.
  4. Day 10 post op Yesterday was a good but a tiring day. Took a long nap and slept in this morning. My surgeon removed the three draining tubes (no more Hawaiian fruit punch hanging off me! She laughed at my rather creative analogy)... AND said I looked like a patient 2 + weeks out! She was so pleased with the excellent progress and wound response. I finally had a good bowel movement in three parts, too. It took a little coaxing, but I could tell things were seriously compacting (as they did after sleeve) SO there was much relief from that aspect. Continue to remain low key and take things day by day. A little sore at drain sites. And, I did ask her if she did in fact tighten abdominal muscles on day of surgery. She said yes, and wanted to be sure we received optimal results! Okay then. Now I know where that horrific pain was coming from the day of my shower. And, why my appetite is still not up to speed. Apparently, one is not hungry after the tightening. Who knew? All is good. I see her next Wednesday for another follow-up. She's the best. I am so pleased and feel in very good hands in the recovery phase, too. Look forward to my two week milestone. ;]
  5. Sophie7713


    Your skin is beautiful here. Porcelain like against the black. May I ask your hair color?
  6. Sophie7713


    Okay, then. When did you say the next Bond girl movie audition is scheduled?! This svelte body is definitely dreaming of a form fitting pants suit with high heeled boots! Oh, and a little fur ballero jacket. Just saying... Many congratulations ms.sss - well done, love.
  7. Sophie7713


    LOOK HOW TINY! I wish we all could be California girls... How are you feeling six weeks out? Gorgeous in your new digs...
  8. OHHH this made my day! All the boys (and, girls) in their chair. I can tell that little green guy is the feisty one! Probably the one who runs around getting into mischief after-hours? Loved the Nick & Nora brand in PJ's - as Target doesn't carry them anymore. You can find vintage Valentine ones from E-bay, Postmark or Etsy. Drains out tomorrow? Trying to do just Tylenol today.
  9. Oh, most definitely your secret is safe with me. Haha. Seems like this hubby here "perked up" at the surgeons office after recovery when he saw how the girls had perked up! LOL. For now, though, my goodness NO touchy touchy. He just gets to play caretaker for a bit longer. Hee hee.
  10. You will forever remain my darlin' from the Great state of Texas. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words as an apt word is like honey from a honeycomb. BTW, do you raise bees and/or fluffy chix's on the ranch? Ordered my new post PS sock monkey pants in your honor! Hubby and I wear them on our after dark walks before bedtime... LOL. How is that little fellow on the bench doing these days? Haven't seem him around in a while?
  11. Thank you. I truly found this last act and removal of loose unnecessary flesh thru plastic surgery - The most liberating of all. The GS certainly performed its all important role BUT our plastic surgeons took us to home base. Yay, I say to my darling surgery twin... We no longer carry + combat the donut rolls while we sit or stand. Our 5 + 5 = 10 pound recipe purged now! I'm coming up shopping with you in NYC come Spring! LOL. Feeling much better today pain wise, Day six. Slept well. Had a tiny bowel last night. Took my morning walk. And, hubs just picked up this yummy salad for our lunch. My appetite is coming back gradually. Maybe Thai left-overs tonight?
  12. Okay ladies... if anyone is a bit squeamish, you may wish to look away! Here comes the real enchilada! I share it as a completely clinical not personal post. I trust no offense is taken, and we can really continue to help others assess and contemplate the process. I am so very thankful for your care and ongoing support of me. Hello to Mrs. Frankenstein, 2020. Day Four and Five I have found them the most painful and arduous days thus far. We bathed yesterday and obviously in the 45 minutes I was allowed out of compression, my body expanded and the surgery Exparel had definitely worn off putting garments carefully back on again. I remember previous comments to this effect on other posts. But, very happy with surgeon's craftsmanship as you will note before and after pictures. We carefully cleaned, padded and put everything back into place BUT I am much more aware of other pesky nuisances, pulls and tugs. Ouch. I cried and shivered with pain at yesterday's nap and bedtime. But I slept it off into LaLa land. I still lack an appetite and have not had a bowel movement but it's a stirring! ;] Today, is a new day - It felt like a poop day. Been taking stool softeners but nothing wanted to move at the last session. Haha. Don't you just hate being in that in-between state. I dislike returning to this unsettling dilemma after GS. It was so nice to return to a regular healthy routine. I am relying heavily upon nausea meds which I know are a by product of the big pain guns. Trying to take the oxycodone only at night now - but will see how I fair today? Thought it might be nice for hubby to take us to our favorite local Thai place and get out for a little Sunday drive. Not meant to be. Attempted to eat the inside sweet potato, peas, corn curry mix in money pockets (not the outside shell) to no avail. First time I've ever felt like throwing up anything and only once after GS recovery eating beef. Obviously, the oxy is wreaking havoc on my GS stomach - And, I want off them ASAP. Damn, I really did want a few bites of that red curry soft chicken, carrots, green beans and bite of brown rice! We just had waitress wrap up to go and scurried back home to my deliriously delicious delectable cottage cheese with blueberries. Maybe Thai another day? Oh my, Orchid & Dragons - twins!!!! Of course, you might just want the added benefit of muscle reconstruction? I have not bore any children, but my surgeon does offer the mommy tuck versions. When we spoke in great detail, we concurred the fleur-de-lis was my best option. And, given the more intense discomfort + pain I am currently experiencing - Glad there was not any residual muscle things done! I am also on a bit of a healing timeline by mid-May. I'm happy with the commitment, procedure + the pain level I've chosen. You will have to let us know how you are advised or do decide? I can also live with my elephant skin like crumpled thighs and bat wings arms for myself. I may address the chin + under neck area someday - And, she suggested maybe wanting to go back in later this year with a little lippo finessing. This is it for the major stuff. Drive a well-engineered, classic 13 year old car and want to begin saving for her replacement at 64, or if ever. I adore her actual real gear shift, she doesn't beep, argue or talk back to me with a stellar, conventional, rockin' sleuth six cylinder engine. Call me old school. And, pssk - so excited for your plastics research here, too. A good surgeon will listen, won't dictate and will offer his best vision. And, that varies. That's why we all felt it important here to find just the perfect fit for us. I think these are my C cups but lifted now - have not ventured out into bra land quite yet. I disliked the DD on my 5' frame before weight loss (YUCK) BUT your fabulous 5'6" stature?! You never know!? Can I borrow a few inches in height? I just asked my surgeon to sculpt breasts she felt were in right proportion for my body type and shape. So happy with the reveal, right? I trust her explicitly... As I stated before, here she is the former Ms. Sophie now Mrs. Frankenstein, 2020. LOL. Back safely in my compressions. The drains come out Wednesday! Yay.
  13. Sophie7713


    Do you think I can go voodoo flossing in my sparklely's!? Haha. Not sure what that term even means (but love the sound of it) or what YT's are? I do know for an osteoarthritis knee - the mimic of flat or barefoot replica work wonders. I like All Birds and Rothy's - they work great for me. Ever tried them? Great spring collection out. Threw a 60th surprise birthday party for hubby this past Sunday. He was totally caught off guard... Sooooo mission accomplished. Here's a few snap shots of the event.
  14. Sophie7713


    You are definitely a star shining so very brightly! It would be any gentlemen's honor and privilege to escort you to the Oscars. But I think what impresses me most about November 11- is she did not hide nor put on hold her incredible before beauty or spirit. Gorgeous then, and gorgeous now! Thanks so much for sharing, and do send us more.
  15. These tropical beauties arrived today from good friends who have tracked every step of the way from November 2018 pre-sleeve prep to plastics to date. ;]
  16. For my age - I just opted for excess skin removal. Surgeon felt I had a pretty nice tight abdomen underneath - as I did exercise regularly when very heavy. Maybe that was a helpful silver lining to this step?
  17. Sophie7713


    Look what arrived today!!!!! The 25th gala shoes! Love them for the more quieter gown. YES, ms.sss I did see the perky girls on surgery day. They are all and more I could have ever hoped for! Just excited to see the tummy territory BUT will keep all safely in their compressed garment cocoon for now! Are you pleased with your plastics results? Starting to feel yourself again? I am pretty swelled in tummy area. Did I tell you the surgeon removed 5 pounds!? I feel so much lighter now on smaller frame. Model more for us! wanna see, wanna see... the fun things you've been procuring. These tropical beauties were also delivered today from friends. Feeling very thankful today.
  18. Sophie7713


    Here's my dress for success outfit for the day! Haha. Love it... beautiful champagne color on you!!!! So glad you, like SK - are treating yourself right and with special wardrobe add ons in the process... Cool. Hugs.
  19. Sophie7713


    Okay, then - we have all heard about these high profile meetings before! I think in actuality there is some romantic clandestine thing going on... LOL. But what do I know? I'm on oxi these days and a bit looped! Haha. Swelled or not - You are looking fit, trim and SMASHING! And, like greenteal suggested - you have been thru a major surgery process. Do give yourself some grace and lead way... Hugs.
  20. Sophie7713


    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new haircut!!!!
  21. Day three I slept 11 solid hours last night with one potty and drain clean break to bathroom at 2:00am. Just returned from my longest walk to date with hubby and Bobby. No marathons yet of course but felt great to get out in the fresh air and move + stretch the body. Ate a little low salt cottage cheese with bananas and walnuts for breakfast. Still not hungry but try to get something down. No bowel movement, either. Do take a stool softener for when the time is right. :] Continue Juven and isopure liquids. I feel great. The only freight train pain is in the tummy tuck territory, and only when getting in and out of our bed which is a little on the high side especially for pint size 5' Sophie! LOL. There is no pain nor discomfort in the breast area at all. After the third day out I can say with absolute confidence - Do not hesitate when you feel ready to do this for yourselves!!! It has not been as difficult as I thought it would be. And, pssk, in regards to our age - I found research suggest older adult women may actually fair better with plastic surgeries due to less hormonal activity and stability post-menopause. I decided not to shower today for the big reveal and remove all the compression garments and such. I have been sponge bathing all along and ready for a nap now. You can see from the side view the swelling is at a premium. Sooooo for today, I'll keep everything in their tight little cocoon for the time being. Happy weekend to you and yours.
  22. SK how are you feeling!? Rockin and rolling full speed ahead yet? Yes, I thought surgeon wanted me hunched over but not the case. She's also keeping 3 drains in until next Wednesday on 3rd follow-up. So far, the only freight train hit of pain is getting in and out of bed. Which is only potty or bed/morning time. Try to take a few daily walks outside a day and sit in kitchen nook with lap top. And, stroll around the house. SK she sculpted beautiful perky breasts for me... (I'll share them privately later down the line) I could not be more pleased. I am allowed to shower Friday and excited to see the big reveal minus the swelling, of course. Aren't you glad we did this!?! I feel like a weight has been lifted off my abdominal section! She took 4.8 pounds off. I should settle nicely into becoming a low twenties petite gal.
  23. So sorry to hear about your fury family loss. :[ I'd definitely look into the wire fox terrier! They are our favorite breed. A fabulous breed. They bring so much joy to a household. They do not shed but you do need to keep their undercoat managed by combing it out + along with puppy cut or stripping which they do to show dogs. We do not strip Bobby. Robert has been an incredibly attentive nurse, and baker extraordinare all built in one! Haha. I'll send you a few more wire fox terrier inspirations to consider. They are very athletic, social and full of curiosity AND adventure. Bobby has not left my side since surgery. A very faithful companion, indeed.
  24. Yes, surgery was performed yesterday early a.m. and in her state-of-the-art surgery center. I was released by 6:00pm that evening. By 8:00 pm I was snuggled in my own bed at home and slept like a baby. Hubby was given all the pertinent directions + procedures for aftercare AND has done famously. However, he's probably the more exhausted one than me! Haha. My surgeon is younger and 10 years out in private practice with different surgery perspectives (I liked her cutting edge view point but with relevant experience, too) and, the entire staff are women. My anesthesiologist was a doll from Mississippi. Robert, my hubby, brought them in his amazing homemade carrot cake. This is an example of the cake from another party... You know what they say, a way into your surgeons heart and their staff is dessert after a very, very long day of procedures! LOL. ;]
  25. Yes! Bobby is our wire haired fox terrier - Rambunctious and full antics but he really does seem to know when a family member is in recovery from something and needs his TLC. I love Jack Russells (what are there names - do send a picture). They are the more friskier of the terrier group but cute as buttons! We met the cutest Jack Russell puppy in Miami this past weekend. He will certainly keep up with his new family and their two young boys! His name was Bruce which cracked me up! No doubt, a snuggly puppy helps with the healing process, too. Right? He is our traveling pooch and loves adventures. We'll take him on road trips whenever we can. Fun!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
