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About LabGoddess

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday July 2

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Science, art, writing, crochet, and reading
  • Occupation
    managing a very busy lab and core facility
  • City
  • State
    New Hampshire

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  1. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Update! I had my follow up with the dietitian yesterday afternoon, and she advanced my diet to stage 4, and I also restarted my vitamins. She thinks a few more calories, which will happen easily as I advance my diet and some more carbs will help. I can already tell the difference today. Still am tired in the afternoon, but it isn't like crashing into a wall! Looking forward to the weekend!
  2. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Is anyone else struggling with their energy levels just suddenly plummeting? Some times I feel like I am going along fine and then I just hit a wall. I've been getting my protein and fluids in, but I still haven't topped 500 calories in a day. I am sure that is part of it. I have my followup with the dietitian tomorrow. Hoping to get moved onto the pureed/soft diet stage. Hopefully that will help with the energy levels. Otherwise, I am healing well and back to work half days this week. so glad to read everyone's updates!
  3. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Hi all! So glad to see that everyone who has gone seems to be on track for a great recovery. I was on a self imposed social media fast--I do this from time to time. I am doing well, my surgery was last Thursday (4/11), and my follow up with the surgeon is tomorrow. I was able to hit my protein/fluid goals consistently since day 4. Days 2 and 3 were close but not quite there. Also not needing to sleep/nap, which was an issue for the first few days, but, it's a surgery, so... I've been walking on my treadmill, not fast, but consistent. Up to 30 minutes straight. I drove for the first time yesterday, and that went well. I met my partner in town last night, he was having a drink after work, and ordered a salad to go. I had some hot mint tea, and water. It was good to be out and about amongst people. Good luck to everyone who's recovering and whose surgeries are coming up soon!
  4. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Getting discharged this afternoon. Worst part for me was the anesthesia piece...on my phone app at the moment. Will try to get online when I get home to check up on everyone.
  5. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Got my arrival time! 6am tomorrow. Up at 3:30 am to drink my Gatorade and then my shower with the special soap...hoping for a little sleep tonight, but not sure I will...
  6. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Before pics! i need to add that to my list!
  7. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Yes indeed! I feel the same way--a very long time coming. I am on that roller coaster of nerves and excitement. I won't know what time my surgery is until this afternoon when they call. I am a little anxious!
  8. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    LMAO! Mine came last night--I am just perturbed at the timing...
  9. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    My liquid diet started today--surgery is tomorrow, won't know what time until this afternoon when they call... Excited, very nervous, but love reading how everyone who has gone ahead of me this month is doing now! Trying to get myself good an hydrated. I expect I probably won't be able to sleep tonight...
  10. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Glad to hear you're hangning in there! Hope the issue has resolved itself by now!! Looking forward to hearing how things go as you head home...
  11. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Congrats! Hope you have a speedy recovery!
  12. Nerves are really kicking in today...I am at work and bit cranky--trying to not bite people's heads off! Have mercy! Can't I just go home and hide?!
  13. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    Hang in there! My son is also ASD (although he is 29 now!). I know how hard it is to leave them and undertake a huge life change, but you have to think about long term health and keep a big picture view! Hope things go smoothly for you!
  14. LabGoddess


  15. LabGoddess

    April 2019 Surgeries!

    So excited for you! Hang in there and keep busy! 😁

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