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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. It just depends when I weigh myself. Never fully clothed at home, either naked out of the shower or in my night gown. But my surgeons office weighs every time I go in for a fill and they automatically deduct 3 pounds for clothes.
  2. It seems to be that the sleep study was required by my insurance. But I've been on a CPAP for about 5 years, so they already knew I had severe apnea and I wasn't required to do another. All insurances are different. My first try at the surgery was through Medical Mutual of Ohio and I went from April till January and was still trying to get approval. I changed to Anthem BC/BS January 1st and was approved in 3 weeks. So it just depends on how difficult they want to make it. Good Luck.
  3. So sorry, hope all goes well, please let us know how you are. You are in our thoughts.
  4. ralheit

    Leisurely Loriely

    Hiccups and belching. How unladylike! But that does usually signal that I better stop or a PB is in the way.
  5. ralheit

    How Long??

    I was told this is for a lifetime. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
  6. Ditto to everyone else. It has to be up to you and what you want. As far as regrets...I have none. This is a slow process for some of us, but atleast it is going in the opposite direction I was headed before. I'm happy with it and glad I did it. And yes, I would do it again.
  7. ralheit

    My decision

    I'm not sure I know what it was you supposedly did, but I have always enjoyed your posts and I totally respect the things you have done lately. Best to you.
  8. ralheit

    For Those who have "Hit the Sweet Spot"

    My surgeon explained that as you lose weight your restriction will lessen. It just won't be as tight. I've also heard that there is also a possibility of some evaporation.
  9. ralheit

    In Honor of those who gave it all 5 years ago

    God Bless this country and it's people, especially those who were personally touched by this horrible day. I was at work, my husband called to tell me that a plane had crashed into the 1st tower. We all went on line and the story began to unfold. We went down to our showroom where there is a big screen and everyone was crammed in there shoulder to shoulder, some in tears, some just in shock. Our CEO asked that we all go home to be with our families. My company is within a few minutes of the Cleveland Hopkins airport. I remember looking in the sky for fear of seeing an airplane aimed at something. It was strange the first time the planes were back in the air after not even seeing one for that period of time. I have never flown since, hope I don't have to.
  10. ralheit

    I have to have another surgery :(

    My thoughts are with you. Good luck on your surgery.
  11. 6 weeks and every month up until my last fill. I have enough restriction that my doc has put me out to 2 months. I have had 4 to date.
  12. ralheit


    I don't think so. It will depend on your body type, etc. I know people who drop 20 pounds and drop a size or two, I've lost 38 and I finally bought a size smaller pair of pants.
  13. ralheit

    Single samples are back!!

    Thanks, I've never found anything I really liked much other than Boost.
  14. ralheit

    Please Help

    I have noticed a lot of phlem since my band, I've read others have had the same. If it goes away, I wouldn't worry.
  15. ralheit

    Big News!!!

    Congratulations, I can't wait to be there.
  16. ralheit

    Child support

    Wow, I know costs have gone up, but 25 years ago I got $20/wk child support.
  17. ralheit

    Help! What is going on?

    I stayed on meds for my reflux for a couple of months after banding. Now I don't need it anymore. Maybe you should ask the doc to prescribe it for you for a while longer.
  18. ralheit

    Big Hello from the UK

    Welcome Mastiff Mum. Congratulations on your decision to be a healthier and happier you. Although my co morbidities were not as bad as yours, I am finding that after 6 months out I am feeling so much better. I am able to walk again and am enjoying life so much more. Good luck with your journey.
  19. I really don't think that the slippage and erosion are as common as you think. When people have problems, they post for support or help. But all the others who don't have those problems far outnumber the ones that do. I was the same as you, I was so excited and anxious to have it done and the day I was approved I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It became real then and some fear set in. But I wouldn't change anything now. I am very happy as are most of the people here. You follow your doctors rules and do what you're supposed to do and you will be fine.
  20. ralheit

    Sunta NSV's

    Congratulations. Sometimes it's just the little things. But for you, and all of us, these are BIG!!!!!
  21. I had medical mutual and also was required to do the 6 month doctor supervised diet thing. After all that, it still took forever for them to even consider me. It got to the end of the year and my company changed insurance. I'm on Anthem now and got approval in 3 weeks. I had to wait 11 months for my surgery because of scxrewing around with medical mutual. I think the only thing you can do is start the diet ASAP, unless you have a doctor that can show your weight history for the last 6 months saying that it was supervised, that would put it in the 12 month window. Best of luck to you.
  22. ralheit

    Lexapro for reflux control?

    I suffered horrible reflux before being banded. I haven't had any trouble with it since the band, but I do take Lexapro. I wonder.
  23. ralheit

    The Saddest Thing

    I'm with all of you. School was hell. I finally got a doctors excuse to stay out of gym class. Ofcourse that didn't do me any good physically, but mentally was a different thing. The name calling, the finger pointing, the being the last one picked for anything and never part of the group was a horrible thing that has stayed with me all my life. Now I'm a 51 year old loner for the most part. Our children need more and I agree that PE teachers should have a lot more education in nutrition and a lot more compassion than most of hem have.
  24. ralheit

    Being "normal"

    What is normal? It's a mind thing. I am able to go out to restaurants and just eat what I can. I've only come close to PB'ing once and I've been careful not to let that happen again. Normal isn't being able to go back to the buffet 3 or 4 times,or even necessarily finishing everything on you plate. Nothing to fear, we are all probably more normal now than we ever were before.

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