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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    6 months....*sigh*

    It took me until my 4th fill to feel any restriction. Then with my 5th I was so tight I had to have an unfill. But since getting restriction things have been much easier. I was banded in March and am hovering around 45 pounds. I'm hoping to hit 50 before the end of the year. Hang in there, things will get easier.
  2. ralheit

    Goodbye to Sarah

    I had to put down my black lab Jazz 3 years ago. She too had cancer and was failing fast. She was only 10 and it was such a horrible time. I still miss her. But a friend helped to fill the void by bringing me Casey, a beautiful 2 year old yellow lab. I have never had another dog as loyal and loving as a lab and understand you pain and grief. A dear friend sent me the poem below. Rainbow Bridge Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, Water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...
  3. ralheit

    I am sooooo excited!!!

    How Wonderful. Congrats!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  4. ralheit

    Need to win lottery!!

    Your family doctor should be able to prove that for you quite easily. Mine just pulled a page a year with my weight on it and that was all it took. Good luck and hang in there.
  5. ralheit


    My comments of some people just being evil doesn't have anything to do with God and faulting God in anyway. I'm no expert to say what causes this in a person, but you can't tell me that people like Manson and other serial offenders aren't evil. And there is no rehabilitation for those kind of people. Why they are evil and do the things they do, who knows. But God doesn't make them that way. I believe in a loving and forgiving God. But I also believe in justice and someone like that doesn't deserve sympathy or compasion, they don't show it for any of their victims. And I don't consider a prostitute to be evil in any way.
  6. Those placemata are adorable. Is that a hand towel too? Really cute.
  7. ralheit


    I am so sorry for you and for everyone affected by what your friend has done. I understand the idea of people being "sick" and therefore needing our help rather than punishment. But I also understand the idea that sometimes people are just evil. We don't know why, as you have stated, your upbringing was the same, why didn't you turn out the way he did? We can't blame everything we do on how are parents brought us up. Whether we where treated badly or as the gifts from God that we should have been, we learn right from wrong, we learn good from evil and we often learn that we don't want to be like the people that raised us. I have to praise you for becoming the father you have become even though you went through what you did as a child. I guess we all just have to take responsibility for what we choose in our lives. Unfortunately, we don't have a system that can differentiate between the "sick" individual and the evil predetors that are out there. But we do have to protect our children. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I could go on the witness stand in defense of this. It may be that you are subpeonaed and have no choice, I wish you the best and that you will find the right thing to do.
  8. ralheit

    Band limitations.

    You may actually have .5cc in your 4cc band. I know that even .5cc in a fill I just had recently has me tighter than I've been since the surgery and I have the large VG band. I agree that slow and steady is the best route. I actually had to have .5cc removed from my last fill, I could hardly get Water down. It is not a pleasant thing when you are too tight.
  9. What's up? I keep looking at the thread to see pictures of the cool things people are getting, and nothing. This thread hasn't moved in 2 days. I sent my package out last week and I'm sure my secret halloween person has gotten it. I haven't seen one yet, but it's probably "in the mail" hee,hee. If you've received you package, post something to let the sender know that you received it and so we can all enjoy seeing the things people are sending. I love Halloween and can't wait to see more.
  10. Welcome Derick. Don't worry about asking questions that have already been asked. I'm sure we've all done it. Also, some of the members know the site so well, they'll just head you in the direction of a thread that will help you. So go ahead and ask away.
  11. ralheit

    info on free teal lap band bracelet

    I got one also just by going to the Inamed/Allergen website and using their contact email. I asked about the bracelet and they sent me one.
  12. I do about 4 or 5 a month. But that's with minimal exercise. My arthritis is bad and although it is getting easier to get around with it, exercise is still painful.
  13. ralheit

    Dry Heaving....Eww :(

    I did that when I was too tight. I got an unfill of just .5cc and it was better. Although, trust me, we can still throw up. I've eaten just a small amount and it seemed like a weeks worth came out. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  14. Well my gift should arrive in SC by Friday. Hope my GG likes what she gets.
  15. ralheit

    filled to the MAX!!

    That's terrible. I'm so sorry. I have the VG band, so at 5cc, I still have more room. I just had to have a .5cc unfill because I was too tight. I hope something happens for you.
  16. ralheit

    port on right side

    I'm a righty and I think all of my surgeons patients are righties.
  17. ralheit

    OMG - Ouch

    I got a fill on Thursday, 1cc taking me up to 5.5cc in my VG Band. I think it is a little over the top. I had to be on liquids for 48 hours, then I tried some scrambled eggs. I think more eggs came back up than I ate. And I have a lot of pain after I ate, before everything came back up. Should I call right away and see if they can take some out? Or should I give it awhile to see if it gets any better? This is the first time since the surgery that I'm having a hard time. I've had some PB's, but it just came up so easy, no pain, no gagging. This is gagging, I thought I was gonna pass out. Any advice?
  18. ralheit

    OMG - Ouch

    I am finding that the morning is the most difficult. I can even feel my coffee going down. Looks like breakfast will be changing to either a protein drink or hot cereal from now on. I did have some mashed up meatloaf with a couple of spoons of mashed potato and even though it was a little uncomfortable, it did stay down.
  19. ralheit

    New From Ohio

    Welcome. I'm also in Ohio. Banded at St. Vincent Charity in Cleveland. I was banded in March and have had little trouble. Being banded is just something that we have to adjust our lives to to make it work for us. I am having a little trouble right now because of a tight fill, but hopefully I'll work through it without having to have any taken out. Best of luck to you and your band.
  20. ralheit


    I have only lost 43 pounds since March, so you're not alone. But I thank God every day for each and every pound. That's more than I was able to do before the band.
  21. Mine will go out on Monday. That's when I'll have the gifts that I ordered. It will be going to SC. I'll get it there as quick as I can.
  22. ralheit

    I'm not asking for anything

    I am blessed that my mother is still with us at 82. She's still doing well and getting around. My father passed 3 years ago and has left a void for all of us. But again we were blessed that we had him for 83 years. I couldn't imagine losing a parent when they were young and vibrant. My heart goes out to you. You have payed a great tribute to her by sharing what a special person she was with all of us.
  23. ralheit

    What's so bad about being fat anyway?

    Just give it a few more years. I didn't start feeling the effects of my weight until I turned 50 and believe me you don't want to go there. Take care of this while you are still young and maybe you'll still feel as good when you turn 50.
  24. ralheit

    lost but not hopeless

    Welcome. There are lots of answers for you here. Also a lot of support. It's a great place for you to be while you are investigating the band. Best to you.
  25. I've ordered my gifts so they may not go out for another week or so, but they should get there before Halloween.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
