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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    new old guy

    The band is for life. It is what will keep us from rebounding like with all the yo-yo dieting we've all gone through in the past. Good luck and welcome.
  2. I have had a weight problem my entire life. I was even put in the back row with the boys in my kindergarten picture because I was bigger than all the other girls. Over the years I was on every diet known to mankind starting at age 8. There were thin periods in there, but then I would gain all the weight back plus more until I just never stopped gaining and couldn't lose no matter what I tried. This went on all my life to my top weight of over 300 pounds. Since the band I am pushing toward a 50 pound loss and feeling pretty good about it. I just hope and pray that this will be the road to the healthy happy life I've always searched for. No, I never made fun of "fat" people, I was usually the brunt of everyone elses jokes. I was brought up to be tolerant of others size, color, religion, etc. and have always been very offended by off color or cruel jokes. Between genetics, bad choices, medications and just plain giving up hope, my life over the last 20 years has been miserable. I am so happy and excited at where I am so far and am looking forward to a much better life.
  3. Welcome back Keri. I think being here has helped me alot in keeping on the program. I'm certainly not perfect, I don't always make the best choices, but coming to LBT is a lot of help.
  4. ralheit

    Mystery Bruises

    I was just talking to my husband the other day. I have been getting bruises on my arm and don't remember anything that could cause them. They don't even really hurt.
  5. ralheit

    Smokin Bandsters?

    I had to quite 2 months before surgery or my surgeon wouldn't do it. Then, unfortunately, I picked it back up. I really need to quit for good, hopefully I'll get there.
  6. ralheit

    Calling all Vanguard Bandsters...

    I'm at 5cc in my VG and fee pretty good restriction. I had 5.5 and had to have .5 removed because I couldn't keep anything down. I was banded March 7th, so I'm not as quick of a loser as many, but I'm happy with every pound.
  7. ralheit

    Some lighter fare...

    I listen to CW and a lot of relaxation and new age music. Books, mostly a horror fan. Love King and Koontz. I do read other things as well, just depends on what catches my eye. Mostly fiction. Never romance novels.
  8. ralheit


    Wow, I guess we have to realize that the scale isn't everything. I get depressed at my slow loss sometimes, but I too have seen changes in my clothing sizes and that is BIG! Congratulations and keep on going.
  9. No pain here. I have been fine from the time I came home from the surgery.
  10. ralheit

    What about the pizza?

    Pizza is one of the things I have had to give up. I don't care how careful I am in chewing, I PB everytime. So, good bye to pizza for me.
  11. ralheit

    what made you decide this is it

    I have been overweight my entire life. I have tried it all. When I first heard of the band, it was like a no brainer for me. I did my research, went to the seminars talked to my doctors and decided. I am way to chicken to do a bypass, my husband was also against it. But I knew I needed help and this sounded like the least invasive, best decision. I have grandchildren that I want to be around for and my quality of life was not good. I am not a fast loser, but I am seeing improvements everyday.
  12. ralheit

    Dr. C: Gastroparesis?

    I have to agree with most that we can't live our lives in fear expecting something to happen to us. I'm sure that everyone here feels terribly about what has happened to you and I for one am gratefule for your post. It gives us the ability to notice in advance any symptoms that might cause us to want to see our dr. But I'm very sorry that this became a negative debate. Thanks for the info and understand that although you have been through something terrible, we need to be aware, but not frigtened into wanting to remove our bands for something that may never happen to any of us.
  13. ralheit

    anyone experience dumping syndrome?

    I find lately that I am in the bathroom within 20 minutes of eating. I am having diahrea symptoms a few times a week. I don't know what it is because I can't link it to any one thing. I've kind of been wondering the same thing.
  14. ralheit

    Great NSV!!!

    Contratulations. How great is that? I finally got back into my old wool coat that I haven't been able to wear for 2 years. That felt great, but I can't wait to be where you are and actually shop for a new coat in the regular sizes.
  15. I lived on popcicles for those first 3 weeks. Lots of thin broth soups, etc. Good luck and welcome.
  16. ralheit

    question for everyone, please answer

    Mine have always been done by feel. I was only tight once and went back the following week for a slight unfill. Otherwise, no problem.
  17. Still nothing, but my GG was kind enough to PM me and let me know that it would be late. So I'm still waiting and anticipating what it might be.
  18. ralheit

    Optifast Diet

    I had to be on Optifast for 2 weeks prior to surgery. It is tough, but my doctor also let us have the Optifast bars twice a day. That helped a little. Wish him our best and just remember what he is doing it for. A happier and healthier him.
  19. I get that feeling alot and have at times thrown up or PB'd as we call it. Chew your food more until it's almost liquid when you swallow. Eat slowly and it should help some.
  20. ralheit

    New in West Chester, Ohio

    This is the best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm a little of a slower loser, but I don't exercise alot because of severe arthritis pain. I'm hoping that as I lose weight, the pain will lessen. Welcome aboard and good luck to you on your journey to bandland.
  21. ralheit

    Ocular Migraine?

    I get them alot. Sometimes daily, atleast weekly. I've been having them for about 3 years. They can feel very diorienting, but evidently they don't do anything. I don't get headaches with or after them, just the visual affects. I used to get migraine headaches, but not much anymore. My eye doctor called these opthalmic migraines, I'm pretty sure it's the same thing you are having. I am menopausal, so maybe it could have something to do with hormones.
  22. ralheit

    A lapband commercial?????

    I've been seeing them in Ohio for a couple of weeks now.
  23. I still am having trouble with exercise still. It is my arthritis. The pain is pretty bad and even walking is so difficult. I would love to find some exercise program that I could do without so much pain.
  24. ralheit

    Annoying People

    I have two neices who had bypass and of course lost a ton of weight in no time at all. So I get compared to them alot. I also get the question every week from my Mom, so how much have you lost now? I have explained to all of them, the difference between the surgeries, but somehow some people just don't get it. But I am pretty lucky, for the most part I get a lot of support and every pound is praised by all. And most understand that this is a slower process.
  25. Hi Fordguy, welcome. Good luck with your check into insurance. I was one of the lucky ones, my insurance covered everything. But if you need some creative ways to finance, this is the place to search. So many committed people have found ways to make this happen for them. I agree, obesity is the last acceptable discrimination in America. It's OK to call names, discriminate in hiring, etc. because of the way someone looks. I once lost a lot of weight and it was amazing the way people changed how they treated me. But like you, everytime I lost weight, I gained it and more back. That's why I chose the band. Best of luck to you.

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