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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. I also used Centrum chewables and they were good.
  2. ralheit

    Would appreciate everyone's prayers

    I'm sure you're in the thoughts and prayers of everyone here. Think good thoughts and wait and see what they have to say, don't let yourself dwell on what might be.
  3. ralheit


    Congratulations, what a great feeling that is.
  4. ralheit

    Offical Christmas Exchange Thank You Thread

    Well I sent my package yesterday, priority mail it is going to Indiana one of my favorite states for vacation time. Hope my SS enjoys the gifts.
  5. ralheit

    a sort of NSV

    Congrats that's great.
  6. ralheit

    Slow Losers

    I was banded in March and am hovering between 45 and 50 pounds. But that is still at the 1-2 pounds per week so my doctor is OK with it. I would love to lose a little faster, but now that I am feeling better I am going to start exercising a little more, that might help.
  7. Ditto and ditto again. I chose the band because of the lower rates of complications and death. I know several people who have had bypass and gained the weight back again. I know several who don't look or feel healthy after a bypass. And the fast weight loss causes lose skin to be a much worse issue than slower loss. If not for the band, I wouldn't even have considered wls. But thank God it exists and however slowly, I am becoming a much healthier and happier person. I can do much more and it is so much easier to be the Grandma I want to be to my angels. Best of luck to you on your journey and whatever your decision I hope it is the right one for you as this choice has been for me.
  8. ralheit

    Having my band removed

    I agree, don't take it out already. Once you have recovered and the swelling is gone and without a fill, it will feel just like you never had it put in. Just keep it until you are ready to get a fill and start working with it. It would be a shame if you took it out now and then later had regrets.
  9. I am doing much better at getting around since my surgery, but it is still difficult to exercise much because of painful arthritis. Have you seen the BEAN on television? Has anyone got it and how is it? It looks like a comfortable easy way of doing crunches and other exercises that I really need to start doing. Let me know if anyone has it and what you think.
  10. I also have a 10cc VG band and am at 5cc and have restriction. I am so sorry you have gone through all of this, I've never heard of someone going through so many problems related to the band. You have our sympathy and support for sure. I hope this can be resolved for you and not cost you more money. We'll all be thinking of you here at LBT and hoping for the best. Keep us informed.
  11. ralheit

    Ok Cloe Heres Some Pix!!!

    Wow, wish I had that stomach. You have really done great. Congrats!
  12. ralheit

    Helllllpppp Me!!!!!!!!!!!

    My doctor has given me sleeping pills and I was able to take all of my meds crushed up following surgery. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  13. ralheit

    Would you do this?

    No thanks. I have enough problems with confidence and worrying about being a slow loser and whether I'll be a failure. I certainly wouldn't want everyone following my progress in the paper. Maybe after I've reached my goal and to inspire others, that would be a different story.
  14. ralheit

    needing support

    Hi Dawn, I am also in Ohio, near Cleveland. I had my surger at St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland by Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir. I am 51 and looked into every type of surgery and the risks. The risks with the band are minimal compared to rny or DS surgeries. I did have some complications after surgery, but that was because I have a tendency toward swelling, so my stomach swelled so tight around the band that it was closed. I had to have a tube placed to drain my stomach. But other than that it has been a piece of cake. I'm down almost 50 pounds and feeling better than I have in years. Hopefully in the next year I'll lose enough that my sleep apnea and BP meds will be history. I had to walk with a cane up until a couple of months ago, I still have arthritis and pain, but I'm getting around on my own again. It was so worth it and it is only gonna get better. I would do it again in a heart beat. Look up the statistics for complications with the band compared to other wls and you will see that the chances of any major complications is rare. Best of luck to you and keep us informed on your decision and your progress.
  15. I've had minimal hair loss and have been using Nioxin to help with it. I do shed though. Some people do see thinning, I'm not sure what causes it but it is known to happen.
  16. ralheit

    Weight based discrimination

    I remember when I was in college, a few years ago, one of the phys ed instruc tors made a comment about how in today's society discrimination isn't tolerated except in one situation. Weight Discrimination is the only acceptable type of discrimination in America today. And I believe that. No one would come to your defense if someone called you fat or laughed at you or made a rude comment. But people would be appalled if you spoke badly of someone in a racial, religious or political sense.
  17. ralheit

    EVIL comes in many forms....

    Don't let what happened to you hurt your self image or your pride. You acted like a human being and kept your cool. You should be proud of yourself for that. I don't know whether I could have. You are a much better person that unfortunately encountered an ignorant idiot with no class. I'm so sorry that you had to face that, but know that you are better than that and compassion and self control make you so.
  18. My hospital charged $250.00 for the program. And I had to pay $310.00 to cover my Optifast. But if that includes support group, I don't know. I've never gone to one.
  19. I was 100% sure and hung in there for a year waiting to get insurance approval. When they said I was approved, I suddenly thought uh-oh. I must say that I was nervous and thought about it, but I knew this was ultimately what I wanted to do. The yo-yo dieting, losing then gaining more than I lost for years and years had to end. I am happy to be banded and I would do it again.
  20. ralheit

    Excited and nervous about the band

    I had insurance problems for a year before my surgery. When I was finally approved it was like a bolt. I also went from excitement to OMG what am I doing? But I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Even complications with the band are relatively minor and most don't have any. I did, I have a tendency to swell and my stomach pretty much swelled closed right after surgery. I had to have an NG tube inserted for 3 days, but even though I'm not a real fast loser, I am so happy with the band and the weight I have lost so far. Until the band, I had given up all hope. I have been able to stop walking with a cane and my blood pressure is under control. I'm looking forward to the day I am off meds and I no longer have sleep apnea. Can't wait. Best of luck to you and don't worry, it will be fine.
  21. ralheit

    Starting point 180?

    I have high blood pressure and sever osteoarthritis in my knees and ankles. I am walking without a cane for the first time in a year and although I still have pain, it's kind of nice getting around better. I would do it again. I may not be one of the fastest losers, but I'm happy with every pound. Up until my surgery I just kept on gaining and couldn't seem to get any control. I'm happy with it.
  22. ralheit

    How deep in is your port?

    My port is quite easy to find, I've never had to have a fluoro for fills. My doc can find it with no problem. It's funny, some days you can almost see it and others not, but I can always feel where it is.
  23. ralheit

    I Have A Date!!!!!

    Congratulations! What a way to start your new year.
  24. ralheit

    Just gave up and I got a letter from ins co.

    Congratulations, but make sure you check and they will cover the band as well. Some won't because they still consider it to be experimental since it hasn't been approved for very long. Best wishes to you.
  25. ralheit

    Starting point 180?

    My goal is 180. I have quite a way to go yet. 180 seems quite small unless you are very short. Most surgeons won't work with you unless you have the required bmi and some co moribity. I've never met or heard of anyone being banded at 180.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
