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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    C-Pap question

    I have been on mine for about 7 years. I've lost just over 50 pounds but find it very difficult to try and sleep without it. I think I have become so dependant on it that I'm afraid to take it off. I'll just have to keep trying.
  2. :biggrin1: Wheetsin, I think both our husbands would frown upon it. How about "just good friends"?
  3. synicalchick, glad to hear things keep getting better for you. Another week and it'll seem like nothing at all. And your last post to Susan, rambling or not, very well said.
  4. I am or was hypoglycemic. I was very worried about that with the band and oddly enough, I haven't had a really bad attack in the past year. A couple of time I had to pop a glucose tablet, but I really am not having a problem with it.
  5. ralheit

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Yes the thread is here on LBT. I just went in there to see what was being said there and found laurend has visited.
  6. I'm sitting here laughing. I just put a post on the thread that I believe laurend is refering to that that thread was making us Christians look bad and had mentioned how welcoming and friendly it is on this thread. I guess being a Christian and being open minded is a real no-no to some people. Well, I guess I can live with that.
  7. ralheit

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    My goodness, this thread has been busy since last night. You know the funniest thing. All of this bantering and negative vibe on this thread all based around "chrisianity". Again, I am a Christian, I guess to all of you a "Liberal" Christian, but how many of you have visited the "Pagan" thread? Everyone is calm and welcoming to anyone who posts either out of interest or couriosity. This is making us Christians look bad.
  8. Use vacation days and set up as many appointments as you can on the same days.
  9. ralheit

    Bad News

    Definately get another opinion. I had really bad reflux disease for years. Since the band, I'm off my medication and haven't had any recurrence.
  10. ralheit

    I am new!!

    Welcome and best of luck.
  11. ralheit

    Have they found the Boxes Jesus was buried in?

    Wow. I believe in God and Jesus Christ as our saviour, but I certainly don't get all of this. Granted I haven't seen this documentary, but I also haven't seen anything that should take a Christians belief in the resurrection away. I am no theologian, but who is to say whether it was His physical body or his spirit that was raised? It is still a miracle and He is still the Saviour. My goodness, why make this a religious battle?
  12. Well, I guess I am none of the above, but I am a tolerant. I feel that whatever your beliefs, they are yours and that is good. I just had to check out the thread out of curiousity and find it very interesting. If anyone would not want to give you support, then that is their problem and shame on them. Best to you all.
  13. ralheit

    Bandster with first time problem

    I'm almost a year out and still suffer with this. It is what has been called FIrst Bite Syndrome. My doctor thinks I'm nuts, he says he's never heard of it before. But it happens to me all the time. Once I can let it get down, or PB, then I'm fine. I don't understand it, but I'm learning to live with it.
  14. ralheit

    One year ago...

    Congratulations, Happy Bandiversary!! :clap2: :thumb: :clap2:
  15. I have most of my trouble at dinner time. Breakfast occassionaly. Lunch has almost never been a problem.
  16. ralheit

    Now I Just Feel Like a Failure

    Everyone is different. I'll be banded for a year in March and am only down just over 50 pounds. Some others have lost 100, and again some have lost much less than me. It all depends on you. Your outlook, your desire to become healthier and committment make a big difference. Like most, I understood that the band is only a tool, but still expected it to do more. What I need is to do more myself. I got fills once a month up to about 6 months, then went 2 months and am expecting to go another 8 to 10 weeks from my last fill in January. I am surprised by how many bandsters only get a couple of fills in a years time. There is a lot of love and support for you here and so many people in the same boat. A lifestyle change is the only thing that will help. I know many bypass patients and most have begun to gain their weight back. The DS is the only surgery that I know of that can pretty much guarantee that you won't gain all the weight back, but it is drastic and a friend of mine that had it looks like death warmed over and has to look forward to a life of nutritional issues. Best wishes to you. You can do this, you just have to really want it and work with the band. Like you said, it's no magic bullet, but for me, it is the best solution I have ever found to a lifetime of weight problems. Hang in there.
  17. ralheit

    Help! Think I'm too tight

    Been there. I had to go back and they just took out .5cc and that did it. Call your surgeons office.
  18. I had my first fill 6 weeks after surgery. But I didn't have real restriction to fill 4 or 5. So hang in there. It's worth it.
  19. ralheit

    ??? slang

    Search on the Abbreviations definitions. Alexandra put a whole list of definitions out there.
  20. ralheit


    Everyone I know who was diabetic has gotten better since their bariatric surgery. Most are completely off their meds. What about hypoglycemia? I am hypoglycemic and am just wondering how I will do on the liquid diets. Whenever I have an attack and my sugar drops, I either have to take a glucos tab or eat a piece of bread. I need to know what to do when I'm only on liquids. Anyone else have this problem? I've tried to start a new thread before and wasn't successful. Hope this goes through.
  21. ralheit

    One Year Later...Not A Success Story

    Leenerbups, I have been kind of down on myself because of my weight loss as well. I expected a little more, but it is my own fault. I also don't always make the best choices and exercise - what exercise? I find that the most difficult thing. I was not able to do much before the band due to severe arthritis pain, I'm doing much better now, but still not able to get myself to exercise more. I truly believe that that would make a huge difference. I did find that by drinking more Water, I lost better. I am up and down with that as well. But just the fact that I can now walk without a cane is so amazing to me that I'm happy with every pound I can find. I didn't get really good restriction until about my 4th or 5th fill, so you may just need to wait a little longer before you get there. I'll be thinking of you and wish you all the best. I guess some of us just need to find that something special that really motivates us and gets through to us that we truly need to do this for ourselves. Hang in there and I'm sure you will find it.
  22. ralheit

    MAC or PC

    I've been a Mac user for 20 years. Started with a tiny Mac Plus, now have a G4 that's a few years old but still running strong. I did have to switch to PC at work 2 years ago. Managed OK, but love my Mac. Of course now that I'm unemployed, I couldn't afford to buy anything, so hopefully my Mac will keep on going. Also, as long as your talking PhotoShop or Microsoft Office, the programs are cross platform, so that helps alot.
  23. ralheit

    new guy in missouri

    Welcome Spark. The band isn't a miracle cure or the perfect solution, but I think most of us are happy that we made the decision to do it. I'm sure you will be too. Best of luck to you.
  24. ralheit

    Anyone else over 50??

    I'm 52 and was banded in March last year. I'm walking without a cane now and just look forward to things getting even better.
  25. Well, today I lost my job. 22 years at one company and now I have to look at starting over. I've been doing pretty good since my surgery, I've felt better, had more confidence, felt like I had the world by the tail. Now all I feel is depressed. I have severence, so that will help, but what if I get to the point that I can't keep getting my adjustments? I fought so hard to get this and if I get to the point where I can't use it I don't know what I'll do. Just need to ask for prayers. My husband is disabled and can't work, so I was the main bread winner. At my age, I don't know how easy it is going to be to start over. Just hoping for good thoughts and prayers from all. Thanks

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