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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    New To Forum

    Sorry to hear you had a rough time. I guess everyone is different. I hope mine goes smoothly. Hope you are feeling better.
  2. ralheit


    It took me forever, but I'm due to be banded in about 3 weeks. No matter what I believe it's worth it. Hang in there and keep going. I get more and more excited everyday, escpecially with the support and help from this site.
  3. Thanks PhotoNut, I have been wondering how I was going to get through the 2 weeks of Opti-Fast, what a great inspiration - it will be the beginning of a great journey. It's getting here fast. Nervous and excited. Emtbaby4, Thanks and the best to you as well. Good Luck.:nervous Pugmom, Great, hope you are doing well. This site and all of the inspiring stories and successes help out so much.
  4. How wonderful. You've been in my thoughts since I read your last posting. Get well soon and take care of yourself. Congrats on quitting the cigs. Wishing you happiness and health.
  5. ralheit


    My insurance covers, but I believe the cost in Cleveland where I'm going is $19,000 including follow ups.
  6. I'm having mine done on March 7th at St. Vincent Charity in Cleveland. I live about 25 miles west of Cleveland. Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir is my surgeon. I know many who have had laporoscopic bypass done by him and all love him. I have also been told that the care at St. Vincent is the best. My insurance pays 100%, but I think the total cost there is $19,000. Have gone through my pre-addmission testing and now have to be on Opti-Fast for 2 weeks prior to the surgery. Dr. Ben-Meir requires it to get rid of fat around the liver and stomach which makes the surgery easier for him and for me. I'll stay overnight then go home and be back to work in a week. Looking forward to it. Good luck to you and welcome to the site. This site has been a big help in answering alot of questions for me.
  7. ralheit

    I want your opinion

    Likewise, I have spent a lifetime dieting. My first diet program was at 8 years old. I am now in my 50's, I am barely able to walk due to the weight and my arthritis, I have other medical problems as well and was at the point of giving up. Bypass scared me, dieting wouldn't work I figured I had no options until I heard about the band. I'm not banded yet, but will be soon and am so looking forward to it. I want my life back. I now have beautiful grandchildren that I want to play with and be around for for a long long time. I knew I was ready as soon as I learned about he procedure. I have had to do a lot of research and have gone through all the medical and psych requirements and this site has helped me immensely. Hang in there and find out as much as you can. This site being an excellent source of information as well as others. Talk to your doctors and just know that it is your decision, no one elses and that you have a lot of people thinking of you and praying for you. To me, this meant HOPE.
  8. ralheit


    Welcome, how is it going so far? I won't be banded for a few weeks yet. This site has answered a lot of questions for me and has helped sooooooo much. :welcome:
  9. ralheit


    Bacon is one of my weaknesses. Reading this almost made me cry and I'm not even banded yet. Hopefully I'll be able to only have as an occassional treat. Maybe I'll have to try the turkey kind, euwwwwwwwww!
  10. ralheit

    Miss and crave bread?

    I was told that croutons or dry toast would work. As long as there was no doughey consistancy like with soft breads and pastas.
  11. ralheit

    Fat family, it's not inherited!!

    I too believe in the nature PLUS nurture theory. And although I may not agree with everything someone else says, I don't believe we need to attack anyone for the way they feel. My brothers and sister were all thin and I was put in the back row with the boys in my kindergarten picture because of my size. And the rest of my life and behaviors, I'm sure, didn't help things any.
  12. ralheit

    Hello- pre-op concern

    It took me a year to get my approval. My insurance required the usual testing, psych evaluations (I had to have 4 visits), 5 year weight history, documentation of my arthritis, sleep apnea, etc. and I had to have a documented 6 month weight loss program, which I didn't have because the last documented doctor supervised diet was more than a year prior. So they wouldn't approve until I went through another 6 months of dieting and being supervised by my doctor. Of course I didn't loose anything, but I do have to admit that I at least stopped gaining. Then when I submitted everything to my insurance, my company decided to change insurances, so I had to resubmit to them. But with having done everything prior to the change, they approved me in 13 days. I'm scheduled for March 7th banding. So depending on so many things, you may have a lot to look into before you get there. But from everything I've seen and heard, it's still gonna be worth it.
  13. ralheit

    troubles with sleep apena?

    I have been on my CPap for about 5 years. I also use nasal pillows and have no problems. I can't even lay down without it and wonder what it will be like if the apnea improves after my surgery.
  14. Welcome. I'm relatively new as well, just about a week. Am scheduled to get banded in March. I know how you feel. I'm so hoping that this tool will help me to get my life back as well. I have 2 beautiful grandchildren that I want to play with and be around for for a long long time. Scotland is such a beautiful country. I would love to visit there someday. Love the accent. Best wishes for you.
  15. ralheit

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I was a graphic designer for 20 years, then decided I wanted to do something different. So now I am a Training Coordinator. I handle training schedules and logistics for a field sales force of about 170. Also handle a lot of administrative duties, budget and such.
  16. Yes I am having my band done at St. Vincent. I'll keep you informed. And it's really nice to meet you. Hope things start rolling for you soon.
  17. Thank you for the welcome. I just had my pre-admission testing completed yesterday. I have 2 weeks of Opti-Fast to get through, then the surgery on 3/7. It's starting to become real. Scared, but looking forward to it.:dance:
  18. I'm in Elyria, 25 miles west of Cleveland. Close enough. I'm new to the site also and just signed on yesterday. I would love to keep in touch. Good luck, I really hope everything goes well for you. Always here to help and support. :clap2: Oh, and by the way, my name is Robin.
  19. I was excited to see your post and that we were both in the Cleveland area. I am scheduled to be banded on March 7th at St. Vincent Charity. I've been waiting almost a year and I'm really ready. I'm so sorry about what you are going through. I am so lucky, my husband and son are so supportive of my decision to go through with this. But, from my previous marriage, I would have had to go through the same thing. My only advice is to know that you are special and that you deserve this. I think your husband is afraid that if you feel to good about yourself, maybe you won't be as subserviant to him. I know for many years, I only believed that my self worth was based on my husband and what he thought of me. I've finally learned different and I know that I am worthy of the best I can give myself. You are too. Best of luck and God Bless.
  20. ralheit


    I was told that I had to be smoke free for 2 months before surgery. I was also told about the posibility of ulcers to the pouch from smoking. I'm due for my surgery in 1 month and am really having a hard time not smoking, but figure it is worth giving up for what I will gain.

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