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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    :mad: Wait a minute, I don't remember the Peanut Butter thing when Julie Andrews sang it. But.. sounds good to me.:clap2: Another Peanut Butter Lover.
  2. ralheit

    What am I missing? Why are ppl leaving?

    I am fairly new to this site and have yet to be banded. I have given advice in a supportive way such as "hang in there" and "you are worth it" and "don't let anyone else decide what is right for you". If that has been of some offence to anyone, sorry. I can't give weight loss advice or band advice because if I knew any of that, I wouldn't be here in the first place. But I do know that this site has been of great help to me and I have found new friends and more information that I thought possible. I would hate to lose that, especially with being scheduled very soon. I have so many questions and concerns and I also have been a little shocked by some of the threads I have seen. I simply choose what I want to read and what will help me. But I do have a real problem with conflict and it does take a lot away from what I have come here for. So I hope never to be one of the "newbies" that seem to bother others and I definitely don't have any desire to discuss subjects that are not related to what I have come here for. If I do want to discuss something else with someone, I know how to PM. Thanks to all and to the wonderful support I have found here.
  3. ralheit

    Anybody start at over 300?

    I am scheduled 2 weeks from today at 308 and 51BMI. My surgeon considers me a good candidate and he has done a lot of these.
  4. ralheit

    Two Dogs dumped at my house...

    Bless you for caring enough to take them in. I know alot of people wouldn't. I hope that they have either found a loving place with you or that you can find someone who can take then in and give them a loving home. You are a good soul.
  5. Hello, I'm not a bandster yet either, although I will be in 2 weeks. I've been on the site for a few weeks and love it. You'll find great information and lots of great people. Good luck on whatever you decide.
  6. ralheit

    I did it!!!! 50 lbs gone!!!!!!

    Congratulations:clap2: I can't wait to be able to say that!!! And thanks for the words of wisdom. Real words to live by if your a bandster. :whoo:
  7. ralheit

    Pen-pal anyone????

    I am a 51 year old grandmother. I am married and have a yellow lab named Casey. I love dogs, I collect angels and cyrstal figures. I love to read, take walks (which I haven't been able to do for awhile, can't wait till after surgery to do again) and movies, especially suspense and thrillers. I love flea markets and traveling. I usually put in a small garden each year and love lots of flowers.
  8. The people that always have the worst things to say are the people who have no idea what they are talking about. You and I both have been reading all of the information and tips and help on this site and been through everything we've had to go through to get here. Nothing can stop us now. I'm old enough to be your mother, so listen up kiddo. You are going to do great. With all the love, thoughts and prayers from here how could we not do great. You take care, keep your chin up and don't listen to any crap from anyone. I'm thinking of you.
  9. ralheit

    Just banded - newbie

    Hi, I'm still pretty new. I'll be banded in 2 weeks. Welcome, this is a great place to get info and support.
  10. ralheit

    Need some support

    I'm not banded yet, 2 weeks away, but if there is anything I can do to help, I'm here. I had to jump through a lot of hoops to get here and I can't wait. My husband was absolutely against the bypass. The possible complications and the risks were way to high. He has been very supportive of me with the band though. Less risk and I will be getting so much benefit from it. I know it won't be as fast as the bypass but it will be happening slow and steady. Best wishes to you and good luck.
  11. A net? Where did they get that from? I certainly have never heard of anyone's stomach exploding from having a band. Don't let them scare you. I think they're all just worried about how much better you are going to look then them when you reach your goal. Ignore them and go for it.
  12. That's great. We all need all the support we can get. Keep us informed on how you are doing. Your date is only 2 weeks away!!!!!! Oh my, that means mine is only 3 away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Donna, Not at all. Thanks. I know there are possible complications, but I refuse to dwell on them. At this point if I don't do something, I won't be around long enough to enjoy my life. All I can think about is getting my life back and enjoying and being here for my grandchildren. Hang in there, I'll be thinking of you on the big day and saying a prayer for us both. We'll both be fine and so will life soon after.
  14. ralheit

    I am so f'in pissed

    Sounds like my ex. They do everything to get you, then once they do they figure they don't have to do it anymore. Sorry you had such a bad Valentines Day.:cry
  15. How Sweet. I haven't been here long, but what a wonderful group of people. And the help and support is great. Thanks to all.
  16. ralheit

    Personal Decision to Discuss

    I've told everyone. I have so much support, it's unbelievable. My boss is so excited for me and both male and female family, friends and coworkers. My husband and I discussed bypass and that was a definite NO! When I heard about the band I was in and my husband has been completely supportive about it. I have no problem with anyone knowing. And if they think it's a cop out or something because I'm having surgery, they can suck rope!!!!! (whatever that means). They don't know the life long struggle I've had with my weight and that this is a last option for me and I can't wait.
  17. Diane, There is a machine that your supplier can bring to your house and hook up for you in place of the CPAP. It measures the air regulation and does another test similar to the sleep study right in your home. It may be that they have you set to high.
  18. ralheit

    Official Easter/Spring Gift Exchage Sign Up!

    I'm in. The Valentines exchange was fun, so I ready to do it again.
  19. Diane, I am so excited for you!!!!!! Good luck and just remember that you have to do what is right for you. You don't need anyones permission to do what you are doing and hopefully your husband will begin to understand how much this means to you and why it means so much. I have a lot of problems with my sinuses because of the CPap as well, but without it I am so uncomfortable. How long have you had your machine? I've had mine for about 4.5 years and a friend of mine just got one. He was telling me that there are all kinds of new and smaller masks and stuff that I had never seen or heard of. I use the pillows because the mask makes me chlostrophobic also. Conratulations again on your doctor visit Diane. I can't wait to hear how things are going.:hug:
  20. ralheit

    Introducing myself

    Welcome and good luck.
  21. ralheit

    Good News

    Conratulations! It's funny, when they told me I was so excited, but all of a sudden I was scared stiff at the same time. I'm 3 weeks from today and counting. Good Luck
  22. ralheit


    Thank you. The liquid glucose is a great idea, I've never had it, but I'll check with my pharmacist. I was wondering if the high protein drinks would make a difference or not. Hopefully it will be OK, because there isn't anything that is going to keep me from getting this done. 3 weeks from today and counting!:clap2:
  23. Hello and welcome. I'm due on 3/7. I know what you mean about jitters. But I'm so excited. You've come to the right place for help. I love it here.
  24. ralheit


    Everyone I know suffering from diabetes has had great results with bariatric surgery. Most are off their meds. But what about Hypoclycemia? I am hypoglycemic and often have the shakes or blackouts due to my sugar being so low. Has anyone else had this problem and how is it on the liquids and off all sugar and carbs?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
