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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    Well, I'm finally banded

    I am feeling much better, thanks. I am able to puree my food now. I have no problems with swallowing. I am still a little tired and weak sometimes, but other than that, I'm pretty much doing OK. Casey went crazy when I came home and still won't leave my side. Labs are such big babies. I put my husband through alot though. He did a lot of praying and has been so supportive and helpful since I came home. I'm due to go back to work on the 27th. I think, once I get back into a routine, I'll feel alot better. I'm due to get my 1st fill on 4/11. The doctor said he might not give me as much as he usually would only because he doesn't know how much swelling I might have. Hopefully, it will work out and I'll just have to be a little careful at first.
  2. ralheit

    Tried to Talk Me out of the Band

    It's too bad that someone would try to talk you out of your decision. I think everyone on this site had the dilema of making a decision between the two procedures. If you've done your research, you know that for safety and less risk, the band is the way to go. I also have many friends who have had bypass and believe me, the odor problems everyone has discussed are real. With so many people on this site who have talked about how happy they are with their bands, and with the support of my doctors for this procedure over the bypass. I feel I have made the right decision for me. We al know it is slower, but also healthier and although we would all probably wish we could snap our fingers and be thinner, realistically, this is the way to go. Slow and steady and healthy. Wishing you the best. Hang in there.
  3. ralheit

    Members Being Banded In March 06

    Done on March 7th, Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir, St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland. Had a rough start with some complications, but everything is smooth sailing now. No matter what, it's worth it.
  4. ralheit

    Well, I'm finally banded

    Thank you all for the welcome back. I am doing much better. I have no trouble with swallowing or any pain. I am monitoring my blood pressure and so far the meds seem to be working. It's good to be back. And I think you're right 28 lbs is 28 lbs. It might not have been pretty, but it's just the start.:biggrin1:
  5. ralheit

    IMMMMM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!! (hehehehe)

    I suffered with a lot of nausea and ended up in the hospital with complications which I posted in another thread. I never got through the clear liquids, and have only been on full liquids for a few days. I'm supposed to be able to go to pureed next week. I do feel a tightness in my chest also, which I think might have been just one spoon too much.
  6. ralheit

    Head Hunger or Real Hunger?

    I wish I knew too. Because I'm on day 11 and feel a little hungry. But if I have a little too much, I start feeling it. My doctor said I shouldn't be really hungry until 3-5 weeks.
  7. ralheit

    The Day Has Come

    Well I will be banded tomorrow morning at 9:30 am. I am sitting here and I'm so excited, scared to death and really worrying about what I'm doing. I know I really don't have a choice and that without this tool, I'm never going to be healthy again. And I have to much to live for not to do it. But I'm really scared right now. Say a little prayer for me and hopefully I'll be back in 2 days and wll be as happy as all of you are to have done it. Thanks for all the info and support.:faint:
  8. ralheit

    Whoo Hoo!!!!!!

    Congrats and Best of Luck.
  9. ralheit

    Members Being Banded In March 06

    I'll be banded tomorrow morning, 3/7, at 9:30 am.I'll be banded by Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir at St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.
  10. ralheit

    Overweight Father...

    I think when you love someone, even if they are doing exactly the same thing that we are, and it's hurting them - it hurts us. Because of the fact that he isn't a good candidate makes it frustrating because you know what could happen for him if only he could have the surgery too. All you can do is love him, pray for him and support him in anyway you can. I lost my father 2 years ago and I'd give anything to be with him again and not be angry at him anymore. Hang in there and remember that positive energy always helps more than negative. No matter what the situation.
  11. ralheit

    The Day Has Come

    You got it. I'll catch up with you on the other side. Robin:)
  12. ralheit

    My One Year Bandiversary

    Wow, I only hope that one year from tomorrow, I'll be where you are right now. Congratulations.
  13. Hi, My name is Robin and I am going to get my band on March 7th. Have been waiting for a year to get here and am a little nervous now. I know dozens of people who have had bypass, but no one who has had the band. I'm way to chicken to go the other route, although the need of help is really great. I know what I've been told about the procedure, but not having anyone that has been banded is difficult, because I don't really know what to expect. Everyone I know has had the major weight loss up front so this is going to be really different. I have never joined a website before, but in checking out another site, this one was referenced and since it was for lap band people only, I thought maybe it could be helpful.
  14. ralheit

    Find out what song was #1 on your D.O.B.

    Woa, mine was Mr. Sandman. Nice song, but so olddddddd!
  15. ralheit

    My small and pathetic NSVs!

    That's great. I would love to feel like that after shopping, or doing much of anything. They may seem small, but those two things mean so much. I can't wait to be able to say them.
  16. Congratulations, I hope that in a year from now I can say the same. How wonderful for you.
  17. ralheit

    My 2 year Bandiversary!!

    You are so beautiful. Congratulations on your bandiversary. I can only hope that I can do so well. Say a prayer for all of us. Thanks for sharing.
  18. ralheit

    Loose skin

    I was hoping not, but I have seen a few. But those people also lost quite fast for being banded too. I'm hoping that the slower loss and some excersize will help with it.
  19. ralheit

    Newbie wanting to say Hi

    Welcome from yet another Buckeye. I'm in the NE Ohio area. Scheduled to be banded 3/7/06 at St. Vincent Charity Hospital. Great job. I hope I can do as well.
  20. ralheit

    One year later

    How wonderful for you. Congratulations on your weight loss.
  21. ralheit

    A Little Prayer

    Tips I was given include the baby spoon and a sippy cup. I have to get out this week and buy a bunch of the pre and post op neccessities I'm gonna have to have. The blender, food, bottled Water, etc. The list on this site really helped me alot in thinking of things I'm gonna need. This little prayer will be a nice reminder to have around.
  22. ralheit

    Pre-banders unite!!!

    I just can't wait. 2 weeks from yesterday but this OptiFast for the next 2 weeks is hard. This is only day 2 and I'm missing not just food, but something with taste. My last meal was at a Japanese Habachi restaurant, steak and scallops with fried rice. YUMMMMM! But boy that lobster really sounds good.
  23. ralheit

    Great News!

    Congratulations and the best of everything to you. It is really wonderful to hear such a great success story. Both about the job and the weight. But knowing that your self image and self confidence have improved so much over your journey is good to hear for all of us.
  24. ralheit

    Pre Op diet???? What did you eat?

    You're lucky. I have to be on OptiFast for 2 weeks prior to my surgery which is scheduled 2 weeks from today.
  25. ralheit

    Pre-banders unite!!!

    Hi, I'm scheduled for March 7th, if I haven't screwed it up. One of the requirements of my surgeon is to quit smoking 2 months before surgery. I did, but had a bad day a couple of days ago and had a couple. Now I'm afraid I'll be tested and sent home on my band day. Keep you fingers crossed for me. I've waited for a full year to get here and been through 2 insurance companies. If I've screwed it up now, I don't know what I'll do.

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