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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    I guess I just think that if you want to participate in something like this, then participate all the way. Atleast a note to let the person know that you received the gift and try to get your gift out on time. I like the idea of the person who PM'd and let there bunny pal know they were just running late. That was considerate of them. I did receive my gift and it was really cute and again I thank Nykee for sending it. I still don't know if my gift arrived or not. It was a guaranteed arrival for the 10th. Oh well, just my thoughts.
  2. ralheit

    Missing Members...

    I have also been looking for lotsofkids from Ohio. I tried to send her a PM, but no response. She was in the process of having all her appointments and was really hopeful to be banded soon.
  3. Welcome Wendy. I was just banded a little over a month ago. This is a great place to be. Great info and wonderful support. Good luck on your goals.
  4. ralheit

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    I hope my package got there. It was guaranteed to arrive by Monday the 10th. It was going to MD.
  5. I remember waking somewhat in the recovery. I was very nauseated. But when I woke in my room, I was fine. I had some very rare complications and was hospitalized longer than normal, but I had absolutely no pain from the surgery every. I wasn't allowed any ice chips or water until the second day. They did a swallow test and xrays on me before I was allowed to drink.
  6. ralheit

    What size do you want to be?

    I just want to be the size that lets me walk without pain and feel comfortable. I would love to be a 14 again, but will be happy with my health.
  7. ralheit

    PS Pictures

    Wow. You really look wonderful. How was the surgery? My niece had some problems when she had hers. But you look like you are doing great. Conratulations.
  8. ralheit

    The new me!

    Wow, I can't wait to be able to see a difference like that. You really look great.
  9. ralheit

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    Thank you Nykee. What a cute gift.
  10. I am desperate for my first fill. Still have two weeks because the doctor had to reschedule me. I'm starving. Able to eat too much. I'm still eating better and less than I used to but too much. I'm not losing any weight and really getting bummed out. Two weeks seems like forever.
  11. ralheit

    Butternut Squash Soup

    Butternut squash is a favorite at our house. I haven't tried the soup yet. Sounds good, I'll have to go shopping.
  12. ralheit

    Banded Bracelets anyone??

    I think that's a pretty cool idea.
  13. ralheit

    First fill *ouch*

    I was due to have my first fill next Tuesday, now I have to wait 2 weeks because of the Dr. needing to reschedule. I'm really hungry and know I've gained some of the weight back since my banding. Kind of a bummer. But I was told that could happen. Wish I were losing like you are.
  14. ralheit

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    I want to thank my secret bunny (still remains nameless) but from Tillamook, Oregon. I received a really cute set of miniature kitchen utensils and a one egg frying pan. The handles were little chicks in eggs. Cute. Thank you.
  15. ralheit

    Egads! Can I do this???

    I think we've all been there. I went on my first diet "program" when I was 8 years old. My life has been a roller coaster of dieting, up and then down, and then up again. I've tried them all. I also have problems with pain. I have severe arthritis in both knees and my back gives me a lot of problems. That and my apnea were enough for me to get insurance approval. I don't know that I could have done this if I had to self pay. I really give credit to those of you who have had to make that choice and have followed through with it. I know the problems I was having and looking at my beautiful grandchildren was all it took for me to take the leap. I've only been banded since 3/7 and have had some problems, but wouldn't go back for anything. I'm looking forward to my 1st fill in a couple of weeks. I just want my life back and to enjoy everyday. This was the only way I could see getting there.
  16. ralheit


    Congratulations. So glad everything went smoothly for you. I'm 3 weeks out and still haven't done much shopping. But I'm getting there.
  17. ralheit

    Frustrated somewhat!

    It took me a year of battling to finally get here. I know how frustrated you must be. Just stay positive and keep going.
  18. ralheit

    Disappointed Big Time

    I know a great deal of bypass patients, both in my family and at work. And you wouldn't believe how they are struggling after about 18 months. It seems like all they think about is food and many are having a very hard time trying not to gain it back. So just think about when you have finally reached your goal, slow and steady, and you are still looking good and feeling great. Several of them are even back at Weight Watchers and other weight loss programs again.
  19. ralheit

    Any of wish you had gotten RNY?

    I also chose the band for the health reasons. Minimally invasive, reversible, slow steady weight loss, which I believe has to be healthier. I did this to save my life and be around for my grandchildren. I couldn't risk my life with rny. I'm just getting started, but have high hopes. The 1 in 200 risk with BP surgery was the stopper for me.
  20. ralheit

    Changing my Reflux Medicatio - To what???

    I was on Protonix for quite some time, but right now am on the Prevacid chewable for 6 weeks. Protonix seemed to work well for me.
  21. I wasn't self pay, but I had to jump through all kinds of hoops to make the insurance company happy. I had to go to 4 appointments with the psychologist. I also had to do the 2 hour questions. At the end, she said that I was stable, but deeply depressed (no duh!) then she kept questioning whether I was suicidal!!! I thought for sure she was going to blow it for me. But everything went well. My pre admission test blood work was fasting.
  22. I'm scheduled for my first fill on 4/11. I was told that sometimes it can take up to 6 months before they get the right restriction and things start working steadily. I hope it doesn't take that long.
  23. ralheit

    Fun with Photoshop

    I'm a PhotoShop user, but never even thought to try this. I'm afraid to, what if I don't get to that point? I'd be crushed. Great job.
  24. I got my band on 3/6/06. Unfortunately this is my first full day home from the hospital. I had a rare complication that my doctor says only happens to 1-3% of band patients. My stomach swelled so tight around the band that it was choking my stomach. This caused discomfort and a lot of dry heaves. I had to spend a few days with a tube through my nose and into my stomach to pump out all the stomach fluids to help with the heaving. I still had it off and on for the following week. But it has finally settled down. I also now have almost uncontrollabel high blood pressure. It topped out in the hospital at 230/108. Now that I'm home, I'm just taking it easy, taking my meds and praying that I can stay here now. I have lost about 28 pounds though, the hard way.
  25. ralheit


    My husband never touches the computer, so I don't have to worry about it. He doesn't mind my being on though, he understand how much this site has helped me. Although sometimes he's asking who I'm talking to and why so long. Jealous maybe?

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