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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    Weird Sensation

    Twice today I had something new happen. I had a bit of pain around the port site, then when I placed my hand there, I could feel my port. I mean it was actually sticking out so that you didn't even have to look for it. What was that?
  2. ralheit

    Newly banded need help

    I felt the same way and needed protein. It does help, also are you taking your vitamins? It took me about a week to get some energy. I couldn't even stand up to take my shower. It does get better.
  3. ralheit

    Weird Sensation

    It's hasn't happened again. I'm wondering if it could have been because I lifted some boxes that day. They weren't real heavy, but there were several.
  4. ralheit

    Cute Kitties and other Pets

    I have a yellow lab named Casey. She was a rescue with pups. We got her from someone who had gotten her from her rescuers and couldn't keep her. She is a big baby, spoiled rotten and loved alot. We got her a month after my black lab, Jazz, died from cancer. She has helped to fill a big void. lbtpics.doc
  5. ralheit

    If you have a 10cm/4cc band...

    I had 2 cc put in for my first fill. I don't really feel any restriction, although I'm not starving like I was before. The only discomfort I feel is the first few bites at supper.
  6. ralheit

    Official Spring/Easter Thank You Thread!

    I'm just glad to know you got the package. I know how it can be with remodeling and such and things can disappear easily. Glad you liked the gift and Happy Spring!
  7. ralheit

    My own after

    You look wonderful. I have hopes of getting to your before size! Congratulations on your success.
  8. ralheit

    after fill mentality

    I've had one fill and still don't feel restriction yet. I've had a couple of nights where I just felt like I had to eat something!!! I'll grab a piece of cheese, or a couple of crackers or anything, but nothing seems to help. I'm still eating way less than before the band, but am not losing very much. I lost 28 pounds right after surgery, but am now at only a total of 11. Sure hope something changes soon.
  9. ralheit

    NOW What???

    I felt the same way. But, I learned to start thinking of me (at least a little more). But today I have two beautiful grandchildren that make my life as full as it can be. I also remarried after 16 years of being on my own. The best thing is that because I had to be a single mom and work at getting my life and head together, I'm no longer defined as just a mom or wife. I've earned putting myself equal to everyone else. You'll find your way and just believe that you have a lot of great things to look forward to. Pamper yourself and look forward to this new chapter of your life.
  10. ralheit

    For K@t

    Congrats and hope all is well.:clap2:
  11. ralheit

    Eat or Drink on Fill Day?

    My fill was in the afternoon, so I had eaten breakfast and lunch and I always have a bottle of water at my desk at work. Nothing was said to me about not eating or drinking.
  12. ralheit


    My Grandchildren. They are probably the biggest reason I did this. I want to be there for them and to be able to play and run and walk with them. I so look forward to that.
  13. ralheit


    Contratulations!!!! That's great. Keep us up to date.
  14. ralheit

    Official 4th of July/Summer Gift Exchange

    Count me in. I really enjoy these exchanges.
  15. ralheit

    A new NSV for me!

    Wow, I can't even remember 14's. Congratulations. I hope I can have something like that happen to me in the near future. I think I'd celebrate for a week.
  16. ralheit

    PCOS Treatment Options Help?

    I was on Depo-provera for more than a year. It was great because you never had a period. But it is alos notorious for causing weight gain!
  17. ralheit

    Does it really work?

    I was banded on 3/7 and lost 10 pounds preop and 11 so far. Had my first fill 6 weeks out and still don't feel much restriction. It takes time and a lot of patience, but I'm determined this will work. I just have the feeling I'll be a turtle too.
  18. ralheit

    Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!

    Congrats on your band. I wasn't hungry until 3 weeks out. Then I starved until I got my fill at 6 weeks. 16 lbs is great. I was on Opti-Fast for 2 weeks before surgery and only lost 10. Can't help on the pain. I never had any pain from the surgery or gas. I guess I was really lucky.
  19. ralheit

    Banded 4-10-06

    Congratulations. I gained a little back between my surgery and first fill, but I understand that can be pretty normal. But am glad I had it done and hopefully will see more changes in the near future. Best of luck to you.
  20. ralheit

    brand new baby band

    Congratulations. I waited for almost a year, but when I got my date the time just flew.
  21. ralheit

    I will be # 13!!!!!

    I guess I was lucky. My doctor has been doing these for more than 2 years. But there had to be a first and a thirteenth. I've always considered 13 a lucky number. Good Luck, I hope you have a great experience with being banded, whether with this doctor or the other that was suggested. It couldn't hurt to check out Dr. Spiegel before you make your decision.
  22. ralheit

    Band "season" ?

    I started in April of 05. Insurance ended up taking forever, wasn't banded until March 7, 06.
  23. That is so sweet. I had never had roses delivered until I got home from the hospital. A dozen yellow roses (my favorite) from my husband. They really are special when you don't expect them. You have a great sister.
  24. ralheit

    New and upset.

    I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I didn't start feeling hungry until about 3 weeks after the surgery. I was fine with liquids. I was very hungry the last few weeks before my first fill, but seem to be doing better today. You say you were banded before? Did you have a problem with the first band?
  25. ralheit

    My first fill

    Really? I thought I might be way behind. He had me swallow water and it didn't feel any different. And for the most part, I don't feel any difference at all. Although I have read many threads where people have said they didn't feel the difference for up to a week. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
