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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    Happy Birthday Nikkee !!!

    Happy Birthday Nykee!
  2. ralheit

    How Are You Going To Meet Your Maker ?

    While crossing what is typically a very quiet street, you're struck by a speeding motorist and are killed instantly This sucks! The first few were kind of funny, the last couple aren't. Good thing I learned to look both ways.
  3. ralheit

    subway wraps, tortillas?

    I can't handle bread, but tortillas and wraps don't give me any trouble. I had my one and only PB because of bread and that was one to many.
  4. ralheit

    It makes me sad

    Wow, you are really doing great. I haven't done as well, but I'm atleast thankfull that it isn't going the other way anymore. I know everyone keeps talking about exercise. I try to use my stationary bike a few times a week. But with my arthritis pain and often times inability to walk, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can do some kind of exercise that will help me more. I am so looking forward to the day I've lost enough to walk again. I have always loved walking and hiking and haven't been able to for a long time. I do get a little depressed when I see successes like yours, but am very happy for you. I've started drinking more and more water to help and hope I I will kick into gear soon.
  5. ralheit

    Quick approval - BCBS CA

    I was approved in Ohio with Anthem BCBS. It only took 3 weeks after I had waited almost a year with Medical Mutual.
  6. ralheit

    Unladylilke Gas (serious question)

    I have the same problem. God forbid I should cough. It's very embarassing. Especially because I work in an office in fairly close quarters to my co-workers.
  7. ralheit

    Ok...Ya'll...need some advice... Newbie

    I have suffered with reflux for years. I have had no problems since I had the band surgery. I expect that with more weight loss, it will be gone entirely. I asked my doctor about it because I had heard the same thing, he said he has never known of any of his patients having any problems. As far as number 2. I also have tried everything, from the time I was 8 years old. If you read the post by Big Paul about the truth about the band, your question may be answered. The band is a tool. You still have to work with it and change old habits for it to do it's job best. All it can do is restrict the amount of food you eat. You still have to make better choices and drink alot of Water and try to exercize as much as you can. Good luck to you with the fertility journey/or adoption as well as with your choice about the band.
  8. ralheit

    My New York NSV!

    Congratulations! How exciting. I can't wait to be able to say that I could walk all day and survive it. I so much look forward to that.
  9. ralheit

    Thinking of Lap Band Surgery

    Welcome. I was banded in March. I also joined this site well before my banding and found a lot of great people with good advice and lots of support. I still stop in and check out the threads for any new information and have made some friends along the way. Good luck to you in whatever you choose.
  10. After a lifetime of trying and failing---NO I wouldn't even think of trying again. As soon as I heard about the band, I was on the band wagon. I haven't been losing as quickly as some, but at least I've finally stopped gaining. It feels great. My husband was nervous about it, but knew how much it meant to me. Now we're both happy.
  11. ralheit

    Got Approval - Got My Date!!

    Congratulations!!!! It is exciting, but when I got my approval I also got a little scared. It was like, wow after a whole year of waiting now it's really going to happen. I'm glad I did it now, but for a little while I was really thinking about it.
  12. ralheit

    Over 50 lap bandsters

    I'm getting depressed. You have all done so well. I was banded on 3/7/06 and have only lost between 10 and 15 pounds. I gave up the breads, etc. I never was one for sweets. I am consuming less than half of what I was eating before the band and still don't seem to be losing. I have only had 1 fill and am due for my second next week. But having been fighting this battle since grade school, I am still not sorry I did it. I just hope I starting losing more soon. I have some difficulty with exercise right now because of severe arthritis, but hopefully when I can lose some, the pain won't be so bad. Oh yeah, I'm 51.
  13. ralheit

    Pain Management (Non-band related)

    I have been on narcotics for a couple of years now because of degenerative arthritis. That was one of the reasons it was so important to me to get banded. If I can lose some of the weight, it will help with the pain. I have had several people suggest acupuncture as well. I saw that someone mentioned botox above. I wouldn't be to crazy about trying that. My husband is a stroke victim and partially paralyzed. They were going to use botox injections on him, until his neurologist said that it could actually cause his leg and arm to go limp and rubbery to the point that he wouldn't be able to walk at all. We decided against it. Atleast at this point he can walk short distances with a brace and his cane.
  14. I had my first fill a few weeks ago and still nothing. I keep telling myself to be patient. My doctor says sometimes it takes several fills before you get it just right.
  15. ralheit

    12 hours to lift off...to be a bandster

    Congratulations, and I'm glad your feeling better. Hope everything goes well in Mexico. Let us all know how you are doing.
  16. ralheit

    New Member

    Welcome. I am so sorry you don't have your spouses support. I know a few others in the same situation and a couple of them gave up. Don't let anyone keep you from doing what you believe is right for you. He will come around. I've been extremely lucky with the support of everyone. I just feel terrible that you have to face that. You go girl and do what is best for you.
  17. ralheit

    My first baseball game

    I live just outside of Cleveland, so we go to see the Indians. I love baseball. I was my sons assistant coach all through little league and still love to watch him play as an adult. I took my nephew who was visiting from Florida one day and he was in awe of the major league game and the stadium. It was fun seeing him experience that for the first time.
  18. ralheit

    Weight Gain

    I went to the ticker factory and made it, then inserted. There is a new thread right now that has the instructions. I just read it.
  19. ralheit


    I didn't know that any adults were on MySpace! My 15 year old granddaughter is on constantly and all her friends. But I've never known anyone over 17 being on there. I'm really surprised!
  20. ralheit

    Weight Gain

    I was banded on March 7. I lost 28 pounds right after surgery, but I had complications. Alot of it came back as soon as I was on full liquids. I am only 11 pounds down now, am trying very hard to follow the rules, but I'm only 11 pounds down. I have had 1 fill and am due for another on 5/19. I'm really bummed. I am eating less than half of what I used to and am not losing. Excersize is difficult due to my severe arthritis, but I try my stationary bike as much as I can. When will I start to see some loss? I'm wondering if I'm gonna be a failure.
  21. ralheit

    Big NSV for me..............

    That's really great. I also had to go on Blood Pressure meds following surgery. My doctor is hoping that as I lose, he can get me off of them. Except I'm not sure I want to give back the clonodine patch, it has stopped all my hot flashes!
  22. She got me started thinking about the band too. I followed her articles for awhile after she had it. She seemed to be doing good, then there wasn't anything about it anymore.
  23. ralheit


    I think you'll find that it differs alot. It took me almost a year, others have been only months. It will mostly depend on insurance requirements.
  24. Hope everything goes well for you. This is the place to be for support and encouragement, that's for sure. Best of luck:)
  25. ralheit

    Unexpected support

    I kind of went through the same thing also. My mother was beautiful, with a killer figure when she married my father. She became large later after the children. But I have been overweight my entire life. She dragged me from weight program to weight program forever. Going up and down constantly. The first was a group called TOPS at the age of 8. I have been on every diet you could think of and along with any success came the let down of gaining it and more back each and every time. But like many of you, I have a supportive family, my husband and my son are great. I've been married for almost 7 years (this time) also. And my husband thinks I'm HOT, no matter what. My son has been so supportive and encouraging through this whole process. He is proud of me and thankful that I am doing this to be around for his two children as they grow. What more inspiration could I have?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
