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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    My first fill

    I had my first fill yesterday. I don't feel any different, although I did have just a little discomfort at dinner, kind of a tight feeling. He only put 2cc in because of the complications I had after my surgery. He thought I might swell too much. If I don't feel any change within 2 weeks, he said he'll put in another 1.5 cc. I had no pain and it was over in a matter of minutes. What is the average for a first fill? I just wonder how much less I was given.
  2. ralheit

    HELP! I can't stand this anymore!

    The liquid diet was the hardest part of this whole process for me. I had to be on Optifast for 2 weeks prior to surgery and thought I was gonna die. It gets much easier, just hang in there.
  3. ralheit

    Feeling tired

    I was extremely weak and tired for about 2 weeks after surgery. Then I felt great. But lately I've been suffering with insomnia. I've tried everything to sleep at night. My doctor has even prescribed sleeping pills but they don't work either. I'm really dragging.
  4. ralheit

    Weight loss troubles??

    I am also at a stand still. I was supposed to get my 3rd fill last month but my surgeon had an emergency and had to cancel. I go in on the 18th. The last week or two I've felt like I don't even have a fill. I could eat forever if I didn't stop myself. I sure hope this fill will help jump start me. I was banded in March.
  5. ralheit

    Wahoo Nsv For Me!!

    Wow, how cool is that? Congrats.
  6. ralheit

    I have butterflies........

    I got them really bad when I was told that I was approved. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But I never had any problem once I got to the hospital. I shocked my self when I was so calm about the whole thing.
  7. I was given injections while in the hospital. Both before and after and had to wear those pressure socks that tighten and loosen whenever I was in bed. It is general practice with my surgeon. But nothing after going home.
  8. ralheit

    My exciting news!!!

    Congratulations. Best of luck to you.
  9. I haven't had any bad reactions. My husband was supportive from the start as well as my whole family. After the complications I had after the surgery, which are extremely rare, my husband said he might not have been so supportive if he'd known I would go through that. But I am doing OK and everyone continues to support me even though I'm not losing very fast. I go for a third fill next week and hope that will kick things into gear.
  10. My surgeon put me on Urso for 6 months after surgery to prevent gallstones. Although he said that the preop tests showed I had some gravel in there already. So I guess atleast as long as I'm taking this med, I shouldn't have any problems with it. I have also heard that gall bladder attacks are usually a much higher pain than in the lower stomach.
  11. ralheit

    swallowing pills

    My doctor required crushing pills for the 1st 6 weeks. I don't have any problem getting them down now. I just started using the chewable vitamins and haven't stopped.
  12. DITTO. My only problem has been being a relatively slow loser, but a loser none the less. I'm happy with my band after 4 months.
  13. ralheit

    I Got My Date!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations and best of luck.
  14. ralheit

    New here

    :welcome2: Welcome to LBT. Hope all goes well with your plans. You've come to a great place for support.
  15. CONGRATULATIONS, how exciting for you. Can't wait to join you. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  16. ralheit

    What is Wrong With Me?

    Absolutely get the blood work done. I was feeling frustrated just reading your post. It could be anything and it could be nothing, but better safe than sorry. Keep us posted. We'll add you to those prayers as well as your parents.
  17. ralheit

    Kicked Off Amusement Ride!

    I also avoid those situations. But I'm supposed to go on a business trip in October. I'm really dreading it. The last time I was on a plane I barely got the belt on and I was smaller then. I truly feel for you, but you are taking a positive step in the right direction. Just wait until next year.
  18. ralheit

    Two New Discoveries.....

    I was happily surprised with the Crystal Light flavors. I assumed it would be too dietey tasting. It' really good, Peach Tea is my favorite.
  19. ralheit

    Labor Day Gift Exchange

    My Summer Exchange didn't go so well, but I'm ready to give it another try.
  20. ralheit

    Here I go!

    Congrats to you all and best wishes from Ohio.
  21. ralheit

    Keep your fingers crossed....

    Hurray for you!!! I'm on one right now too. Hope it won't be as long.
  22. ralheit

    Hello everybody !!!!!!

    Glad to hear your support your sister. It's sad when you hear about bandsters who don't have the support of their friends and family. Good for you and for her too. Give her our best.
  23. ralheit

    Funny Dancing Hippo....

    Looks like me dancing now. But someday......
  24. ralheit

    Just Had to Share...HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY

    Contratulations. I sure hope I'll get there someday.
  25. ralheit

    My pcp is an AS-HOLE

    Unbelievable. I had Medical Mutual when I first started my journey to the band. They're requirements are hard enough without that kind of crap on top of it. I'd call and inform them that you are leaving the practice and getting a new doc. And that you want your records immediately. Then I would go to another doctor and have them request them right away. I finally got my approval 3 weeks after changing insurance to Anthem and had my surgery at St. Vincents in Cleveland. I had been fighting with Medical Mutual for almost a year. Best of luck to you.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
