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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. My doctor says 48 hours on liquids after a fill. My first fill was 2cc but now after my 3rd I'm at 4.5 and finally feeling restriction.
  2. ralheit

    Feeling full with the band

    I definately fell being full, but it is much higher up. Sometimes almost painful, especially when you take that one bite too much. It is a feeling you have to get used to because it is different.
  3. I was on Prevacid for years before the band I had terrible reflux. I started taking Pilosec OTC since and am doing fine. Hoping that soon I won't have to take anything.
  4. ralheit

    Barium & another question

    I only have to drink water with my fills. The only time I had barium was right after surgery for the swallow test. We're all counting down with you, good luck and congrats.
  5. My former husband cheated on me, but I must say that my current marriage is sound. We've been married for 7 years and there has been no cheating this time.
  6. I'm 5 days out from my fill and am very restricted. I PB's this morning after two bites. I am even feeling a difference in liquids. Hope I start to see some loss soon.
  7. ralheit

    Body Image After Lap Banding...

    Like others, I have never been thin. I have had thinner times in my life when I starved myself and lost the weight. I looked pretty good, but it never lasted long. Now I'm 51 and bigger than I ever was. I know there are going to be some trade offs. But, now I'm a grandmother and being around for those kids is more important than anything, even my looks. People think I'm younger than I am and I know that will change, but I'll feel younger once the weight comes off and that's worth everything.
  8. ralheit

    Looking for some friends

    Welcome. This is the place to be. When I first started this journey I found so much support and care here on LBT. These are some wonderful people. Good Luck to you.
  9. I have to agree with Gayle. I don't know why RNY would be better. All I hear about is the trouble people are having with regaining. And that includes all ages and sizes. I know a lot of them. I think you're making the right choice. I haven't been as successful as some, my loss is pretty slow, but it's working. I am 51 and had a 50+ bmi.
  10. ralheit

    I Never Saw This Coming!

    I just got a fill this past week and I'm really feeling it. Every bite seems to cause that tightness and pain. I'm hoping it will get better. I'm determined not to get unfilled. I've been on a plateau for so long, I'm desperate to see some loss. Hope I can hang in there. Hope everything goes well for you and that you can maintain until you can get a fill again.
  11. ralheit

    How is your fill performed?

    My surgeon places a pillow below my lower back, then has me do a crunch to locate the port for injection. Following the injection he has me drink some water to see if it stays down I guess and how it feels.
  12. I'm still a little slow, my energy isn't quite back to it's peak, but I'm walking better. I'm even able to walk without my cane some of the time. I have severe osteoarthritis in my legs and my weight was making it very difficult for me to get around. I'm not up to taking long walks yet, but I am definately noticing a difference. Hopefully soon I'll be going for those walks and then that will help with the weight loss too. I'm looking forward to a new life in the near future.
  13. ralheit

    Why is my port area like this?

    My port sticks out alot. Some days you can actually see it and can touch it, other days you have to look for it. Mine is right at the incision because that is where my doc injects the saline. I don't know why it does this. My doctor says he hasn't had anyone else tell him this. There is no pain, so I just don't worry about it.
  14. Wow --- I got a fill yesterday and am now at 4.5 cc in my 10cc band and I haven't been this tight since right after my surgery. I'm very uncomfortable today. But he told me I'd have swelling today and am supposed to be on liquids through tomorrow. Hopefully it will be good restriction and a lot less uncomfortable within a couple of days.
  15. ralheit

    I am so Mad and HURT!

    What is said to us as children will stay with us our entire lives. Your positive attitude and obvious love of your child will lift her up. The rest of that crap your father and step-mother are feeding her will cause her to insecure for life. I know, I've been there. Your daughter comes first. I'd talk to them and if that doesn't work, they can see her at your house from then on.
  16. I was banded in March and have lost 26 pounds. But I was relatively unrestricted up to now. I just had a fill today and am hoping it will jump start me. I'm 51 and expected that maybe I wouldn't lose as quickly as the younger members.
  17. ralheit

    Banded And Branded

    Congrats on your band! I can't really help other than to suggest you take the advice of those who have had that gas pain. I never experienced it.
  18. I have a 10cc band. My first will was 2cc, my second 1cc. Currently I have no restriction at all. I go in this afternoon for my third fill. I'll let you know. My doctor says it is usually between 4 to 7 cc for most people to feel the restriction.
  19. I was on Meridia for awhile. NOTHING, NADA, ZIP. Didn't help at all.
  20. I just wanted to post my gifts and send a big thank you to K@t for subbing for my Secret Sam. I received a kitchen set including an apron, plastic bag caddy, two oven mitts, a trivet and a little fancy painted rooster that matches the rooster on the kitchen set design. Also pen and pencils from Portugal with the same Rooster design as the kitchen set. From Portugal, of course. My first international gift. Thanks again K@t. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5620&stc=1&d=1153227481
  21. ralheit

    you asked for it! WEDDING PICTURES!!

    Wow, what a beautiful setting for a wedding. Congratulations, you were a beautiful bride.
  22. ralheit

    Does anyone else sweat a *lot*?

    I have exactly the same problem. I only sweat bad from my face and head. Therefore, I always look like someone poured a bucket of water over my head. I can't stand even the slightest humidity. I was on a patch for my blood pressure for awhile and one of the best side affects was that it kept away hot flashes and that awful sweating. But unfortunately, my body adjusted to the patch and then I began getting sore spots wherever I was wearing the patch. My doctor prescribes it for hot flashes as well in women that are even borderline hypertensive. I can't even remember the name of it right now, sorry. But that was the only thing that helped me and now it's gone. I have sweat running down my face right now just sitting here typing this.
  23. ralheit

    Your story..

    I have battled my weight my entire life. Over the last few years and being in my 50's it just became impossible. I know dozens of people who have had bypass, but I just knew it wasn't for me. My fear of the "slice and dice" procedure superseded my knowing I needed real help. I learned about the band when I heard about Anne Wilson, of Heart having had the procedure. I began looking into it and now about 2 years later I have been banded for 4 months. My weight loss is slower than some, but it sure beats a constant gain. I was beginning to think like "Just" Paul that I would soon simply explode. Glad I did it and yes I would do it again.
  24. ralheit

    Program Fees??

    My program fee was $250.00. Had it been $2000.00, I may have had to rethink the whole thing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
