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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. I had something similar happen to me just a couple of times and it was hemmhoroids.
  2. My doctor follows the no drinking rule until 1 hour after meals. Says the drinking causes the food to wash through and cause hunger sooner. But they did say that if you absolutely had to drink, keep a glass of ice by you and just sip the water from the ice cubes.
  3. ralheit

    Thank you to everyone....

    I've met some really wonderful people, made new friends and get a constant dose of support and joy from this site. My thanks as well.
  4. ralheit

    so upset and pissed

    You just take care of you. Don't let anything get in the way of your progress. You have a lot of support right here and we all care about you. Whenever you need to vent or even brag, we're all here to listen.
  5. ralheit

    the dream that i could never dream of

    How wonderful for you. Congratulations on this great blessing.
  6. ralheit

    My head is spinning :-) (kind long)

    I had to stop taking my arthritis meds, can't take any nsaids, ibuprofin, etc. I do still take Vicodin for pain and it is on the approved list after banding.
  7. ralheit

    Quit smoking for before WLS?

    My surgeon required 2months smoke free before surgery and had it in writing that I would be tested. If found to have been smoking, the surgery would be canceled. But alas, I am back at it also. I think it will be harder this time than it was before, the surgery was my incentive.
  8. ralheit

    Black tongue?

    I've never had it happen before or after surgery. Not even after Pepto Bismol. I have had some brown on my tongue, my dentist says it's from coffee so I have to brush my tongue daily to keep it away.
  9. ralheit

    Looking for a Doctor in Ohio

    Dr. Ben-Meir did my surgery at St. Vincent. I love him. He is very caring and kind. They have been doing bariatric surgeries there forever. He's been doing the band for more than 2 years. They have great follow up care and a lot of services. I know a couple of people that have gone to the Cleveland Clinic. I believe they both had Dr. Schauer. They haven't been doing them as long, but both people I spoke to were very happy. The only difference is that he does 6 incisions instead of 5. Supposedly to be able to actually lift the liver out of the way.
  10. ralheit

    New from Cincinnati area

    I'm near the Cleveland area. I had my surgery done at St. VIncent Charity in Cleveland by Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir. Good luck on getting your approvals and welcome to LBT.
  11. ralheit

    Does Insurance Cover Fills?

    My fills are covered by insurance. I just pay the office visit co-pay. I have Anthem BC/BS. But I guess it varies from state to state.
  12. I don't get it. I have Anthem BC/BS and was approved in 3 weeks. I just figured that if you had BC/BS and it approves some people, it would approve everyone. But I guess it is up to your employer as to whether they allow the band or not. It sucks. Hope you have a successful appeal.
  13. ralheit

    Crystal Light

    I drink crystal light all the time and I've never had that problem. I don't like the lemonade or orange flavors though. I'm an iced tea person. I also found some lipton diet drink mixes also.
  14. Jodie, I know things are hard for you, but you have got to take care of yourself, obviously your family isn't going to. Water was one of the hardest things for me too. But thank God for crystal light. I get my 4 to 6 bottles of water every day now because I use crystal light and Lipton powders. I also have sever problems with my knees and am unable to do much exercise, so I understand what your going through. You have so much happening in your life right now, but you know what, you had the strength to get yourself together and get the band to help you. You have the strength ot do this too. See about a free clinic in your area if you can find one or if you have to go to your doctor, ask for samples, but get the help you need. God bless.
  15. ralheit

    Husbands Anger Issues - Please give advice

    I know someone who has had these same types of problems. He just divorced for the fourth time. He was finally diagnosed as being bipolar. Meds are completely different than just anti-depressants. He had to try a couple of different things, but he's finally regulated. Seems to be working for him.
  16. ralheit

    need some wisdom

    Looks like your getting ready. Make sure you have chewable or liquid multi vitamins, tylenol, etc. There is a thread on here that I read before my surgery and it listed anything and everything you would need. Should be able to do a search for it. Many people have said they went back to work in less than a week. I was off for two. Best of luck to you.
  17. Welcome, how cool it that? You have your own support group. Congratulations to you all.
  18. Mine is a gold bracelet with the medic tag as a charm. It's pretty noticeable. It reads...Adj. Gastric Band, careful NG placement. See wallet card. and has my doctors name and phone number. I also carry an emergency medical card in my wallet and a card that shows the lap band. When I was hospitalized after my surgery, the hospital I was in had never even heard of it. If I'd of had to have an NG, there could have been a possibility of rupturing my stomach with blind insertion. My surgeon wishes all his patients wore them.
  19. ralheit

    should i have the lapband surgery?

    My insurance covers my fills. I had some complications right after surgery, which is rare. But everything has been fine since. I'm a little of a slow loser, but I'd still do it again.
  20. ralheit

    Liquid fast support

    Wow, that is a long time. I only had to be on clear liquids for a week and then full liquids for 2 weeks. Egg drop soup is good, I did a lot of sf popcicles. Hang in there, your almost at the half way mark.
  21. ralheit

    Newly Banded Need Advice

    I ate egg drop soup and drank Boost high protein. Not too sweet, good chocolate taste.
  22. The first month after surgery is more about healing and getting your proteins. A lot of people gain at first, don't worry. After you start getting your fills things will change.
  23. ralheit

    Poll zodiac sign

    Dec. 21st on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn.
  24. ralheit

    Please Help Me, Now I'm Scared!

    I know the fear you have for your daughter, but if you don't do something for yourself now, will you be there for your daughter later? My motivation was my grandchildren, I want to see them grow up and I want to be able to be active with them while I'm watching. This surgery was my choice because I know the statistics for other WLS. You have to do what you feel is right for you, but I think your fears are unfounded. Bless you and best of luck with whatever you choose to do.
  25. ralheit

    A little NSV

    Congrats!!! Can't wait until I can change sizes. My clothes are getting lose, but not enough for a lower size yet.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
