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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit

    My fill surgeon just told me....

    Great idea. I love green tea. I'll start trying it and see how it goes. Good luck to you.
  2. When I first looked into the band and went to my seminar, my surgeon described the procedure and does use this technique.
  3. ralheit

    lapband ohio fill doctor

    I'm in the Cleveland area, guess that wouldn't work for you. My doctor is Aviv Ben-Meir at St. Vincent Charity in Cleveland.
  4. ralheit

    My fill surgeon just told me....

    I've been having that stuck feeling alot since my last fill. I've even PB'd after a bite or two. I never even thought about the "syndrome" being what was going on. I thought my fill was too much, but after the PB or the stuck feeling is over, I'm able to eat the rest of my meal.
  5. ralheit

    Suggesting banding to others.....

    I told everyone I work closely with what I was doing before I did it. So those that are in the same boat already know about it. If they see it working for me, then maybe they'll ask, then I'll tell them what I can. I never hid what I was doing from anyone. But I don't suggest it to anyone or bring it up to other people unless they ask.
  6. ralheit

    lapband ohio fill doctor

    What part of Ohio are you in?
  7. ralheit

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    I want to thank Laura W from California for my Labor Day Gift Exchange Gift. Yes, she is really on the ball. She sent me a hand made scarf (very soft and fuzzy) and a pair of earrings. Thank you Laura.
  8. I want to thank Laura W from California for my Labor Day Gift Exchange Gift. Yes, she is really on the ball. She sent me a hand made scarf (very soft and fuzzy) and a pair of earrings. Thank you Laura. [ATTACH]5987[/ATTACH]
  9. ralheit

    Weird question following fill

    I don't know why, but I haven't had a good nights sleep since I was banded in March. I've tried Tylenol PM, warm milk, melatonin, even Ambien. I get between 2 to 4 hours sleep most nights, some nights none at all. It's really getting to me. So, whether it has anything to do with the band or not, if you get a good solution, pass it on.
  10. ralheit

    Whatever happened to the band bracelets?

    I'd like to see it also. I remember everyone talking about it for awhile, then never heard anything again. If someone could post, we could order them. I didn't think whoever it was that said they could get them was from Canada, which is where the url above sends you.
  11. ralheit

    Appreciation and Thanks

    You have been a help to others. You were a great help to me when I was stuck and not losing. You are a kind and caring person. Thanks again.
  12. ralheit

    I was approved in one day!!

    Congratulations, mine took 8 months with one insurance, then my company changed so I had to apply to the new insurance and had approval in 3 weeks. Good for you:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  13. ralheit

    Rebounder ?

    I also have problems with my back and legs. I can't get enough exercise. I would probably be down a lot more if I could. Our YMCA closed and I don't have a pool. Walking is very painful. If anyone has any ideas for me, I would be eternally grateful.
  14. ralheit

    How to remove skin stain

    They'll go away soon. Congratulations to you both.
  15. ralheit

    Big Texas Boy

    Welcome Drake and congratulations on your decision. As mentioned before, you'll find all kinds of posts on here, many may sound a little scary at times, but for the most part, none of us would give up our bands for anything. It's not as quick as the bypass, but I believe that in the long run, it's healthier and certainly is less risky. Good luck to you.
  16. Most people seem to be back to work in a week. BUT...there is usually still a 5 to 6 week restriction on lifting anything over 10 pounds. So you really need to talk to your surgeon about that. I couldn't even hold my grandkids for 6 weeks.
  17. ralheit

    Fatty Liver (nash)

    I also have a fatty liver. I was on the 2 week pre op diet but when my surgeon was banding me he was shocked by it. He asked if a had really followed the pre op diet or not. He also said it would improve with the weight loss.
  18. I have to agree. After reading that article, the band didn't kill him.
  19. ralheit

    My first NSV!!!!!!

    It's the little things that mean the most some times. Congrats, but watch those rings.
  20. ralheit

    Why I did it

    I agree, that cake picture is adorable and she's a pretty baby.
  21. ralheit

    Hello from Hong Kong

    Welcome Michael. You have found the place to be. I was banded in March. Everyone is different in what they can eat and how fast they lose. The good thing though is that it is working. I rarely feel hungry, I do occassionally have a PB, but it's not like vomiting, it just comes back up. I am pretty much able to eat anything, although like the others, breads are not a good thing. Although, wraps and pita bread don't bother me at all. Good luck.
  22. ralheit

    Where is your port?

    Mine is on the right between the bra line and waist.
  23. ralheit

    Why I did it

    My grandchildren were my motivation also. I want to be around for them and watch them grow up. Hailey is 3, Alex is 1. They are my angels.
  24. ralheit

    Though It was a Slippage but instead

    Glad to hear the band is OK. I've finally just reached that stage where it is working. Would hate to have to go through anything to stop it now. Good Luck to you, glad to hear you're on the mend.
  25. ralheit

    Maybe a little TMI (toot toot)

    I'm with all of you. The worst is when I'm in the office and I cough or sneeze. How embarrasing. But it's constant. My husband just laughs at me. I also have burping but mostly just when I eat.

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