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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit


    Welcome. You have come to the right place. Lots of info, lots of great people.
  2. ralheit

    New to this site

    I was banded in March. I'm not losing as fast, but I'm happy that I'm atleast finally losing. You are doing a wonderful job. Congratulations on your 61 pounds, that's really great. And welcome to the site.
  3. ralheit

    Jon Benet Ramsay - over after 10 yrs??

    From what I'm hearing today, they are far from any charges being filed. A lot of the story doesn't add up and this guy may not be the real killer. I just hope that if he isn't, someday someone will pay for this. If not in this lifetime, then he'll face a far fiercer judge one day.
  4. ralheit


    Welcome. I've been banded since March. I may not be losing as fast as some, but this is the first time in years that I'm not gaining. I'm happy with my band and look forward to a long relationship with it.
  5. ralheit

    I may have gall baldder troubles.

    Good luck to you. Hope you are well very soon.
  6. ralheit

    Anyone's Throat Feel Weird?

    You can buy a wedge pillow. I used one for years with my reflux. I also have apnea and wear a Cpap. Since problems cause me a lot of throat problems. I've been banded since March and I no longer have any problems with reflux. I don't even take meds for it anymore.
  7. ralheit

    lapband ohio fill doctor

    Dotofoz: I think all of that started when I went in for my preop testing. Since then, I have had a couple of meetings with their nutritionists when I've gone in for fills. I am sending you a PM.
  8. ralheit

    The WAITRESS noticed!! NSV!!!

    How great. That just makes your day. Contratulations.
  9. ralheit

    Pseudo Tumor Cerebri Diaged in March 06

    I've never heard of this. Best of luck to you.
  10. ralheit

    WOW! I feel so great right now!

    Congratulations! That's great.
  11. ralheit

    Husband Help

    I agree with the heart to heart. You know what it is like to not be able to do the kind of things that he took for granted most of his life. Let him know that you just don't want him to suffer as you did and that you need him to be here for you in the future. See if you can't do something together as exercise, make it a team thing. Good Luck to you.
  12. The other day, I had 3 people stop me to tell me they can see my weight loss. I am able finally to walk some distance without my cane :crutch: :clap2: And my drawers are getting droopy:clap2: :clap2: I've really been waiting to see a difference in my arthritis pain and getting to the point where I didn't have to depend on my cane, I'm getting old, but I hate looking like an old woman with that thing.
  13. ralheit

    One Year and At Goal

    Congratulations, that is wonderful. I can only hope to be close to my goal in a years time. You must feel great.
  14. ralheit

    Labor Day Gift Exchange Thank You Thread

    I've got my package ready to go. I should have it shipped out sometime this week heading to the southwest.
  15. ralheit

    Fuller Foods????

    I did really well with refried beans and some cheese. It seemed to keep me full for quite awhile.
  16. ralheit

    newly banded

    You shouldn't even worry about restriction or weight loss right now. You have to have time to heal. Some people even gain before their first fill. Just take it easy and get your proteins in and rest. You have time to worry about when the restriction starts and the weight starts to drop. Contratulations on your bands.
  17. ralheit

    Happy 40th Gadgetlady!

    Happy Birthday
  18. ralheit

    OMG don't yell @ me but...

    Tomato soup and grilled cheese...FOOD OF THE GOD'S". That's a regular meal around here in the winter especially. I've tried it with chees, but never sour cream. I'll have to give that a try.
  19. ralheit

    I can finally post an NSV list

    Thanks. I used to get the cortisone as well, and they don't last very long. I tried some of those new injections that are supposed to last for 6 months to a year. They didn't work. 5 injections over a couple of weeks and absolutely no results. So this nsv is the best. Wow, that is great. It has to feel so good to slip behind that wheel and see that space. Good for you.:clap2:
  20. ralheit

    Update on my Wound

    Trish, hope you are doing better. You certainly have a great attitude, that's half the battle to recovery. I'll be thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. Photonut, I just noticed your new avatar. Nice pic.
  21. I've had 3 fills and am at the about the same point as you, between 35 and 40 pounds. Without my fills I don't think I'd have gotten this far. So congratulations on your ability to get where you are without a fill.:clap2: But, it sounds like it is time. I had almost a month where I didn't do anything, that is discouraging. But since my last fill, I'm really feeling the restriction now and am happy things are beginning to move again. I haven't weighed in this week yet, so hopefully I'll be able to make a significant change in my Ticker:)
  22. ralheit

    My very first NSV

    Congratulations. It's the little things that make the difference. You go girl!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  23. ralheit

    doctors push for GBypass

    My PCP was dead set against me having a bypass. The complications arent' worth the risk. When I went to see my surgeon (he does both procedures) he never once tried to change my mind. There was an article on the news here one night that stated they are finding more long term complications from the bypass that they never knew about. Some doctors are stopping the bypass and will only be doing the band in the future. I don't know how accurate that report was, but atleast with the band, I know I don't have to worry about future complications, atleas not anything that couldn't be fixed by easily reversing the procedure.
  24. ralheit

    Throwing In The Towel...

    I took me three fills to feel restriction. They are pretty painless, just a small needle prick. Nothing to worry about.
  25. ralheit

    Black Widow and eggs in my garage

    I lived in Florida for a time and those Palmetto bugs (giant flying roaches) can get as big as a bird. I hated them. And spiders, don't even go there. That was the reason I decided to come back to Ohio. Scorpions, spiders and big bugs do me in. We do have wolf spiders here, but you rarely see them unless you live in a wooded area. Glad you found them in time.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
