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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ralheit

  1. ralheit


    Sounds great, but I'm still afraid of tofu.
  2. ralheit


    I can no longer eat breads or anything doughy, but I have no problem with rice. Thank God!!
  3. ralheit

    Getting Married...

    Wow, congratulations and best wishes to you both.
  4. Best of luck to you. Keep us updated.
  5. ralheit

    Newby with questions

    I wasn't allowed to lift more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks. If people notice your eating habits have changed, just tell them you are just watching what you eat. My husband was definately against a bypass for me, but was very supportive of the band. Get your husband educated. Best of luck.
  6. ralheit

    Panic Attacks after Fill

    I've heard of Rescue Remedy before, I think my sister used it. It did seem to help.
  7. ralheit

    Question about tightening/ after a fill

    Mefuller, I have had those same symptoms, but not since I've got the band. It was due to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). I seem to be doing much better since I got the band and have to watch what I'm eating.
  8. ralheit

    OH my GAWD I got a tattoo!

    What a great tatoo and what a great birthday present to yourself.
  9. ralheit

    Are fills dangerous?

    I didn't get good restriction until my 4th fill. Now I have to be much more careful when I eat and there are things that I can't eat anymore. Bread kills me. But I'm not losing much either. I'm averaging 1.5 pounds a weeks so far. But when I look back at the constant gaining that got me here, I'm happy. I just have to be patient.
  10. ralheit

    Happy Birthday Penni06

    Happy Birthday:happybday:
  11. ralheit

    trishs update on surgery

    Glad to hear you are home and doing better. Take care, you are in all our thoughts.
  12. ralheit

    Finally A Bandster

    Congratulations on your band and best of luck.
  13. ralheit

    How do I....

    You can go online and get images of banding with descriptions of the procedure and show that to them.
  14. ralheit

    Forum Hack?

    I didn't get anything when I logged on. But I'm on a Mac, I have to wonder if that is why.
  15. ralheit

    trishs update on surgery

    Sorry to hear this. Give her my best and I hope she has a smooth recovery.
  16. ralheit

    Fast or gradual?

    My doctor does them every 4 to 6 weeks. I have had 4 and this last one really gave me restriction, so now he is waiting for 2 months to check me again.
  17. ralheit


    I don't know who all Diane may have contacted, but I heard from her today. She has successfully gotten through 2 surgeries to the brain and is recuperating in San Franciso where the work was done. She will be returning home on 9/9. She is doing very well. Because she has been on steroids during all of this, her weight loss has been put on hold, but she has a wonderful attitude and is going to do just fine. Just wanted to let those of you know who might have been wondering.
  18. ralheit

    Massage with band

    I had a chair massage not long after my surgery, but have never had a full body massage.
  19. ralheit

    Prescriptions w/the band

    You will need to crush or cut them for the first 6 weeks. I take a lot of meds, prescription and vitamins/minerals. I have no problem getting them down now.
  20. ralheit


    I was thrilled to hear from her. I'd been wondering how she was. She is wondering around the hospital and found a computer and decided to let us know how she is doing. Hopefully she'll be home soon and will get back on here to let us all know the whole story.
  21. ralheit

    Questions about GERD

    I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I suffered with reflux for years and was on constant medication. I haven't had to take anything for the last 2 or 3 months. Not a problem any more.
  22. ralheit

    I have decided to leave LBT....

    I can understand. I come home from work and getting on LBT is the first thing I want to do. To get support and to see how everyone is doing. But I too have had to put my ignore list to work and I really hate that. I still try to check things out, but am much less motivated to take part.
  23. ralheit

    My late night adventure....

    What a great story. But you poor thing and poor puppy too. Well the 2 lbs is great, but worth it? I don't know.
  24. ralheit

    Hot dogs?

    I can't touch them anymore. Even if I try chewing really well, I'll PB. Hot dogs is one of my new no no's. Besides the fact that I can no longer tollerate bread. So if you try it, be careful. Although they really didn't bother me until I had more restriction.
  25. Unfortunately, there probably isn't much you can do. Usually at her age a child can decide which parent she wants to stay with, but with him being the only living parent, the courts will give him his parental rights. This has to be a really hard time for all of you. So sorry to hear it.

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