I can't thank all of you enough for your support! I have felt this very strange need for me anyway, to cry! Emotions are crazy right now. I found some relife through benefiber. Really helps. May 10 year old daughter, husband and I danced a little jigg this AM when I was able to go! Sounds crazy, but I am thankful as many of you know for the little things right now.
I have also had some broth and that is helping to change things up a bit...I also had coffee this AM...all contributed to the success. Ok, oversharing...sorry! Each day I feel better. Each day the guilt gets better too. I know I need this surgery to be successful. Lost 107lbs in 2003. Kept it off for 3 1/2 years. Then sold my company and put almost all of it back on. Losing the weight will not be the hard part. keeping it off and learning to not be mad at myself for re-gaining the weight and having to go throught the pain of losing is again will be my struggle in the long run. Thanks again! E.