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    Recidivist got a reaction from Arabesque in Am I losing too slowly?   
    As long as you are following the program and losing consistently, there is no such thing as too slow. A group of us who all had surgery in the same month lost weight at different rates, but we all ended up in the same place at the end, some sooner than others. You will be fine!
  2. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from Arabesque in Am I losing too slowly?   
    As long as you are following the program and losing consistently, there is no such thing as too slow. A group of us who all had surgery in the same month lost weight at different rates, but we all ended up in the same place at the end, some sooner than others. You will be fine!
  3. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from ms.sss in Freaking out.   
    You could probably lose close to 20 pounds in time for surgery with a liquid diet. However, the bigger issue is whether you are ready for the dramatic lifestyle changes that are needed after surgery.
    It might not be a bad idea to postpone your surgery and meet with a therapist and perhaps a nutritionist to better understand what triggers your eating and how you can better manage it. That would set you up for success once you do have surgery.
  4. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from ms.sss in Freaking out.   
    You could probably lose close to 20 pounds in time for surgery with a liquid diet. However, the bigger issue is whether you are ready for the dramatic lifestyle changes that are needed after surgery.
    It might not be a bad idea to postpone your surgery and meet with a therapist and perhaps a nutritionist to better understand what triggers your eating and how you can better manage it. That would set you up for success once you do have surgery.
  5. Like
    Recidivist reacted to TheMarine79 in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    It has been a long journey. Starting weight 349 and current weight is 230. How is everyone doing

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    Recidivist reacted to Gottajustdoit in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    Congratulations! Looking good! I had a breast reduction and panniculectomy (together) in early October. What a difference it was getting rid of the extra skin. If anyone is considering going down the road of additional surgery, I’d be happy to share my experience. Insurance covered both operations.
  7. Like
    Recidivist reacted to TheMarine79 in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    Yes, wide array of foods I can eat now. Still in smaller portions. Weight is coming off slow yet, at this point, I am happy to maintain where I am. Keep up the good work. I like running by myself, but my son usually goes and pushes me to run harder. We did 7 miles on Thanksgiving day. 5 today in about 52 minutes.
  8. Like
    Recidivist reacted to ldawn in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    Looking good! My weight is pretty steady at 155-157. I’m only 5’3” so I could stand to lose 20 more but I’m thrilled to be where I am. Body doesn’t look so great with the excess skin. Maybe one day I will get that taken care of, but I’m ok with it for now.
  9. Like
    Recidivist reacted to AZhiker in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    I'm enjoying life so much more. I still struggle a bit with feeling fat - like walking into a new place and automatically looking for a large chair or thinking that people are mentally fat shaming me. But then I realize I look like everyone else - actually thinner than 60% of the population, and I can sit any where I like! I gained 7-8 pounds during the whole Covid stress thing, but have lost that and maintain pretty easily at my goal weight or a couple pounds below. I've adopted Whole food Plant Based eating and I feel really great. I've lost the gaunt look I had originally. A lost of my loose skin has tightened up. I am very happy I had the surgery to get the weight off quickly and now WFPB lets me eat as much as I want so I am never hungry or feel deprived. I hope all of our other Feb 2019 buds are doing well.
  10. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from AZhiker in February 2019 weight loss buds   
    Marine!!! So nice to hear from you again--and you look amazing! Congratulations on your success!
    I'm doing well. I gained 15 pounds from my low weight, which in retrospect was a little too scrawny. I've been able to maintain that level for more than six months and feel great. I'm still amazed at how much more I'm able to do than at this time two years ago. I'm also quite surprised at what a wide range of foods I'm able to eat--in very small quantities. Having surgery was truly one of the best decisions I've ever made.
  11. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from mlmx1138 in Having trouble with motivation to exercise   
    I've said it here several times before: exercise is not the key to weight loss--it's all about the diet. I did essentially no exercise during my weight loss phase (aside from walking) and lost consistently. Exercise is great for strength and stamina, but it's not going to be what determines the success of your weight loss journey.
  12. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from Tracyringo in Healthy versions of junk food   
    I'm a big fan of "healthy" junk foods IN MODERATION. However, I didn't start eating them until I was in maintenance.
    A couple of words of advice. First, you need to be sure that any such products you eat are high Protein, low carb and low sugar. There are lots of protein bars out there that claim to be healthy but are very high in carbs and sugar.
    Also, these Snacks can be a slippery slope. Since they are high protein and low carb, we tend to see them as "safe" foods and there is a temptation to over-indulge. They are definitely better than traditional junk food, but calories are calories regardless of how they are ingested.
    My advice: wait until you are in maintenance and enjoy on an occasional basis to satisfy cravings, but don't make them a habit.
  13. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from mlmx1138 in Having trouble with motivation to exercise   
    I've said it here several times before: exercise is not the key to weight loss--it's all about the diet. I did essentially no exercise during my weight loss phase (aside from walking) and lost consistently. Exercise is great for strength and stamina, but it's not going to be what determines the success of your weight loss journey.
  14. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from mlmx1138 in Having trouble with motivation to exercise   
    I've said it here several times before: exercise is not the key to weight loss--it's all about the diet. I did essentially no exercise during my weight loss phase (aside from walking) and lost consistently. Exercise is great for strength and stamina, but it's not going to be what determines the success of your weight loss journey.
  15. Like
    Recidivist reacted to Lynnlovesthebeach in Having trouble with motivation to exercise   
    I did very little exercise during my weight loss phase. I rode a stationary bike for 30 min 3-4 times a week until I finally had a hip replacement when I reached about 130 lbs. Now I walk 4-5 miles every day. I haven't gone back to the gym yet since Covid. Maintaining my weight so far because I follow my plan!
  16. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from Horseshowmom in How long did you deal with head hunger post op?   
    Yep. I'm "only" 20 months out but I still deal with head hunger on a daily basis.
  17. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from AZhiker in Surgery for someone with no health issues   
    I totally agree with Catwoman (as usual). Just because you have no health issues now doesn't mean you won't later on. A BMI of 54 is not a borderline number, and it's better to deal with your obesity before you start experiencing problems. As you said, you will be able to have a more active lifestyle if you can get to a normal weight. I'm also sure your weight is causing undue stress on your joints, and the sooner you can relieve that they better. I say go with your instinct and have the surgery.
  18. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from AZhiker in Surgery for someone with no health issues   
    I totally agree with Catwoman (as usual). Just because you have no health issues now doesn't mean you won't later on. A BMI of 54 is not a borderline number, and it's better to deal with your obesity before you start experiencing problems. As you said, you will be able to have a more active lifestyle if you can get to a normal weight. I'm also sure your weight is causing undue stress on your joints, and the sooner you can relieve that they better. I say go with your instinct and have the surgery.
  19. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from SassySonz in Coffee...oh how I miss it   
    I was not a coffee drinker before my surgery. However, I was addicted to Diet Coke and drank four or five a day.
    My doctor said I could never again drink Diet Coke (or any carbonated beverage) and coffee after six months. I started drinking coffee after about eight months and it is my new addiction. I can't wait for my first cup in the morning!
  20. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from AZhiker in I feel like I’m not doing all I can   
    It sounds like you are doing everything well and are right on track! If you are feeling like you could do more exercise, don't give it another thought. Exercise is good for your overall fitness level, but diet is the key to weight loss. I did almost no exercise during my weight loss phase (aside from normal walking to get to and from work) and was quite successful.
    This process is difficult, both physically and emotionally. Give yourself a break and think of how much you have accomplished!
  21. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from Suzi_the_Q in Craving crunch   
    I think we all experienced it. I didn't find any solution and just toughed it out. It may seem like an eternity at the moment, but you will be able to eat some crunchy things sooner than you think. I really enjoyed some of the Protein chips from the Bariatric Pal Store when I could eat them--and I still do.
    Two of my favorites:
  22. Thanks
    Recidivist got a reaction from MarahH in Surgery in my 20’s   
    I completely agree with The Greater Fool above. It's not a matter of whether you are too young to have the surgery, but whether you have the right mindset and are ready to commit to a new way of eating for life. Some people in their 20's are ready, while some in their 50's are not.
    You have a tremendous opportunity by taking this step so early in your life, before you have developed a host of medical issues connected with obesity. You have the chance to enjoy a long and health life with bariatric surgery. Take advantage of it!
  23. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from JoanneLaRusch in How mobile were you post op?   
    I was "mobile" within about three days of surgery, which meant I could get up, walk around and basically take care of myself. However, I was nowhere near back to normal activities--that took about three weeks. I was also completely exhausted and didn't walk around much even though I could.
    Relax, take it slow and be kind to yourself. You've been through a lot!
  24. Like
    Recidivist got a reaction from Cindydt in Anyone 30-31 BMI pre op?   
    Most of us gained some back when we got to maintenance. I had read enough on this forum to be prepared for that. I initially got down to 132 pounds, which was too thin, but I look good at my current weight of 142.
  25. Like
    Recidivist reacted to The Greater Fool in Surgery in my 20’s   
    Welcome to the forums.
    You face the same issues and challenges we all did. You face the same options. At 23 weight loss surgery wasn't even on my radar. If I considered it at all I would have rejected the idea. Once I did hear about it I was completely opposed to it until I was 43. I believed I could do it on my own as laughable as that idea was. Then, WLS information came at me sideways and I realized it could be for me. The rest is WLS history, I am the stuff of legends now.
    WLS if done correctly is for the rest of your life. This means your new food plan, whatever it is, is forever. If you are thinking that once you lose your weight you'll be able to return to 'normal' eating then know that your 'normal' life now would come with it.
    Eventually, you will be able to eat anything once in a while. Unless you've learned your good habits in the weight loss phase, you'll return to your old habits if you are not very careful.
    Be sure you are ready for the commitment.
    Good luck,

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