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ShrinkingTN- hopefully

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    ShrinkingTN- hopefully got a reaction from LISS011 in Anyone gone to Blossom Bariatric (self-pay) in Las Vegas?   
    Thank you for this!! That’s what I was hoping. I’ve been happy so far too with everyone I’ve had contact with at Blossom and everyone there has been very kind. I did not experience that at the Bariatric center here in MN. 😊 good luck to you!! Keep me posted!!
  2. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to Frustr8 in A little scared   
    a thought for you ; let go of the old ME to be what I was born to Be. Remember if you keep your head filled with fears , it will crowd out all the dreams you now have, Let your dreams come true for you have worked so hard to get here. Smile now, believe in YOURSELF, and know that you will do just fine, Mary you have almost made it now, a week of sleep and it will be time. And there will be a future of Happy ahead, it's yours for the taking so reach out on your merry go round ride, and that is life.
  3. Haha
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to GreenTealael in Annoyed   
    Tell them that you are terribly ill and should donate to your GoFundMe, use the money for plastics later lol
  4. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to amandamellor18 in Support and honesty needed   
    I’m so sorry your husband said these things to you : (
    I’m 50, I was 5’2 and 220, I’m 141 and still 5’2,lol
    You can do this!! Don’t let his crap keep you from feeling better about yourself.
    Life is really great on the other side. I was lucky that I had no complications. My meals taste great, they’re much smaller but so much better for me.
    I wish you the best of luck and I hope your husband comes around on the idea.
    You deserve this and your husband should support you as you supported him, but if he doesn’t, you take care of you ❣️
  5. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to MeanSleevedMachine in Support and honesty needed   
    I actually had the surgery before my wife did. I was sleeved on May 10 of last year and she was sleeved on October 10. It certainly helped with us both going through it at roughly the same time. However, at the end of the day you are the captain of your own ship. If you want the surgery, have the surgery. However, go in knowing it isn’t the easy way out. Losing weight and keeping it off with the sleeve is hard work. You’ll be logging food, exercising and eating right. Being sleeved certainly makes it easier to get rolling but you still have to be committed to changing your lifestyle.
  6. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to Tiff-a-lea in Support and honesty needed   
    My father was sleeved a few years ago and he is now 70. He able to move around more than he was. I was sleeved this past Monday 1/7. Keep your chin up. I find when my spouse may not be giving me the greatest motivation for what I have done this far I go on this to look for inspiration. My HW was 358, SW 302, CW 298
  7. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to seaforest in Support and honesty needed   
    You need to do you as others have said. Talk with your providers and share your concerns. For your husband, well I would recommend he focus on his recovery - going to meetings, getting a sponsor if he doesn't already have one, and work the steps. He needs to keep his side of the street clean. I will say that he is probably scared like you may have been scared when he was actively using. Both individuals in a relationship need room to grow and become their best selves however that works for each person. Relationships can be challenging with the changes so you may want to consider couples' counseling for support with each other's recovery process. Best wishes.

  8. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to Vizslamom in Support and honesty needed   
    I struggled with hunger horribly once my lap band was removed. Tried all sorts of medical interventions because my husband was not on board with surgery. After 9 months and a 30 pound weight gain enough was enough. 5 months out from sleeve, 55 pounds down now. Still love to eat, but am so relieved I am satisfied with a smallish portion.
  9. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to tamihunt in Anyone gone to Blossom Bariatric (self-pay) in Las Vegas?   
    @Niabird. I'm going to Blossom, my surgery is 1/9, I'll keep you updated on how it goes. I had a friend go 2 years before they had the FastTrak program and has nothing but great things to say about the facility, Dr.'s and staff.

    Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to princess boo in Buddies?   
    I am Feb 1st at Blossom

  11. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to DelawareWoman in Getting a sleeve done... start to finish   
    Hi. I'm Sherry.. 41 single mom of a 20 year old, high functioning autistic son with a myriad of health issues.. I work 2 jobs.. about 70 hours a week now that Christmas is over and my second job settled down and there isn't another trial at my day job until July. Needless to say I don't focus on me much. I don't have time but I'm making time now. I had to have female surgery back in October and in doing so hit my out of pocket max (except for $300) until the end of the fiscal year April 30. I found out my insurance covers bariatric surgery and with my max met, it would be covered 100% so here I am. I've always been a little chunky. 12 -14 in high school. 219 pounds when I found out I was pregnant at 20. 235 when I gave birth. I managed to stay in the low 200's until I hit my 30's and I got put on seroquel for my bipolar. I then ... blossomed??? up to 315 pounds. Everything became hard... sitting in the movies with my mom and she'd tell me.. not in a whisper either.. to quit breathing so hard.. are you ok? I started back to weight watchers several times.. I went to the gym.. I did diet bets. (I love them). I did MyFitnessPal. I would lose a little weight.. burn out.. and gain it back. I got back up to 297 this time when I stated weight watchers AGAIN. I lost down to 280 then had my surgery and now it hasn't moved in 2 months. I am currently 276.8 nekkid on my home scale. The Dr. scale has me at 282.8 with shoes and my apple watch on. I went in for my consult 12/10/18 on my son's 20th birthday. Since then it's been a whirlwind. They scheduled all my appointments that day. Cardiologist, pulmonologist, nutritionist, endoscopy, and psych. So far I've been cleared at psychiatry.. how that happened I have no idea since I'm a fruitcake. My bipolar is stable and I had good reasons. 30 minute appointment cleared. NEXT! I went to my second pulmonology appointment today. I was told my lung function is good but I have to have a sleep study done to rule out or treat apnea. It can be done at home. They will call me in a week to pick up the machine. I was worried about that one. I work 5 nights a week at the store and didn't know how I would get a night off. My next appointment is Nutrition on Thursday .. then next week (Monday) I have my second nutrition appointment, cardiology on Tuesday and my endoscopy on Thursday. I'm curious about the endoscopy... my son has eosinophilic esophagitis. Im curious to see how my scope compares to his.
  12. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully got a reaction from Alpaca55 in Support and honesty needed   
    Thank you so much for all the awesome advice and support. I do have other comorbidity factors and my weight keeps climbing no matter how much I exercise. You have all helped me so much. It’s really reinforced how much I want to do this. This is more support and advice I’ve had in anything. Thank you all so much! ❤️ I’m very greatful.
  13. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to ShimmyShade in Pre-op liquid diet   
    I can't believe I forgot the most important part! The thing that really helped me from an emotional breakdown is remembering to take it a day at a time. Focus on only what hurdles you have to face today. If you look at the mountain of the two weeks you will get overwhelmed.
  14. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to arringtonc49 in January 2018 Sleevers HERE   
    I am almost 1 yr post op.
    Sleeved March 10 2017
    Best thing I have done.
    Start 223lbs and now Weigh 115lbs. I am 5'2".
    I eat every 2-3 hrs. I do not eat potatoes or Pasta or breads.
    I eat substitutes instead.
    I get my 80 g Protein in everyday which is priority to me and my Water intake which is mixture of water/ Vitamin water/ crystal light/decaf tea/decaf coffee/ sugar free Popsicles.
    I have no problems except Constipation which is norm from so much protein.
    I just take Stool softener at times
    If I eat a salad than I go without needing stool softner.< br>I go to gym 2_3 X a week. I use to go 4-5 X a week.
    I am no longer on meds for B/P,
    Cholesterol nor diabetes. Everything is normal now.
    I don't need a knee replacement now either. My knees feel good.
    I just Thank God for this Blessing
    For my health.
    So you just do everything you suppose to do and everything will be fine.

    Sent from my D6708 using BariatricPal mobile app

  15. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to GradyCat in T-2 days till surgery!   
    Good luck, you've got this, you're ready and other than day #1 post-op where you'll be super nauseous, it's easy peasy after that. I'm on Week 4 post-op now and back to gym, getting ready to start solid food, have lost 15 pounds and 15 inches and am looking forward to the year ahead to lose 80 more lbs
  16. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to Abbey M. in T-2 days till surgery!   
    Getting ready to have surgery on Monday. Excited but then have bouts of being SUPER scared and nervous! Wondering how it’s going to be and if I’m going to have regrets. I want to know I made the right decision. 😞 after 5 months of preparing, years of failed diets and regains, I made this decision. And I can’t help but feeing nervous and wondering if it was the right one. Anybody else feel that way?
  17. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to Recidivist in Tips and things you wish you would've known   
    Thanks all for these tips. My surgery is in February and I find these quite useful. I'm so grateful to have found this forum, because I'm learning so much more than my doctor has told me!
  18. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to sillykitty in Tips and things you wish you would've known   
    Don't over buy food and supplies. You will eat so little! I threw out or gave away 80% of what I bought presurgery.
  19. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to tratra4u in 50+   
    I am 48 and had my sleeve bypass on 12-11 It is so far the best thing I have ever done in my life, I have been vary lucky and have had no problems. The reason I made this choice is because of all of the pain I have in my legs and feet. I had a stroke 4 yrs ago. Then 4 month later I had accepted meningitis was in a coma for a week, I have chronic lyme disease and then got Gillian berriet syndrome so over 4 yrs I gained 179 lbs I almost lost my life. I now have 2 grandsons 2 and 3 and I cant even move without major pain. I feel this will get me my life back and give me the chance to live. I think age has nothing to do with wanting to feel good about yourself, 50 is the new 30. Take the chance to be healthy. I have already lost 19 lbs and can't wait yo continue to get healthy. Let me know how things go for you. Get excited to start your life again.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  20. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to morphing Mo in 50+   
    I'm scheduled to have the gastric sleeve in January. I've been binge watching YouTube vlogs nonstop and everyone looks so young. I want to do this for better health and longevity.

    Sent from my SM-G900V using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully got a reaction from princess boo in Jan/Feb 2019   
    I’m going the last week of Jan for a feb 1 surgery too!!
  22. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to Frustr8 in Jan/Feb 2019   
    Things are seldom as scary, complicated, painful or terrible as you have built them up in your mind to be. DON'T SWEAT SMALL STUFF, and breaking newsflash,99% of life is composed of Small Stuff. I'm old as Dirt and I do know these things.
  23. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to playlikeworldchamps in 5 years and it is never too late   
    i am doing the following

    -weighing every day
    -tracking everything in myfitnesspal
    -eating less than 50g carb and NO sugar
    -moderate Protein. around 50-60g
    -fat to satiety. i don’t count it.
    -eating only 2 meals a day most days (and a snack that is basically a pickle / piece of cheese)
    -using intermittent (18:6) fasting and alternate day fasting (basically on one day i eat 2 meals in a 6 or 8 hour window and then when i finish dinner i don’t eat until dinner the next day, then repeat. not counting my morning coffee with heavy whipping cream. i live for it!
    it works out that i eat one meal a day or two meals a day alternating. only Snacks consist of a dill pickles with ounce cheese or tea, coffee or broth in between meals if they are even needed. hunger much less with Low carb healthy fat so not really need much snacking. this sounds hard and the first couple days are but then it becomes normal. i do not do long fasts. those require electrolytes etc and need to be careful if on meds though i am not)

    i had been grazing and eating carbs to gain the 65lbs over time. i used “never binge again” to give up sugar and my nightly Peanut Butter sandwich. i also used it to give up snacking. once i got used to 2 meals a day and cut out carbs my hunger and cravings went away.
    insulin drives cravings and by reducing number of feedings it gets lowered and hunger goes away.

    this is not for everyone but working for me and for some it is a way to jump start getting back on track. once i get back to my goal i will experiment with how often i need to do the one meal a day thing in order to maintain. i may only need to do it after a party or holiday etc.

    i am not full Keto (that’s under 20g carbs) but essentially that is style i am doing. and intermittent aka “time restricted eating”

    besides reading jason fung, look him up on youtube.

    i recommend easing into it gradually over time:

    -give up sugar then
    -give up eating after dinner then
    -give up 1 snack then
    -give up another snack then
    -no eating between meals the
    -give up Breakfast (or one meal of your choice)

    and you don’t even need to go to one meal a day alternatively. the above may already be enough for you. the key is giving your body a break from making insulin. when insulin is secreted your fat cells are told to not burn fat.

    but read the book, or youtube and do your own research and what works for you.

  24. Like
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to playlikeworldchamps in 5 years and it is never too late   
    Long story but i originally lost 140 lbs in about 2 years overall. Sleeve did 100 of it and lots of cardio etc did the rest.
    then gradually weight crept back, very slowly at first, grazing, life happened, stopped the extreme exercise, let carbs back in. So 3 months shy of my 5 year surgiversary I had gained 65 back.
    I knew I had to fix this or i’d be right back to 315 in no time.
    I used the concepts in “Never Binge Again” book (free on kindle) and also Jason Fungs 2016 Obesity Code starting on Jan 1, 2018.
    I am now down 22 lbs and know I can get the rest off.
    I never “fixed” my insulin problem. I ate too much Protein. and so when the extreme exercise ended the weight crept back, the protein and “healthy carbs” encouraged the insulin and thus the cravings that the normal exercise couldn’t burn off.
    I am back on track. My sleeve is bigger now but still gets fuller than a regular stomach so it hurts if I eat too much. Reduced ghrelin only helped me for 3 months after surgery.
    I am thankful to the sleeve for the first 100 lbs but now it’s all on me and the right choices i make.
    I recommend those books if you need to get back on track or even if you are in the euphoric losing stages because eventually you will need to make the right choices without all the early benefits of the surgery.
  25. Hugs
    ShrinkingTN- hopefully reacted to chellyvillen in Support and honesty needed   
    Have you tried diet and exercise before and it didn't work? For me that was what happened and I wanted something that would be long term. Lipo is short term and very expensive, surgery was covered by my insurance so it wasn't really a question for me. If you are concerned about the hubby's support I suggest going to a therapist (both of you, separately and together) to get everything out.

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