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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by zombieskayer

  1. zombieskayer

    To Tell or NOT to Tell

    I told my work and my mom and of course my husband and that was it. I'm waiting until a year post op to actually announce it because then I'll have gotten though the hardest parts of it without having the condescending comments.
  2. zombieskayer

    Stalled at almost 7 months

    Stalls happen, my nutritionist had me eating every 2 hours to get my protein in to help with my stall. But if I was eating it was something protein related because I wasn't getting my protein most times (I was averaging 33g of protein a day) so I would do an egg.. 2 hours later maybe a cheese stick or a protein bar.. 2 hours later is lunch so maybe some chicken then 2 hours later another protein related snack and then dinner would be chicken or fish. If i still hadn't hit my protein then I would eat something small before bed (If I don't hit my goal by dinner I'm pretty close to the 60 so I only need a small snack)
  3. zombieskayer

    Protein Shakes

    Day 2 post op
  4. zombieskayer

    19 weeks post op and hair loss

    I had it around there and decided to shave my head (I had pretty damaged hair to begin with due to bleaching and dying it). My hair is starting to come back the way it use to be and pretty fast too.
  5. zombieskayer

    I'm in Onederland!

    yay!!! Congrats!! I'm sooo close and I'm really excited to kit onederland!
  6. zombieskayer


    With what you do for a living it might be sooner then others. I ended up being out a month and I work retail. It was only suppose to be two weeks but I Wasn't hitting my calorie and water intake so they kept me out of work longer. I would talk to the surgeon if/when you meet with them they an definitely tell you when they think you'd be ready.
  7. zombieskayer

    Let's talk about body dysmorphia

    My mom and I were just talking about this, she was sleeved two months before I was. I never felt heavy at my heaviest and I think it was because even at 284lbs I could stand for 8 hours for work and my body wasn't in pain but a friend of mine was around my weight and couldn't stand for more then 30 minutes before she had pains. But now we are both the lightest we've been in years and we don't feel it. I can tell in my chest and face that I've lost the weight but I feel like my stomach is bigger then ever and she feels the same about herself. I've worn leggings for years, I finally wore jean shorts the other day and couldn't figure out what my size was because it had been so long but of course I grabbed the bigger sizes thinking that was what I needed when really I wasn't even close! I very much feel like body dysmorphia is a thing for people who have had the surgery (it might not be something everyone sees but I hear it more often then not) I started trying more with my appearance, I get up early now and do my makeup and wear things other then a pair of leggings and a graphic t-shirt. I also shaved my head recently in a I NEED CHANGE AND I NEED IT NOW moment but everyone around me is LOVING IT which I didn't expect. I feel like the days I really try I don't feel the dysmorphia as much.
  8. zombieskayer


    I was told not to because you can't just have a little, it goes a lot into mindless eating. I was also told to avoid it because of kernels.
  9. zombieskayer

    Ten month before and after pics

    You look so good! I'm so excited to be that small, I was just looking at bathing suits online because I could never find my size in stores and now I'm excited to shop for mine in stores!
  10. It's painful first couple days post op, same with getting in and out of bed. I ended up sleeping sitting up in a chair for a about a week post o. The one thing that kind of helped standing up is I would hold a firm pillow against my stomach when I stood up. IDK if it actually helped or if it was all psychological but it helped me!
  11. zombieskayer


    You did it! Congrats!
  12. zombieskayer

    So Dramatic...

    So I can't lay on my back without my stomach hurting (it's been that way prior to surgery) they don't know why and could never figure it out. So when I was post op in recovery I woke up on my back and I was in soo much pain (cause ya know surgery) but because I was so out of it I thought I was sleeping and had woken up on my back like I do at home so I tried to roll myself over and my nurse grabbed me and was like "YOU CAN'T ROLL OVER YOU JUST HAD SURGERY!!!" and I looked at him said "Let me roll over or so help me god I strangle you with my IV" needless to say they propped me up enough that I wasn't completely on your back.
  13. zombieskayer

    GERD before and after sleeve

    I had GERD before and still do afterwords. I actually was just given permission to come off my omeprazole to see if I even need it. I don't have any GERD symptoms daily except if I eat an hour before bed I'll wake up in the middle of the night spitting up. But I don't have heart burn or reflux other then that after I had my sleeve.
  14. It doesn't matter what time of day I take that multivitamin, or what I take with it, I always get sick after taking it.
  15. Kinda, we found out I was allergic to the medication they were giving me to control the pain (who knew!) so I threw up all of night one because of it. Once they stopped giving me the pain meds in the morning I stopped throwing up. They didn't even let me walk until the morning and walking wasn't bad but after one lap on the surgery floor I got really dizzy and had to sit down.
  16. zombieskayer


    I started solids one month post op and even after starting solids the cravings don't go away but you learn to cope with them. All I've wanted for months is a big juicy burger. You just learn to push it out of your mind.
  17. zombieskayer

    Breast Lift with Implants

    It looks good! This is one of my eventual end goals. I feel like I've lost all my weight in my boobs!
  18. zombieskayer

    This is why....

    My husband and I go to conventions twice a year, the second convention of the year is housed in an indoor water park resort. SO if you stay on property if you're not doing convention stuff you can take time to go to the water park. My husband is 180lbs and I was 284lbs at the time and we wanted to ride the water slides together. I was to big for EVERY SINGLE WATER SLIDE except the ones that had an 8 person raft. They all had weight limits of either 220lbs or 250lbs. He wouldn't go on without me (bless his heart he didn't want me to feel left out) but I felt like I was holding him back. I was blessed enough with that weight that we went to Disneyland together and I was able to walk around all day with no problems or getting exhausted but it was embarrassing knowing that I was holding him back from enjoying himself when we were at the water park just because I was literally to big to ride. It's also why other then Disney we've only been to one amusement park together because I'm always to big for the rides (probably not anymore tho!)
  19. zombieskayer

    Eating woes

    I'm on solid foods and I'm hungry every two hours because I still can only do about 2oz at a time. Just keep hydrated and eat when you can.
  20. zombieskayer

    Listen to your pouch

    Your pouch is a lot easier to understand post op!
  21. zombieskayer

    Annoyed with my weight loss

    switch to weighing yourself once a week. Trust me it'll help your sanity!
  22. Tell her to suck an egg. So many people assume that these surgeries are the easy way out but they don't understand what goes into preop, post op and for the rest of your life.
  23. zombieskayer

    Weight Gain B4 surgery.

    I had to do the 2 week liver shrink preop so the little bit of weight gain went away real fast.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
