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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by simone

  1. I actually put my banding off for a couple of months longer than I needed to in order to research every little thing I could about it. I think anyone who is honest with him/herself and has done his homework knows that it will be work and take time. We all wish it would just fall off, and for me it did for about the 1st 5 months, then it got harder. Am I bummed that I've been plateaued for 3 months? Of course, I am! I never expected this long of a time of no loss but I'm willing to stick the course of eating less and exercising because it's all worth it. I admit to not always being on target with my eating, especially the last couple of months when it's not "dropping off" but I am sooooo much better than this time last year. I just keep on letting the band do it's work and believing I will succeed no matter how long it takes.
  2. I take Viactive chewable multi's. They have a flavor that tastes just like chocolate covered cherries. I also take a chewable calcium from Walmart, the carmel flavor. I actually look forward to taking my vitamins because it's like getting a daily piece of candy. Yum!
  3. Sounds like I'm not the only one who has been stuck on the scale. I've been bouncing up & down between 172 & 174 for 3 months. :cursing: Exercising 4 times a week at SNAP and riding my bike in between, just can't get the scale to move. Last week I decided to start recording my foods on the Daily Plate every day until my next check up on July 7. It shows me that what I'm eating is balanced & looking good, so it must be my body needing to rest & catch up. As for constipation I finally figured out that if I eat 1 slice (toasted) of a good whole grain bread (with lots of seeds, etc.) every day that the constipation has all but gone away. I also added in acidopholus for my digestive track. Has taken care of most of the gas problems. Whew!!!!! Hard to work in a close office with that problem. :sad: Hard to believe we're closing in on one year of being banded already. It's been a pretty good trip for me.
  4. Hi everyone - I guess I can now join your group instead of just lurking. I turn 60 tomorrow 6/3/09 and have been banded since 9/30/08. I've lost around 55# and am so happy. I made the decision to get banded about a year ago when I choose to not enter my 6th decade as unhappy and unhealthy as I had been for so long. I have been doing really well for about 5 months and then got overfilled and started to eat slider foods. I've had a small unfill and can now eat better but unfortunately fell back into some bad habits and am having trouble getting back on track. I've only lost 3# in almost 3 months. Also the idea of turning 60 has been really hard psychologically. I'm giving myself 1 more day to eat as I wish and then back to work. One good thing . . my body no longer tolerates really rich foods. I get really sick. My friend brought me over a rich chocolate birthday cake with gooey chocolate frosting tonight (because I asked for it) and I ate a few bites and can't eat more. I switched to my usual evening bedtime snack of tapioca pudding when she left. What my DH and DS don't eat tonight will be trashed tomorrow. A year ago I would never have said that! Any words of wisdom on how to get back on track would be appreciated. Happy to be part of this group. :wub:
  5. I received a free pedometor from Allergan when I registered my band but the instructions for use are very vague. :frown: Did anyone else receive one of these and do you know how to work it? :welldone2: We've followed the instructions but can't make it do anything. Help!!! I've had pedometers before but this one works differently. Thanks :thumbup:
  6. simone

    Sort of embarrassing....

    This seems to be a common problem with many bandsters after surgery. I know I suffered for many months before I finally learned that if I eat a slice of TOASTED whole grain (with the nuts and seeds) bread every day it gave me the fiber I was missing and my problem disappeared. You are probably too early in your journey yet to eat the bread but you soon will be on full foods again. At the same time I started chewing 2 acidophlus tablets after every meal for digestive track help. I almost never have gas any more.
  7. simone

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    FINALLY!!!! After 9 weeks the scale has moved again. I'm down 3 more pounds. I was exercising 4-6 days per week but joined SNAP Fitness about 3 weeks ago and have down much harder workouts, actually sweating. Also I was too tight for 2 months and had a .1cc unfill. Made a big difference! I can actually eat what is now normal for me. Name.......................... Start Wt....... Current....... Goal....... To Go 3ShotRoc..................... 345.............. 263............ 220........ 43 Alabubba..................... 464.............. 464............ 400........ 64 Alleycia....................... 255.............. 217............ 198........ 19 Annieemmm................. 200.............. 198............. 170....... 28 Ashleyrenee................ 240.............. 240............. 199........ 41 Barb12590.................. 173.............. 156............. 155.......... 1 Betelnut..................... 295.............. 262............. 245........ 17 Bklyn1984................... 317.............. 238............. 230........ 8 Blaze21...................... 200.8........... 184.6............. 170....... 14.6 Blklab70282................. 241............. 241.............. 220........ 19 ChickyAbby................. 314............. 314.............. 270........ 44 Clcort......................... 236............. 200.............. 200........ 36 CountrygirlNY.............. 253............. 217.............. 182........ 35 Crzytchr.................... 237.............. 229.............. 210........ 19 Ewiedbingcott ............ 215.5.......... 207.9............ 198........ 9.9 Fab by 50.................. 215............. 204............... 175........ 29 Fordgal88.................. 199.............. 175.............. 193........ 18 Hdsantoni.................. 252.............. 198.............. 190......... 8 Htaylor1021............... 210.............. 203............ 185......... 18 itsjustducky................368...............368...............328... .......40 Jazma....................... 261.............. 261.............. 235......... 24 Jeni 85...................... 170............. 170............... 158......... 12 Jennyt71................... 245............. 197............... 170......... 27 Keepingfaith08........... 225.............. 225.............. 190.......... 35 Lalaredd................... 240.............. 190............... 150......... 40 LessJess................... 228.............. 199............... 199......... 0 Letsgetitstarted......... 229.............. 211............... 199......... 30 Libbyjane1976........... 283............... 283.............. 250.......... 33 LilMissDiva................ 251.6............ 247.6............ 227.......... 20.6 Liz_hager................. 158............... 151............... 145.......... 6 LisaRT..................... 254............... 248............... 225.......... 23 Long2BThin.............. 192............... 182............... 169.......... 13 Loveislovely............. 191............... 187............... 169.......... 18 Mair....................... 222............... 215............... 199........... 16 Mamacj.................. 316............... 269............... 233........... 36 Melody_Mary_42f..... 277............... 231............... 170........... 49 MsNickelback.......... 172............... 160................ 149........... 11 Nicolerose.............. 365............... 288................ 260........... 28 Nursemelly............. 245............... 203................ 185........... 18 Onehotmama.......... 272............... 237................ 210........... 27 OneHotMomma........ 285.............. 275................ 250............ 25 Pbpuniser............... 212.............. 212................ 182............ 30 Peachwood............. 251............. 251................. 230............ 21 Picklesix................. 197............. 175................. 170............ 5 Sexylips................. 238............. 238................. 199............ 39 Sadie77................. 277............. 250................. 220............ 30 SillyGoose.............. 258............. 234................. 228............ 6 Simone.................. 182............ 172.................. 160............ 12 Ukcatsfan.............. 340............. 340................. 300............ 40 Workingmom........... 214............. 214................. 175............ 39 ZiggyLove.............. 226............. 202................. 180............ 22 Health4life..............279.............222.2................195..... .. .....27.2
  8. simone


    I know that you can buy Stevia in natural food stores and I would think you could buy in on line. I did find this morning that it is terrible in cottage cheese. I was raised to eat sugar on cottage cheese and don't really like it any other way so I tried putting stevia on it for breakfast. DON"T!!!!! It made the cottage cheese so bitter that I couldn't eat it. I've only ever tried it in my tea until now so I don't know if it would react in any other foods that way. I'm now almost afraid to try.
  9. simone


    I've just started using Stevia. Purchased a box of 200 packets at Sam's Club for about $10. I find it to be sweeter than Truvia and no after taste. Also Aspartame and Splenda play heck with my bladder giving me spasms while Stevia does not.
  10. Instead of putting it on the east or west coasts how about something in the midwest where a lot of us who can't afford to travel great distances can attend.
  11. I find that after almost 7 months I can control the burping and belching so it's not as noticeable, but the intestinal gas is another thing I never get used to or can seem to gain any control of. I pop a Beano with everything that goes in my mouth but that doesn't do much either. I've just started taking acidophilus to try to add friendly bacteria back into my digestive track, although yogurt doesn't help which it is supposed to do. In the past I've taken charcoal tablets for several months and that seemed to help but I worry about it blocking nutrition because of the little I can now eat. Fortunately it is just noisy and not smelly. I STILL LOVE MY BAND THOUGH AND WOULD DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN EVEN WITH TWICE THE EXPLOSIONS!!!!
  12. simone


    I enjoy popcorn on occasion. My doctor hasn't said one way or the other whether I should eat it. I think because it is a whole grain that it isn't a bother for me. Hope you're as lucky. :cool2:
  13. I was 59 and had decided I was not going into my 6th decade as fat and unhealthy as I have been all my life. I've known about the band for several years and knew only one other person who had it done. She has failed at it, so until I met several others with success that I seriously considered being banded. That and like I said, the concept of turning 60 and not changing anything in my life. I am so happy :thumbup: I took the leap!
  14. I agree. One of the hardest parts of this journey is seeing ourselves as smaller size people. Most of us have been large for so long that I think it will take awhile to mentally adjust. I can look in the mirror and be thrilled by what I see but then I react to things unconsciously as still a fat person. One of the funny ones is when I use a public bathroom. Automatically, I head for the handicapped stall because I know it's larger. I have fit into a regular stall for some time now, no longer having to almost stand on the toilet seat to close the door. It's little things like that and looking for the largest seat in a room that are so subconscious reactions. Have a great day. It's snowing here today so no walking outside. :welldoneclap:
  15. Hello everyone. I just found this thread and am glad to see that everyone is doing so well. My journey has gone mostly smoothly. Took 6 month pictures today and what a difference from September. I now have 7.6 in a 10cc band and have good restriction. Was over filled at one point and sure don't want to do that again. I'm having trouble eating most kinds of meat now and eggs are a definite thing of the past. Dr. thought maybe taking 1/10 cc out of my band could help with the meat thing but I decided to ride it out for another month to see if it gets better. My next monthly visit is at the end of April and then I'll decide. I am loving this band! Am now at at size 14/16 pants and a large top. Having trouble shopping because I've not yet wrapped my mind around the fact that I can shop in the regular size clothes section. Of course, I exercise my butt off 5-7 times per week to get there but believe it or not I'm not minding the exercise like I used to. Off all asthma meds, my blood pressure is normal and my arthritis is so much less painful. Keep up the good work eveyone. :welldoneclap:
  16. simone

    New to the group

    Welcome to LBT. It's a great site with so much to offer. I don't think my journey would have been so smooth without all the information I've gotten off of this site. Sure has saved my surgeon and his coordinator a lot of questions. We were both banded in September of 08. Hope you are as happy with your band as I am. It can be a struggle but I'm finding it to be totally worth it. I told most people about my getting the band but there are some family members that don't know and it can be a challenge to eat meals with them. It's become quite noticeable that I don't eat much anymore and of course losing 50+ lbs gets attention. I just say I'm watching what I eat and exercising, all of which is true. Keep up the good work!:welldoneclap:
  17. Today I was able to comfortably fit into a misses 16 pants. Horray for me!!!! :thumbup: BUT tonight when I went shopping for more new clothes I realized that I have no idea how to shop for regular size clothes. If that makes any sense?? I wandered around the clothing department looking at clothes thinking, I'll never be able to wear those and when I picked them up and mentally sized them up I didn't believe that I could wear them or that they could possible look good on me. I know it's a mental thing from years and years of never being able to shop for cute clothes because they did not make them in plus sizes. Also, I am finding that most of the clothes are made for younger girls with out sagging underarms and boobs! Where are the clothes with sleeves that cover my saggy arms!! I still want clothes that cover my older body. I was mainly looking for pants for work and while I realize that it is almost summer, how about some long pants instead of capri's and short shorts. I don't mean to grouch because I'm thrilled to be in smaller sizes, but I need adult styles. Anyone else with this problem?? :scared2:
  18. simone

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    Time for an update. It's coming off slower now. Having to work harder to lose a pound but it's all worth it!!!!! Name.............. Start ..........Current.......... Goal ........ToGo 3ShotRoc..............345..............263................220......... ..43 alabubba..............464..............464................400......... ....64 annieemmm.........200..............198.................170......... ..28 barb12590............173..............165................155.......... .10 Betelnut…………......95….……...…273 …....……..245………….28 Bklyn1984.............317..............256................230......... ..26 blaze21................200.8...........200.8..............170......... ..30.8 Chicky Abby..........314..............314................270...........44 countrygirlNY........253..............217................182.......... ..35 crzytchr2004.........237..............232................210.......... .22 Fab by 50.............215..............215................175...........40 Fordgal88.............199..............175................199......... ..24 Htaylor1021.....210............210............185.........25 Jennyt71...............245..............207................170........ ...37 keepingfaith08...225..........225.............190.......35 LessJess...............228..............228................199........ ...29 Letsgetitstarted.....229..............229................199.......... .30 libbyjane1976.......283...............283................250.......... 33 LilMissDiva...........251.6............247.6..............227......... .20.6 liz_hager..............158..............158.................145....... ....13 Long2BThin...........192..............191.................169......... ..22 Mair.....................222..............220................199...... .....21 mamacj................316..............269................233......... ...36 MsNickelback....172...........172............149..........23 nicolerose.......365..........288............260.........28 onehotmama.........272.............237.................210............ 27 pbpuniser.............212..............212................182......... ..30 peachwood......251...........251............230.........21 picklesix...........197..........187.............170.........17 sexylips................238..............238................199....... ....39 SillyGoose............258...............243................228........ ...15 simone................182...............176.............160........ ...16 ukcatsfan.............340...............340................300........ ...40 workingmom.....214...........214............175.........39 ZiggyLove........226...........202............180.........22 __________________
  19. simone


    Hi Kris - I'm with you. Before I had my band on 9/30/08 I was probably just a big a soda drinker as anyone on here. I started my morning with one at 5am and drank it all through the day up until I crawled into bed at night. Now I hardly drink it at all and don't really miss it. I miss the fizzy bite in my mouth but not really the taste. There are so many other things to drink, ie: crystal light, tea, water, etc. I admit I ocassionally have a soda, but now it's mainly when I'm out or I'll take a sip of my DH's drink. Don't let your soda addiction keep you from making a good decision for your life. You can overcome it!!
  20. I set mine as a weight (160) that I had gotten down to about 38 years ago when I felt (and thought I looked) great. My surgeon set it at 10# lighter (150). I've done well enough that now he's talking another 20 beyound that (130). I can't image this because I probably haven't been that low since middle school. BMI is just a number that isn't necessarily right for everyone because of body type. I'm shooting for healthy. :thumbup:
  21. simone

    What's wrong with me?!

    I also understand what you're going through, although my missing being able to eat didn't start until after I had reached my sweet spot. I was banded September 08 and only recently have I started to mourn eating. It only seems to be bad when I'm eating with unbanded friends who can consume large amounts of food. I wouldn't give up my band for any thing, but sometimes it seems like 1/2 cup of food doesn't satisfy the "taste" craving even though I know it's all in my head.
  22. I got my last fill .2 CC on February 3rd and immediately lost the ability to eat breakfast. Now 4 weeks later I have suddenly lost all ability to eat meat. Thought I was at my sweet spot because I was losing weight and eating well until now. Have an appt today to talk to my doctor. Don't really want any fill removed but I sure miss eating meat. :cursing:
  23. simone

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    Not sure how to put my name on the list but sign me up. Start 182 cureent 182 goal 160 loss of another 22 pounds putting me at my original goal. Dr. wants another 32-52# and I'm starting to think that is attainable.
  24. simone

    Osteoporosis medication

    Abby1 - if you can't tolerate any of the oral osteoporosis medications maybe you can try the one that is infused into your veins once per year. I work in a women's clinic and we are starting to prescribe it to some women. Hope you are okay.
  25. simone

    My experiance, so far

    Congratulations Murphmann. :thumbup: I'm sure with your help your wife will do as well as you. My son is also in the process of doing a 6 mo. diet for his insurance co. I've found my journey so far to be pretty easy (banded 9/30/08) but it is starting to get harder the closer I get to my goal. Still have 35# to go. (Actually think I may want to lose more) Exercise is the key. I've recently really stepped mine up to 6 -7 days per week but am still at a plateau. I know it will eventually move tho. Keep up the good work. :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
