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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by simone

  1. I've had my lapband for almost 6 years and have always had a problem with getting enough liquids in. It doesn't matter when I drink, before, with or at anytime after a meal (30 minutes or 2 hours) I almost always feel hungry again. It does not matter how much restriction I have. I have had the same problem whether I follow my surgeons 30 minute rule or not. Does anyone else out there have this problem and if so what do you do? Simone
  2. I've had my lap band for almost 6 years and have always had a problem with getting enough liquids in. It doesn't matter when I drink, before, with or at anytime after a meal (30 minutes or 2 hours) I almost always feel hungry again. It does not matter how much restriction I have. I have had the same problem whether I follow my surgeons 30 minute rule or not. Does anyone else out there have this problem and if so what do you do? Simone
  3. My restriction is in what I would consider the green zone so I don't get stuck very often. I have a great deal of trouble eating meats but pretty much anything else eaten carefully is okay. I have spoken to my bariatric co-ordinator and she doesn't know what causes me to be hungry all the time when I drink. She suggested to come on the forum to ask if anyone else had this issue. I will have something to drink not even giving it any thought and very quickly afterward I will start to feel hungry. Then I will think "Oh yes, I had a drink" It has been a problem for me for several years. I've just learned to avoid liquids until just before I'm due for my next meal.
  4. simone

    Where Is Every One?

    Hi out there - I have not been back on the forum for several years. did so well the first couple of years and then got complacent and have re-gained a significant amount of weight back. I relearned ( or actually never forgot) old eating habits and stopped exercising for about a year because of arthritis pain. Recently rejoined a gym to do what I can and am watching what I put in my mouth again. I will get back on trackIII It's hard to think I did so well and let myself regress. I was so proud of myself but once again I have a whole closet full of clothes that don't fit. Need motivation so I guess I'll have to become a regular on this site again.
  5. simone

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    Teri - happy for you. I have had such good luck with my band that I've gotten complacent and put 10# back on. I'm going to try doing more cooking instead of grabbing the things that I know go down well and start coming back to the forum again. Keep up the good work. Simone - Sept. Samauri's 2008.
  6. A word of caution, some papaya pills taste great (GNC) and some are AWFUL!!! I bought some from Puritan's Pride mail order vitamins because they were a good value. NOT!!! I ended up throwing them away. Also, get them on board as soon as you get stuck because they work best taken as soon as possible. Good luck on your use of them
  7. simone

    Word of Wisdom

    What is the word of wisdom. I have been banded for almost 2 years and haven't heard that term before even though I spent hours on this forum for the 1st year.
  8. simone

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    Teri - I'm sorry the lapband hasn't worked for you. We all went into it with such high hopes. RNY would not be my choice but if it works better for you I say go for it!!! You need to be healthy for those 3 wonderful boys of yours. Good Luck!
  9. simone

    Calling All September Samurai

    Today is my 1 year bandiversary and I could not be happier. I love my band!!!! :tongue: Down almost 70#. I've gone from a tight XXL to anything from a 12-16 depending on the item and manufacturer. I've also found goodwill to be my new favorite store. I've probably spent more on clothes in the last year than in the last 5. :thumbup: Had my 1 year check up yesterday and had the dr take out .3cc because I had been having swallowing problems. Also, my mind can't seem to accept eating only 1/2 cup at a time. I figure, if I have to watch what I eat more closely and make sure my exercise stays a priority I should be able to control my weight. I am finding it's getting too easy to mindlessly snack on junk food at work. At home it's not such a problem, as I just don't buy it any more. I've had to cut back on exercise for several weeks because of knee problems but am feeling like if I take it slowly I can start working harder again. Unbelieveably I missed the exercise!!! :scared2: My 33 yr old son is doing his liquid diet this week in preparation for surgery on Tuesday, October 6. Please pray for him that he does well, both with the surgery and managing his life after the band. This is a last chance thing for him. His weight has been a major problem and has kept him from living life as he should. Keep up the good work everyone and keep in touch!
  10. simone

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    My one year bandiversary is tomorrow and I have so many reasons to celebrate!!! :tongue2: I can now walk into any stall in a public bathroom without having to practically climb up on the seat to close the door, or use the handicapped one. I never realized that bathroom stalls really aren't all that small. Also, the other day I walked past a mirror and stopped and went back again for a look. All of a sudden I have cheek bones. Haven't seen them in 30 years. So many other NSV's they are hard to count!! "LIFE IS GOOD WITH MY BAND!!!"
  11. simone

    eating for my september samurai

    Sounds like you're eating well Teri. I wish I could eat bread and pasta but they just dont' sit well. I can eat bread if it's full of seeds and chunks and try to have a bit every day just for the fiber. I way I wish I could eat pasta and breads more but probably not because they are part of what got me where I was a year ago. I could live on sandwiches before the band. My doctor allows up to 3 snacks a day if I get hungry between meals and some days I take advantage of them, other days not. I have the advantage of having my children grown so I don't have to cook for them and I also have time to exercise. It's a good thing that I don't have to do meals every day because I find it harder all the time to have any interest in preparing meals I won't eat. My poor husband!! Actually, I make sure he eats well, but it's not what he was used to. Keep up the good work. :thumbup:
  12. simone

    eating for my september samurai

    It's amazing how my eating has changed in 11 months. I am now at my sweet spot eating only about 1/2 cup per meal. I am really having a problem with head hunger on that one. My mind is just not satisfied even though my stomach says it's full. As an example, yesterday we were traveling and stopped at an A&W for a quick lunch (chosen because we couldn't leave the dog in the car and they have car hops). I had a chili cheese dog w/o the bun and was full but my mind said "you can eat an ice cream. NOOOOO I COULDN'T!!! Still surprises me! I eat a lot of chili's and stews, etc. because they can be made with lots of vegetables and protein in small servings. I will make a big pot of it, serve it to my family a time or two and then freeze the rest in small containers that are perfect for my lunch box. For breakfast I ususally have an instant breakfast blended with a frozen banana & extra protein in the form of powdered peanut butter. Dinner might be a very small portion of moist chicken and veg's or soup or even just a couple of whole grain crackers with cheese. When I need a snack I maybe have tapioca pudding or yogurt. Has anyone else tried freezing the new whipped yogurt from Yoplait? It's like eating a tart ice cream. YUMMY!!!! Definitely not eating like I was a year ago!! STILL LOVING MY BAND!!!!
  13. simone

    Calling All September Samurai

    Hi All Just checking in to say I still 'LOVIN MY BAND!" :thumbup: I'm almost to the goal I set myself of 160. Just 7# to go and the surgeon thinks I can do it. Just had a fill last week and I think I'm finally back to my sweet spot again. I was there before and then had to have an emergency unfill because I suddenly, for no reason, could not even swallow water. Also just coming off of a 4 month plateau. Now that my goal is in sight I'm thinking 140-150 isn't unreasonable. Amazing what a different a year makes in how I'm looking at things. I have to admit that I'm now playing with HEAD HUNGER :rolleyes2: and I REALLY, REALLY MISS EATING! Somehow eating just 1/2 - 3/4 cups at a time doesn't satisfy my mind, although that can often times be too much. I am really fighting becoming a grazer. Oh well! It will work out in the end. I am so happy with my band that my son has now set his date for surgery. Keep up the good work.
  14. I know, I'm going to hear that we shouldn't be eating pasta for many reasons: carbs, getting stuck, etc. I've been banded for 10 months now without any pasta and I would have to say it's the one thing I really miss. I tried some right after I was allowed real food again and got stuck so tight I haven't wanted to try it again. Well, the other day I found "low carb" pasta in the store and just had to try it. I boiled it up al dente and ate a small (1/4 cup) portion with lots of spaghetti sauce and extra veg's and was able to eat it with out getting stuck. HURRAY!!!!!!! :smile2: It's called Dreamfields and is lower carb and higher fiber and so YUMMY!!! I don't plan on eating it often but on occasion it should fit into anyone's diet. Just wanted to share this exciting (to me, at least) information.
  15. simone

    Pasta anyone??

    When I posted this thread I didn't mean to imply that I was told not to eat pasta, just that it got so stuck the time I tried it that I didn't want to do it again. I've tried whole wheat pasta in the past and can't get past the grainy texture and the Dreamfields while high in fiber doesn't have that feel. I aslo don't eat white bread (just whole grain) or noodles or anything like that. I can eat a pancake if made with cornmeal as that doesn't get so pasty. Just some of the things I miss with the band. Still lovin' my band though!!
  16. Hi - I had my surgery September "08" and have lost 60#. Amazing what it has done for my joint pain. I have osteoarthritis throughout my entire body, especially my feet, but now I feel so much better, I can walk and exercise for long periods of time w/o as much pain. I admit I still take Celebrex on damp, cool days or if I have over done it but not every day anymore. Good luck, and hope to see you answering the same question for someone else soon.
  17. That sound really good. I used to make a zucchini recipe similar to this that is soooo loaded with calories it's no wonder I gained weight, and to think I thought I was eating healthy!!! I am so glad that the fresh veggies are coming on strong now. I went to the farmers market in town today just for some green beans and ended up with basil, beans, sugar snap peas, several bunches of lettuce, red raspberries, beets, onions and garlic scapes. I just couldn't control myself :frown: What a great thing to not be able to control. We'll be eating well this week!
  18. Lacasst I had my surgery on 9/30/08 and lost about 2 pounds a week for about 4-5 months and then it petered out. I thought I was at my sweet spot before I had to have an unfill. If I remember right my fill level is 6.6 in a 10cc band, I was at 7.6 and able to eat most anything I wanted with the exception of beef and eggs. Pasta has been a problem since right after I was banded but I don't really miss it. Amazing what a difference 2cc's can make in the amount of food I could eat. I can still eat much too much and am having to really work hard at not overeating. I still have faith that this little piece of plastic is going to help me get to my goal. :frown:
  19. I have been plateaued for 4 months now:cursing:, rocking between 170 & 172. Had to have a partial unfill about a month ago and gained several pounds. I had 1cc put in last Tuesday which has promptly brought me back to 172 and holding. I'm not sure what to do about it. I tracked my food on the Daily Plate for several weeks (doing well) and changed out & increased my exercise and nothing helped. I've finally come to the conclusion that my body wants me to let it rest before starting down again. The hard part is continuing to eat the way I should with no loss to show for it. I go back for another partial fill in about 3 weeks and hope that will help. Be patient and keep up the good work. :confused:
  20. simone

    What Makes You Successful?

    I like your attitude Jachut. I've been reading your posts and tend to agree with you. I don't obsess over protein and try to maintain a healthy diet of protein, vegetables, fruit & carbs. My goal is not to be "skinny" but to be healthy. I'm actually learning to like the way I feel with exercise and am only 20# from the goal my doctor set for me. I figure I'll continue to loose weight until my body says "enough" and then try to live my life in such a way that I can maintain the loss. When I hit a plateau that lasted for several months, I looked at what I was doing and eating and decided my body just needed a rest to catch up to what it had been going through and eventually I've started losing again. Thank you for the common sense posts.
  21. Good luck to you. I'm the same age as you and I think we have to work a bit harder to get the weight off but the last 9 months of my life have been some of the best ever. You will feel so good both physically and mentally when you are at last able to take control of your life and no longer let food be your master. It's amazing how fast you get used to eating such small amounts of food. I had to have a partial unfill about 3 weeks ago and was appalled at how much i've been able to eat and it's no where near what I used to. I would not go back to being unbanded for anything. Keep in touch and let us know how you do.
  22. simone

    Little known facts about you??

    1. Were You Named After Anyone? Some song that was popular in 1949 2. When was the Last time You Cried? I never cry 3. Do You like Your Handwriting? Hate it. I'm the only one who can read it. 4. What Is Your Favorite Lunch meat? Butterball deep fried turkey breast, buttery herb flavor. Only 60 calories for 7 slices. Yummy!!!! 5. Do You have Kids? 2 adult sons 6.If You were Another Person, Would You be Friends with You? I like to think so. 7. Do you use Sarcasm a lot? All the time. 8. Do You still have Your Tonsils? Nope. lost them when I was 8. 9. Would You Bungee Jump? Are you out of your mind!!!! 10. What is Your Favorite Cereal? I don't eat cereal. It makes me hungry in about 1/2 an hour and then I graze. 11. Do You untie Your Shoes when You take them off? Not usually 12. Do You think You are Strong? Emotionally no. Physically getting stronger all the time. 13. What is Your Favorite Ice Cream? butter pecan 14. What is the First thing You notice about People? Smile 15, Red or Pink? bright pink 16. What is The least thing You like about Yourself? Introverted 17. Who do You Miss the Most? My mom 18. What Color Pants and Shoes are Wearing now? No shoes, black workout shorts 19. What was the Last thing You Ate? Salad 20, What are You listening to now? the hum of the computer 21 If You were a Crayon what Color would You be? Sky blue 22. Favorite Smells? new wood, fresh cut grass, babies after baths, vanilla 23. Favorite Sports to Watch? GREEN BAY PACKERS!!!! 24. Hair Color? brown & gray 25. Do You Wear Contacts? Never could 26. Favorite Food? Fresh baked bread & butter 27. Scary Movies, or Happy Endings? Happy endings 28. Last Movie You saw? Star Trek 29, Color Shirt/Blouse You are Wearing? White tshirt 30. Summer or Winter? Definetly summer 31. Favorite Dessert? Anything chocolate 32, Favorite Place ever Traveled? Jamaica 33, Where would You like to Travel Next? Ireland 34. What Book are Reading now? Not reading one now 35, Where were You Born? Platteville, WI 36. Big Band or Rap? Neither. Country or soft jazz 37. Interesting Fact about Me? I can wiggle my nose like a rabbit 38. What did You Watch on Televison Last Night? 60 minutes 39. Beatles or Rolling Stones? Early Beatles 40. Do You have a Special Talent? Crafting with gourds
  23. I've never used my card, I usually just order a regular meal and take home the leftovers for my husband to eat the next day. The one time I was going to try using it was at a Buffalo Hot Wings place in Wisconsin where it clearly states any one over 12 will be denied ordering from the child's menu. I placed my order from the child's menu and the waitress never even questioned me. I was actually kind of disappointed because I was just in the mood for a fight. :thumbup: They actually have things other than fried on the children's menu, salad & such. :cursing:
  24. simone

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    I'm sorry to admit that I won't make my goal but I've been on a 3+ month plateau. Just as it started to move again I had a problem and had to have some fill taken out last week and have to wait another 10 days to get it back. I have been amazed at the difference 2cc's can make in what I am able to eat. Have to admit that I'm taking advantage of loser restriction to eat a few things I haven't had for months like eggs and most meats. Trying hard to avoid over eating though, I don't want to undo all my hard work. Re: July 4th Challenge - 120 days permalink Name........................ Start Wt....... Current....... Goal....... To Go 3ShotRoc..................... 345.............. 244............ 220........ 24 Alabubba..................... 464.............. 439............ 400........ 39 Alleycia....................... 255.............. 217............ 198........ 19 Annieemmm................. 200.............. 198............. 170....... 28 Ashleyrenee................ 240........ 240............. 199........ 41 Barb12590..... 173.......... 155.......145........- 10 Betelnut..................... 295.............. 262............. 245........ 17 Bklyn1984................... 317.............. 235............. 230........ 5 Blaze21...................... 200.8........... 179.4............. 170....... 9.4 Blklab70282................. 241............. 241.............. 220........ 19 ChickyAbby................. 314............. 282.............. 270........ 12 Clcort......................... 236............. 200.............. 200........ 36 CountrygirlNY.............. 253............. 217.............. 182........ 35 Crzytchr.................... 237.............. 229.............. 210........ 19 Ewiedbingcott ......... 215.5.......... 204.5............ 198........ 6.5 Fab by 50.................. 215............. 190............... 175........ 15 Fordgal88.................. 199.............. 175.............. 193........ 18 Hdsantoni.................. 252.............. 198.............. 190......... 8 Htaylor1021............... 210.............. 199............ 185.........14 itsjustducky................368...............368...............328... .......40 Jazma....................... 261.............. 261.............. 235......... 24 Jeni 85...................... 170............. 169............... 158......... 11 Jennyt71................... 245............. 197............... 170......... 27 Keepingfaith08........... 225.............. 225.............. 190.......... 35 Lalaredd................... 240.............. 190............... 150......... 40 LessJess................... 228.............. 199............... 199......... 0 Letsgetitstarted......... 229.............. 211............... 199......... 30 Libbyjane1976........... 283............... 262.............. 250.......... 12 LilMissDiva................ 251.6............ 247.6............ 227.......... 20.6 Liz_hager................. 158............... 151............... 145.......... 6 LisaRT..................... 254............... 248............... 225.......... 23 Long2BThin.............. 192............... 178............... 169..........9 Loveislovely............. 191............... 175............... 169.......... 6 Mair....................... 222............... 215............... 199........... 16 Mamacj.................. 316............... 269............... 233........... 36 Melody_Mary_42f..... 277............... 231............... 170........... 49 MsNickelback.......... 172............... 152................ 149........... 3 Nicolerose.............. 365............... 288................ 260........... 28 Nursemelly............. 245............... 197................ 185........... 12 Onehotmama.......... 272............... 237................ 210........... 27 OneHotMomma........ 285.............. 275................ 250............ 25 Pbpuniser............... 212.............. 212................ 182............ 30 Peachwood............. 251............. 251................. 230............ 21 Picklesix................. 197............. 170................. 170............ 0 Sexylips................. 238............. 238................. 199............ 39 Sadie77................. 277............. 250................. 220............ 30 SillyGoose.............. 258............. 234................. 228............ 6 Simone.................. 182............ 170.................. 160............ 10 Ukcatsfan.............. 340............. 340................. 300............ 40 Workingmom........... 214............. 214................. 175............ 39 ZiggyLove.............. 226............. 202................. 180............ 22 Health4life..............279.............222.2................195..... .. .....27.2
  25. simone

    Lets add it up!

    My number is 58. Added to 128 is 186. :confused:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
