Hey everyone, I am so bad at this whole reaching out and talking to strangers thing, I have been secretly peering into everyone else's questions and hiding even though I have so many questions myself, so this is serious stepping out for me. I was banded on the 24th of last month, not even 3 weeks ago, I lost 19 pounds in two weeks, (I was sick with a stomach bug after surgery) and now feel like I could eat my arm I am so hungry. I made an appointment for a fill but weighed 5 pounds heavier when I weighed myself last night :cursing: argh. Did anyone else experience this? I feel like I have no restriction what so ever and can't stop thinking about food, I actually went to sleep last night dreaming of eating ho ho's, something I haven't had or thought of having in about 24 years. Ugh. Any thoughts you guys can throw my way will help!