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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Meme1504

  1. Hello I was banded back in March of 2008. I Have not been diag with pcos but it has been brought up several times and my past gyno just said here is some BC try this. Which that turns me into a not so nice person. SO I cant take them. I finnally went to one who really listend and cared and she thinks I have it. She is sending me to a endoconologist takes a while to get into this one but I will see her in MAY. But I am one who has had a terrible time at the band working for me. SO I am not sure if this is related or not. Yes I have lost some weight. But seems its not cause of the band and its more of a mind thing. The weight loss is not great as my Dr keeps telling me look at what your eating etc. I sorta am . My portions are cut down etc. And the scale still dont budge. Not sure if its the band not working or the pcos. And in my other post I may be getting a second opinion from another DR. As I am getting more and more discouraged.

  2. Well I was banded back in March of 2008. Lost about 20 lbs before on my own . You know the liquid diet. So i got banded had alot of issues and no communication with my doc until 2 weeks after surgery. I had problems after the surgery, my dr wouldnt even see me as she told me to go to the emergency room if I need to be seen. I was in such pain for almost a month so badly I slept on the couch and was on double strenght percs which I had to wean myself off of. Yes I am rambling now. So I got my first fill 6 weeks after surgery and it was like only 1.4 cc. I think . Then had to wait another 6 weeks even though I felt nothing. So each time I went back a pound or so lost ..And slowly giving me a little at a time for the fills. Last time I went it I was kinda depressed as I feel I have done all the work on my own. Yes I was told this is a tool and only a tool but shouldnt the tool have worked by now. Its really odd cause as of last year my insurance changed and now she has me coming in every month. And sometimes she is like oh I dont think you need a fill you are not working hard enough at it. I feel like saying I didnt go through hell for me to just give up> I joined a gym and eat healthy I try . But like us all if diet worked for us we wouldnt have had to go through this surgery. She really botherd me as she said oh you got to think if you are sneaking m and ms in the bedroom or eating grinders. I dotn even do that so why does she sterio type me. I am at I think around 5 cc in my band. The last fill was about 1 1/2 month ago, I had to cancel out my month fill as my copay is 40 and she may not give me another fill and just to say hi its not worth it.

    This is my problem and questions I have.

    Is my band really working for me...Is it right that I only feel it with chicken ,pork ,and bread. And when I do feel it its lots or pressure nto a fullness. And I do not stay not hungry. Like I can get tightness then in half hour hungry again> Not as though I eat again but dam its a fight.

    When I got my last fill that day I can barely get anything down but now its just like normal. Yes I get kids meals when I go out to eat.

    I feel i am fighting this all times. I am doing most of the work still struggling with it. I try the Protein and still feel unsatisfied. Trust me I have my cheat days but mayeb a 100 calorie pack or 2 and feel guilty for it.

    I wonder if my band is correct still on my stomach . Maybe the pouch is not small enough. I had a hernia too and she was going to repair it but when she got in there she said it was not big and would be ok. Its like you were right there why didnt you fix it

    I was thinking to get another opinion on my band,I know 2 other people that got it done through her and same thing happend. With them , They say she dont like giving fills and their weight loss to has been not good. I just dont know what to do. I have lost about 45 lbs but its a loosing battle at this point and I dont want to give up but its hard. Thank you any advice would be great.

  3. When I get my fill that day I will gurgle. The only problem I have the rest of the time is almost like a hicup. I explain it as a clogged drain pipe and the air is bubbling up. My Dr said to drink Water slowly. But I find this happens everyday and pretty much all day. My nickname at work is sqeaky and I have not hit my sweet spot yet.

  4. Is it me or is other getting the same feed back from others. I got banded in March. My Dr moves very slow at the fills and in the beginning the fills were every 6 weeks and they were not a lot. Even if you did not feel filled you have to wait till your next apt. She feels that you should not let the band do all the work and you need to train your mind too.So until a few months ago I really did not feel the fills. Yes some. And yes it helped. But a lot of my weight was done on my own. Again struggling. I now have joined the gym and she at my last apt was like I don't think you need a fill. I am like umm yah. Make the band work this is why I went through all this and trust me and I am sure you all now its not a easy road . Some things I have heard and dealt with and it makes me upset,discouraged that others don't understand how hard it is. I have lost almost 42lbs and its been pretty much on my own so far. I am also at 4.6 on my band.

    1. You should be taking off the weight like crazy

    2.not sure why you have not lost much weight it that's all you eat .

    3.I cant really tell a difference in the pictures. Must be the clothes you are wearing.

    4, best one yet I hear it over and over again by my husband which is also overweight. YOU CHEATED i get told.

  5. Hello and I was banded March 14th 2008. I too was very frustrated in the beginning . My Dr only gives fills every 6 weeks and not much at a time. As I have seen on here ,I guess it is all Dr's preference and how they feel the band should work for you. At my first fill pretty much I was like wow I can still eat the same as I did before the surgery and my weight was not coming off like it did pre-op and right after surgery. I was at a stand still. I am loosing inches now. Which the Dr explained that this is good.You are on a higher Protein diet so you can gain muscle which weighs more then fat. She also told me do not let the scale rule you keep up what you are doing. I too do a lot of reading here I see a lot of people say it takes a while to get your sweet spot in your fills. So even though frustrated I hung on. I have received my second fill a few weeks ago. I now have 2.6 in my band. I notice a change already and have slowed down eating a lot. I guess the fills they say there is no set science to it. So if you go in and say look i can eat what I could before and I am hungry then they will give you more then someone who is getting full and staying that way. I also started walking , I found this is the key. I am feeling good once again. Loosing some more pounds. I didn't believe this would work either. I was like you. But keep your head up. It will come.

  6. I am from MA also. I got banded in March of this year. If you like to chat I am open to it. I had my surgery done in Providence RI. I love the band now and would not have second thoughts if I had to do it all over again. :lol:

  7. I also was banded in March. I only have 2.4 cc in my band. My Dr is very cautious at giving big fills. Gets me very discouraged, I had lost 10 on a diet on my own,then 10 pre-op diet then 20 after. And I to am at a stand still on the scale. i have noticed my clothing size has change and differences in my appearance not in the scale. The Dr told me don't let the scale rule you. I am hoping by the next fill I get my sweet spot as they all call it. I noticed already that this fill has tightened mine more which I only had 1.6 in before. And I have to wait 6 weeks in between fills. Very frustrating.

  8. I got my 2nd fill about a week ago. I asked a few more questions this time as I was really confused on why everyone was getting their fills sooner then me. She has me go back every 6 weeks. And she said cause she dont want me in the red zone. I also asked her about the band I have and she told me this time how much she put in and what I had. I had 1.6 fill the first time this time I had 2.4. Not much of a difference. I do feel slight restriction when I eat. But still not tight enough ..I guess all Drs are different in what they think is right.

  9. I keep reading others that have fills every 2-4 weeks. My surgery date was March 14th of this year. I have only received 1 fill and getting very very discouraged.I called my Dr around the 3rd week and said it was not working. They said it may take the full 6 weeks to work. Hmm. I think the amount of Fluid they put in should be felt that day. I wouldn't think it would all of a sudden tighten on its own. I am going to see her on Monday. Yes I have lost quit a bit but that was all preop and post op dieting NOT the band working or helping me. I am not sure if I should ask her why she is the minority and only gives fills every 6 weeks. One of my theories is that cause the fills are part of the surgery she don't get paid for them like a insurance new patient or other procedures that need to be done. So she don't like to have the fills take alot of time in her schedule. In the beginning of all this after the surgery I saw some issues starting with the office I go too. I saw her preop then never saw her again till 2 weeks later. I called the office with some problems and all I was told is to go to the emergency room. She would not see me or even talk to me on phone. I was left in the dark with it. :lol:

  10. Well I have not had my band for long about 2 months. But the positive things I have noticed already are:

    1.compliments from others on how you look (even though I don't want to believe it ,I see myself everyday)

    2.wearing clothes smaller that I could never fit into before

    3.Just an over all good feeling about myself

    Yes I was one that had some problems and I do get discourage with the process sometimes ,not the band itself. Just I have to keep in my mind the weight took me awhile to put on ,it is not going to go away overnight.

    I would not turn back time for anything. The only thing I did wish is that the Dr office that I went to was a little more informative on some things.

  11. I am glad I read this. Before I was hooked on diet sodas. My Dr and dietitian said don't drink it because it will hurt. It is good to know that it could also have bad reactions on the band too and not just being uncomfortable. I do not drink any soda now any ways just a sip here and there.

  12. I too, only have had one fill ,no restriction more then before. I have to wait six weeks for my next one. I called them up and asked if I can move it up and I was told no. They said it takes sometimes that long to work. This is the first time I heard that. So I guess my Dr office is strict. Aww well I think I have 3 more weeks to wait. It is very discouraging though.

  13. I too had my first fill a couple weeks ago. I notice no change either. She never told me how much I got either. I go back in about 4 weeks. I am just worried to call them and seem like a pain in the butt. But maybe i should. Just maybe move up the apt a little. The only thing I notice with this band is when i eat chicken it clumps up if I eat to fast. All the rest of the food no problems. Which mainly I am working on my head to stop eating and not the band.

  14. This is a good topic. I wondered the same thing too. For the most part I got banded on March 14th ,2008. I been doing good since. I notice when I eat chicken or something dry, or eat to fast it gets stuck. No vomiting for me yet. But when this happens it hurts like a sob. I take some sips of Water and you can feel the food slowly go down. And you can tell when it has left your pouch and into your bigger stomach.

  15. I to had burning not so much over my port site. But the opposite side. The deepest incision she told me. It is the muscles that burn as the try to repair themselves. I am not sure if the reason why I never noticed my port hurting was the other side hurt so much and gave me so many troubles. This lasted over 3 weeks.

  16. There is yogurt that is Greek yogurt. It has low in carbs and 22 grams of Protein. There is 2 different brands out there.Oikes I think and fajia . It is very bitter though. SO I add splender and even for a snack at night I add Peanut Butter just a little . Makes a good ice-scream alternative. The dietician said you can add a sugar free Syrup to it. Or some fresh fruit.< /p>

  17. Yes I am sure this is pretty common sense,but I am having a real hard time making this happen.I am a dental assistant and i am always at the Drs schedule. It is hard for me even to go to the bathroom. So I know I need to drink lots of Fluid. My Dr and dietitian was not to pleased that this wasn't happening. Then I started to drink more. And now have problems with gurgling and belching. i asked my Dr she told me I need to sip my Water and not gulp. How can I make this happen with lack of time. Also with eating the other day I ate a small salad at 1 and didn't leave work till 7. By around 4 I felt sick and the sickness stayed with me through the night. I try to listen to my dietitian she says eat Protein I have tried a yogurt or high protein snack and doesn't seem to curve the appetite. I just let my stomach hurt till its time to eat again. Any ideas. What do you all do when working .

  18. Hello and I was one that had issues for awhile after. I had terrible pain not at my port site but at the spot they sew your flesh to your muscle so it wont herniate. I could not sleep in my bed for 2 weeks. Laying on the couch yes my back ached. It was weird because it was the same area that was hurting me in the front but in my back. After 2 weeks I went back to work. On the 3rd week I bent over at work not thinking and the stitches must have ripped out. It burnt for 3 days then all better.

    For the belching. I still get it drinking Water and such. The Dr told me not to gulp the liquids. But it seems to still happen. Did they give you anything for nausea.

    Also I know some of the new bands that are coming out have Fluid in them already and with all the swelling at this time in your belly ,maybe its to much for you. I would def call your Dr and let them know . Good luck with everything. It does get better. After the 3rd week I felt like myself again.

    For the hospital bed,if this is the only way that you are going to get some rest I would say go for it.,Your body needs rest to recoup so I would def consider it.

  19. Well yes it is a life changing process. I find I am struggling most about the weight not coming off still. It's like ok got the band and now I am still not loosing weight. I lost those pounds mainly cause of diet. liquids the first 10lbs,liquids the second and for the last 15 was post op when you are on straight liquids for 1 week. And pureed for 2. So in fact I feel the band has not worked for me yet. And I know that it will. i am not eating as much not as though I feel full but I am stopping myself from eating. The Dr says its only a tool but after reading some entries here in the forum looks like it takes some time for your body to adjust and everyone is different.

    For the drinking social part. I was told and read that a little bit of alcohol can make you drunk. Again this is on a personal basis. And they also say alcohol has a high calorie content. So your drinking your calories. I am mainly a once in a great while drinker(In the Navy I was a heavy drinker I think this is why all my weight came on)I went away a couple weeks ago and I had a drink or 2 a couple nights. Not just beer. LOL. I felt a little buzz nothing major. I think the warning for the alcohol is a lot for the gastric bypass cause your body absorbs the alcohol different. I would say try it . Be careful when you do. See how your body reacts. I find the band does not interfere with my social life. Eating yes. But I am also sensitive to gluten so I have had to deal with that. So you just order or do something else. Good luck to you. If you like to chat I am open to.

    Over all,I do not regret this in any way. I am very happy I had this done. I found the 35lbs has let me wear clothing I have not been able to in years. Its a great feeling. But that want to loose more weight is even more. :wub:

  20. Hello all I am new to this site. I am already banded. I started the process in Sept 2007 . You know the 3 hour seminar. Then saw the Dr in November. I weighed in at 288. I didn't look it though. Yes I heard why don't you diet,just cut back ,blah blah blah. Well It all started about 14 years ago when I was in the service. I went from 126lbs to 220lbs all in 2 years. Wow . Well after seeing the surgeon in November I thought OK easy road now. Well a prior leg injury held me up. But I finally got cleared. So on Mach 14th I got banded. Over all it was really tough. I was in such pain for 4 weeks until the stitches let go.They say they sew your flesh to your muscle so you don't get a hernia. So Now it brings me to today . I had my first fill on April 28th. It feels as though they may have taken out Fluid instead of filling. LOL. It feels less restrict. So far the Dr is very happy with me along with my dietitian. Before the surgery was near I lost 10lbs. Then the 2 week preop I lost 10 lbs. And since the band 15 so all together 35 lbs. I am getting discouraged though as time goes on cause I am at a standstill. I have learnt a lot of things that I wasn't told with this surgery. And anyone who is thinking of having it done. I will let them know so they wont be as surprised as I was. Not really bad just things that needed to be known.My goal now is to loose 100lbs.

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