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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Meme1504

  1. Meme1504

    Burning Sensation!!

    I to had burning not so much over my port site. But the opposite side. The deepest incision she told me. It is the muscles that burn as the try to repair themselves. I am not sure if the reason why I never noticed my port hurting was the other side hurt so much and gave me so many troubles. This lasted over 3 weeks.
  2. There is yogurt that is Greek yogurt. It has low in carbs and 22 grams of protein. There is 2 different brands out there.Oikes I think and fajia . It is very bitter though. SO I add splender and even for a snack at night I add peanut butter just a little . Makes a good ice-scream alternative. The dietician said you can add a sugar free syrup to it. Or some fresh fruit.
  3. Hello and I was one that had issues for awhile after. I had terrible pain not at my port site but at the spot they sew your flesh to your muscle so it wont herniate. I could not sleep in my bed for 2 weeks. Laying on the couch yes my back ached. It was weird because it was the same area that was hurting me in the front but in my back. After 2 weeks I went back to work. On the 3rd week I bent over at work not thinking and the stitches must have ripped out. It burnt for 3 days then all better. For the belching. I still get it drinking water and such. The Dr told me not to gulp the liquids. But it seems to still happen. Did they give you anything for nausea. Also I know some of the new bands that are coming out have fluid in them already and with all the swelling at this time in your belly ,maybe its to much for you. I would def call your Dr and let them know . Good luck with everything. It does get better. After the 3rd week I felt like myself again. For the hospital bed,if this is the only way that you are going to get some rest I would say go for it.,Your body needs rest to recoup so I would def consider it.
  4. Hello all I am new to this site. I am already banded. I started the process in Sept 2007 . You know the 3 hour seminar. Then saw the Dr in November. I weighed in at 288. I didn't look it though. Yes I heard why don't you diet,just cut back ,blah blah blah. Well It all started about 14 years ago when I was in the service. I went from 126lbs to 220lbs all in 2 years. Wow . Well after seeing the surgeon in November I thought OK easy road now. Well a prior leg injury held me up. But I finally got cleared. So on Mach 14th I got banded. Over all it was really tough. I was in such pain for 4 weeks until the stitches let go.They say they sew your flesh to your muscle so you don't get a hernia. So Now it brings me to today . I had my first fill on April 28th. It feels as though they may have taken out fluid instead of filling. LOL. It feels less restrict. So far the Dr is very happy with me along with my dietitian. Before the surgery was near I lost 10lbs. Then the 2 week preop I lost 10 lbs. And since the band 15 so all together 35 lbs. I am getting discouraged though as time goes on cause I am at a standstill. I have learnt a lot of things that I wasn't told with this surgery. And anyone who is thinking of having it done. I will let them know so they wont be as surprised as I was. Not really bad just things that needed to be known.My goal now is to loose 100lbs.
  5. Well yes it is a life changing process. I find I am struggling most about the weight not coming off still. It's like ok got the band and now I am still not loosing weight. I lost those pounds mainly cause of diet. liquids the first 10lbs,liquids the second and for the last 15 was post op when you are on straight liquids for 1 week. And pureed for 2. So in fact I feel the band has not worked for me yet. And I know that it will. i am not eating as much not as though I feel full but I am stopping myself from eating. The Dr says its only a tool but after reading some entries here in the forum looks like it takes some time for your body to adjust and everyone is different. For the drinking social part. I was told and read that a little bit of alcohol can make you drunk. Again this is on a personal basis. And they also say alcohol has a high calorie content. So your drinking your calories. I am mainly a once in a great while drinker(In the Navy I was a heavy drinker I think this is why all my weight came on)I went away a couple weeks ago and I had a drink or 2 a couple nights. Not just beer. LOL. I felt a little buzz nothing major. I think the warning for the alcohol is a lot for the gastric bypass cause your body absorbs the alcohol different. I would say try it . Be careful when you do. See how your body reacts. I find the band does not interfere with my social life. Eating yes. But I am also sensitive to gluten so I have had to deal with that. So you just order or do something else. Good luck to you. If you like to chat I am open to. Over all,I do not regret this in any way. I am very happy I had this done. I found the 35lbs has let me wear clothing I have not been able to in years. Its a great feeling. But that want to loose more weight is even more. :wub:

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