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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kris77

  1. I have been getting a lot of my clothes second hand (resale shops or thrift)and am loving the smaller sizes!! When you have to clear out your entire closet and drawers buying second hand has helped a lot. Also I donated all my “big” clothes.

  2. On 03/06/2020 at 16:05, ms.sss said:

    Here's a visual (the "after" picture was taken this past January, waist measurement that day was 26" (I'm a tiny bit smaller in the waist area now as my TT swelling has gone down since....)


    How did you get your legs in that kind of shape. I’m what people call a pear shape. Gain in my lower half. You look amazing!

  3. Thank you. (If that message is for me😊)None of it is “easy”. Mental changing was the hardest part and I’m still a work in progress on that. I do weigh everyday in the morning. Keeps me in check. In July I’ll be two years out. No regrets what so ever.
    The first year is what some call the honey moon period. Use it to your advantage. Excersise as soon as you can. I did not do as much excersising as I could have and I think that if I had done that it would have helped the skin not be as loose. I do excersise but I wish looking back I had started as soon as I got the green light to do so. Good luck!! you will be successful!!!

  4. I’m naturally a B cup. With the extra 100 pounds I carried I was a D. Now down that weight I’m left w smaller than a B. My upper body, inc my girls were the first to go! I’m currently consulting with PS for a augmentation, lift and Tummy Tuck

  5. Congrats on the weight loss!
    Ive lost 100. I’m at goal and have kept it off. Treat to myself is a little PS. Surgery was almost two years ago. The surgeon I consulted w suggested the donut hole for me. My breast look more deflated than saggy but def need some perk and fill. Thanks for the info. I’m trying to gauge who had what and if they were happy. This is my first go round w PS and I’m nervous.

  6. On 02/08/2020 at 21:43, Apple1 said:

    It is definitely frustrating, but I am determined to get back to 150-155 and maintain there. I sure hope you are able to reach your goal as well. We just have to stick with it and try to be patient.

    @apple1-yes I think we can too! Let’s keep on keeping on!
    I’m 19 mos PO sleeve. 5’4 1/2 SW 238 CW 139. Window 130-140.
    How far PO are you?

  7. @Apple1-really messes w your mind huh?! Work our hard and see the scale go up is disheartening. I’ve been back to the gym now for 3 weeks and the scale hasn’t went down. My hub says it’s bc I’m building muscle. Maybe so. When I had my sleeve I lost a lot of muscle. So maybe I’m slowly building it back. Wish looking back that I had lost slower w keeping my muscle up as oppose to losing really fast and losing a lot of muscle.
    Anyways working at building it back but it sure is depressing to work hard at the gym and not see the reflection on the scale (I weigh every day). Helps me be accountable and catch fluctuations like I have now. Still in my window but at the top of window.

  8. On 01/18/2020 at 06:31, GreenTealael said:





    1. The feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others

    2. A cause for regret or disappointment.


    A safe space to drop your baggage, bemoan your post op life issues (rational or not) without the worry of someone trying to "Iyanla fix my life" and hopefully leave feeling lighter


    What happened?

  9. On 01/31/2020 at 13:51, ms.sss said:

    Me Too! It's my number one ice cream (and gelato) flavour.

    I'm on an ice cream binge right now...just now I had some ginger ice cream, and there is a 100 cal Good North Protein ice cream bar in the freezer I'm saving for after dinner tonite, LOL.

    Pistachio used to be my fav along w Mint chocolate chip but since my sleeve I can’t eat ice cream. I tried to a couple times and was so sick after only a couple bites. So that’s a good thing for me since my sweet tooth is crazy! Also struggling in my bounce area. It’s 130-140 and I’m currently rocking the boat at 139!!😳😱

  10. On 01/15/2020 at 11:29, ms.sss said:

    Warning: This is a long Read.

    Hey peeps,

    Feels like its been a while since I've posted on here...I think because alot of my initial apprehension/anxiety/fear of navigating maintenance has basically disappeared. I feel way more confident and secure that I've got this in the bag, so long a I keep up with my "good" habits, i.e., tracking my food, weighing daily, take my vites, drink my Water, getting in some exercise.

    Background reminder: I am almost 15 months post op from sleeve surgery, and I've been in maintenance now for about 7 months. I stopped weight loss mode at 127 lbs, and weighed in 115.4 lbs this morning.

    Prior to the PS recovery stage I am currently in, I finally figured out that with my normal activity level (5km run daily + 15 mins strength training), my maintenance calories average about 1800-2000 a day.

    My activity level for the past month however has been virtually null (save the last few days when I started walking 5km day, with the occasional short distance run in there somewhere), and my calorie intake has greatly varied day to day (MFP tells me I roughly averaged 1500 a day for the past month) and this combo has me maintaining 115 lbs.

    Though I think the lack of exercise/strength training is starting to show on my body parts. My thighs are looking soft, the muscles in my arms and shoulders look less defined, my butt is actually looking saggier! How much this is related to the PS swelling or repositioning, I dunno. I am told I will not see my what my post-plastics final body for another several months. In any case, I am ACHING to be able to run like the wind again and work on some body toning.

    Regarding food choices, I still stay away from bread, Pasta &rice. I have the occasional sugar-laden mixed drink (which I often pay for with dumpings), and my chocolate and Desserts intake has probably quadrupled (again, which I often pay for with dumpings). Regarding dumpings, I notice I am more likely to get more severe symptoms if there is nothing else in my stomach, which, when I am drinking or having dessert, is often the case.

    I can definitely eat alot more in terms of volume than 6 months ago. Though my capacity is inconsistent in that there are days I can eat lots, and other days when I don't...and there seems to be no rhyme or reason for it.

    I continue to believe that I am all that and a bag of chips, and my confidence in myself and what I do is filtering into my life in strange ways. I am so much less angry and annoyed. I have way more patience with others and feel like I am less judge-y. I am not harsh on myself anymore, which makes me less harsh on others, I guess.

    I no longer really care what (non-essential) people think of me, nor do I feel the need to be liked and appreciated by them. On the flip side of this lack of concern, I am fine with "cutting the fat" from my life so to say, meaning that I recognize which relationships or interactions are worth working on and maintaining, and which ones I just step to side from.

    I am quite comfortable with silences now.

    All in all, I'm feeling pretty great, and quite happy where I find myself these days.

    Ok, I didn't mean for this post to be so long and oh-so-reflective, lol. Just wanted to give a how-I-am-doing-in-maintenance update.

    How are the other maintainers out there (new and old) doing? Would love to hear from you guys ❤️

    That’s AWESOME!!!!

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