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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kris77

  1. On 07/02/2021 at 04:03, Sophie7713 said:

    Happy 4th red, white and blue! Anyone planning on a hot dog treat this weekend?! Hubbies strawberry rhubarb pie.

    IMG_9123.thumb.jpeg.9532f6915356d786df4e77be13fe271d.jpeg IMG_3625.thumb.jpeg.4118bc403074157fd42d6d0505d1bfaa.jpeg IMG_0872.thumb.JPG.bb0ba87599e620c961c960f4c7d7ff66.JPG

    That’s some hot dog!! You look great!
    I want that pie!!!

  2. On 06/30/2021 at 14:00, BayougirlMrsS said:

    Another Hubby buy from Venus.... top and bottom.



    Wow!! You look amazing and hubby can def shop for a girl!

  3. On 06/29/2021 at 10:41, GreenTealael said:

    So this was originally a one piece suit that I altered into a bikini? tankini? I like it better this way


    (Also I had to hike to this spot -I don’t normally hike- so that’s me on a big rock in the rainforest being bitten by every bug just to get a photo 🤣)

    Wow!! You look great!!!

  4. On 06/25/2021 at 00:49, ms.sss said:

    Im a cautionary tale…in didnt have implants, but I did get a breast lift. I wasn’t supposed to do vigorous exercise (i.e., running) for 2 months i think, and yep, I went at 3 weeks, and busted open my stitches at by bra line in 2 places. Doc asked me again to wait 2 months. Then I went for a run at 1 month. Split them open again. Yeah, im a dumbass.

    As for sit-ups, I started doing small crunches in bed around 6 weeks (around the time I could stand up straight with zero pain nor tightness)

    Now you didn’t ask, but i’ll mention this anyway, lol My arm lift recovery was the worst of all my procedures and it wasn’t until about month 3 (maybe 4) that I was able to do full range of motion stuff…and even then my arms were a little tight.

    BUT…from what I’ve read on here Im probably one of the worst-case scenario people! But i love my boobs/tummy/arms so its all good.

    I wish I loved to run like that!
    Think I’m being overly cautious
    On the masks-lol I didn’t zoom in so I guess I thought it was a mask! I knew you had said in Canada they were pretty locked down w everything so I thought maybe they were making y’all wear them outside. FYI you look so long legged and slim! I’ve always wanted long legs!! I’m jelly!!

  5. On 06/23/2021 at 20:18, kristieshannon said:

    I had to go to a Title Nine women’s athletic wear store and get fitted for a super industrial strength sports bra. I can’t stand the feeling of the bounce! This thing keeps them TIGHT! The brand is Shock Absorber. It’s the only way I can run since surgery. I’ve been ok since about 8 weeks out doing sit ups.


    Title Nine? I will have to google that.
    I’ve been given the all clear but I’m not a runner to begin w (unless I was being chased lol) but I do like the elliptical machine. I’ve been extremely cautious on what I do upper body -haven’t done any upper body weight lifting and w my stomach-no crunches yet. Kinda scared to mess something up even though I got a clear from surgeon to do them.
    They said to start light. Haven’t done that yet. Just curious what others have felt after they started bk up again.

  6. On 06/16/2021 at 14:39, ms.sss said:

    Dusted off my running shoes and a pair of running pants this morning.

    According to my fitness app, it has been 118 days since I last went for a run (yikes!). Finally went for one this morning, and whoa, I'm outta shape. Got winded after like 20 mins so we spent about an hour "resting" at a lookout instead. LOL.


    Omg you look AMAZING!! So slim!!
    (Why the mask outdoors? Do they make y’all wear a mask outdoors?)

  7. On 06/14/2021 at 08:28, WishMeSmaller said:

    Thank you, @Arabesque! 🥰 We pulled the drain out a couple of days later. I am now 16 days post op, and I go back to work today. Hopefully not going to be too much of a mess with fatigue. I am so swollen and still fatigued with some discomfort. It is going to be 100 degrees F here this week. Super fun with compression garments 24/7. Did I really choose to do this? 😂😂

    We are almost 100 here too! Crazy hot. Add a faja-ugh
    Where do you live? I’m in Texas

  8. On 03/31/2021 at 14:43, Shanell said:

    I think depression is trying to set in ........ so I came to my parents for the kids Easter break and to get out of the house I recently lost my husband in January and I kinda been cooped up in the house except for when I go walking. My surgery was on the 12th and every went well until the second night I was in some pain and I wanted my husband they calmed me down and from there it has been good except I can't drink Water like I want to anyway........ about last night well it started with dinner I'm now on puree foods but still drinking liquids the only thing that works is mash potatoes and I tried yogurt today and that made me a lil nausea but not to bad. Well after dinner in which I ate egg drop Soup I got ready for bed once in bed I became very sad so sad I started crying I wanted to eat and I wanted my husband and I can't have either if it wasn't for my kids and their love and support I don't know how I would have gotten threw last night I really miss him.

    Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app

    I’m so sorry to hear that. 🙏🏻

  9. On 06/05/2021 at 18:10, GreenTealael said:

    Trying to fall in love with Protein Shakes again (It’s too hot to eat 🤣) It tasted like a Starbucks Frappuccino

    *not shown was 2 oz of Water, 4 oz of almond milk & 4 oz of ice




    Have you tried the Premier Protein Blueberries and cream? If you’re trying to get back into them it’s a new flavor. So good. Cookies and cream is another fav too.

  10. Catwoman is 100% correct. Once you get a few days in it will get easier. Sounds weird but it will. Drink broth. It’s warm and filling when you’re hungry. To be successful you need to commit to this. We have all had to do this so I’m speaking from experience. You can do this too!
    One last piece of advice. Don’t put yourself in the same room as people eating things you will want. When my kids and husband would come home and eat I’d simple go into my bedroom w my liquid of choice and stay in there until they were done. I did that so I wouldn’t smell, see or make myself ravenous w the food being around. You can do this. Set yourself up to succeed. Don’t put yourself in situations of temptation.
    YOU CAN DO THIS!! Keep us updated. I wish you success.

  11. On 05/28/2021 at 08:30, kristieshannon said:

    Bizarro weather here in the Northeast. Wednesday it hit 94. Today we’ll have a high of 58. Back to the boots & jeans!


    I love this outfit! Totally something I’d wear! You look great! super
    Cute outfit

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