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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kris77

  1. On 06/18/2024 at 14:16, ms.sss said:

    granted, i get that either your wls or plastics surgeon would make a recommendation, but for your plastics surgeon to REQUIRE a "sign off" from your wls surgeon or primary to proceed for a self-paid, elective surgery, would be a red flag to me if indeed this is not normal practice in the U.S. i mean are they just trying to cover their asses or something??

    seems off...

    My PS required a sign off from my primary care doctor to say I’m healthy for surgery.
    It may be a US standard for PS to adhere to.
    Although I don’t think it’s a bad thing at all though. Being skinny doesn’t always mean “healthy” to withstand a certain amount of blood loss, anesthesia time, healing etc.

  2. On 06/17/2024 at 20:40, Starwarsandcupcakes said:

    Apparently my body is just stuck in grief mode right now (my sister passed away this past weekend after a lengthy hospital stay) which sucks because I *know* I should be eating but it makes me feel sick. This was dinner and dessert.

    Dinner- 6” multigrain roasted chicken with fresh mozzarella, banana peppers, tomatoes, double pickles, and spinach with the sweet onion teriyaki sauce on the side. My youngest even helped by taking a big bite!

    Dessert- Mississippi mud brownies- I took one bite and I was done.



    So sorry to hear about your
    Sister. That is awful. Heart goes out to you and your family.

  3. On 06/11/2024 at 22:14, Arabesque said:

    This all looks delicious. @GreenTealael your niece is very talented. And isn’t that always the way @Kris77. You put in all the effort to cater & present a most beautiful spread & then you spend all the time rushing about ‘hosting’ that you don’t get to really enjoy any of it.

    Congratulations to all the graduates.

    This was the dessert at my nieces recent elopment celebration. Was supposed to be a brownie - more a mud cake - with berries and a berry sorbet. You can see my little taste of the cake on the side. Did have a second taste & I had a little of the surgery. Rich but delicious.


    Looks sooo good!!!

  4. On 06/11/2024 at 10:17, GreenTealael said:

    My daughter’s High School graduation cake. After the party we threw away 1/2 of it instead of eating everything. I’m noticing that cake isn’t a big thing with anyone I know anymore. Anyone else noticed Desserts are being left uneaten?


    Congrats to your Graduate!!! Such and exciting time for them!!

  5. On 03/09/2024 at 18:07, pamela said:

    Hi! I am 51 and having a revision from lap band to RNY on April 3. I’d like to hear from someone my age or older… how did your surgery go? Do you think age makes a difference?

    Hey!! I also live in H Town!!

  6. You definitely want to feel comfortable with who does your surgery. There are many different ones out there that are good fit for some and not for others. You have to pick one that lines up with how you and him see the process.
    It is a lot of homework and research but necessary and worth it in the end. Never go cheap on stuff like this. The one I picked I knew from someone else having surgery with him and I loved his work. When we met up it just clicked and I liked his plan.
    Now I met up with other surgeons for consults and did not feel like it was a fit. So it is a process. But don’t try and rush it. Takes time. It’s a lot of money too so you want to make a good decision not rush.
    Good luck to you and can’t wait to see updates!

  7. On 09/07/2023 at 22:15, Arabesque said:

    Actually most of us eat pretty much a recommended portion in our maintenance. It just looks small compared with how much we used to eat for a meal before surgery - double, triple or more an appropriate serve. Some meals may be a little less because of what else we’ve eaten during the day & how hungry we feel. You’re only a little way out from surgery & still healing & recovering so yes some days will be harder than others, some foods will upset you more or sit more heavily in your tummy & you are eating much smaller serves. It does get better. You work out your cues, you’re able to eat a greater variety of foods without issue, & your portion sizes will slowly increase to appropriate serving sizes. In time you’ll look back & realise this time, though sometimes frustrating & upsetting, didn’t last all that long & was so worth it.

    All the best.

    Ditto to what Arabesque said.
    I’m 5 years Post Sleeve. So speaking from a little experience that I have had.

    Like she said you have to adjust to a new way but it’s just a new way. It’s not unsustainable. We all use to eat portions that were way over what we should have and a lot of us got to our heaviest points this way.
    It is a bit of a mind-$&@! but you will get use to your new normal and it will become so normal. I know you don’t think so yet but give your mind and body a chance to get use to this big change.
    Hang in there. We are all here for you. Some of the people on here have helped me sooo much. A lot of really great info. You will find recipe ideas and which ones work for you and which don’t etc.
    BP is a great resource and support system. I wish you the best!

  8. On 08/26/2023 at 22:45, Arabesque said:

    Okay that’s it. Our friendship is over. How can you not like Tomato based Soups? ?? 😱 I love all Soups as you know but my favourite Soup since a child has been Tomato. Tomato with lentils, with white Beans, using fresh, roasted, or tinned tomatoes, … I’d very happily eat A’s minestrone except for the Pasta of course. Mmm now I might make a pastaless minestrone this week (though is it still minestrone without Pasta? ?)


    Oh yup. Same. I second that!!
    I agree w MS.sss

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