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Everything posted by jasmineinmymind

  1. OK lots of good advice here. I just started going to the gym so I will need to eat a little more but I'll make sure to avoid snacking etc. I need to reframe my thinking with food and go for more of fuel and less reward. I honestly have been really good about not eating any sugar, no junk food, no processed food but I dont track and measure because the stuff I eat is random sometimes. Like I made brown rice, curry and ground turkey. I have no idea the calories etc. So I guess the lesson is to eat stuff that can be measured and calculated till I can get my weight loss moving quickly again. I'll do your cup trick and see how that works for me.
  2. I definitely can't eat to fullness as that never really happens. I am not going to push my luck and see how much I could eat if I really wanted to. But yeah I'm still eating according to my doctor's plan and started going to the gym.
  3. jasmineinmymind

    OK to be OK?

    I feel the same. 2.5 months out and still feel like I barely have restriction :-(
  4. jasmineinmymind


    I have a horrible heel spur that’s killing me but they still will not budge. Some doctors say Meloxicam is ok for bariatric patients but my team said too much risk. So I use CBD and suck it up till I can have foot surgery in August
  5. jasmineinmymind

    Hardest part

    The hardest part is finding out exactly why people constantly say that surgery is only a tool. I have found that I can eat pretty much anything and I’m only 2 1/2 months out. It’s really hard to realize that the weight is not falling off of me and if I need to lose a lot it’s going to take a massive effort on my part. The surgery was only one part and the rest is up to me. If I don’t go to the gym at least 5 days a week I know my weight will not budge .
  6. jasmineinmymind


    My team said no coffee because of acidity. I found that when I tried decaf coffee it hurt my stomach anyway. I drink Dandy Blend coffee substitute and now I’m used to it. I don’t miss coffee that much
  7. jasmineinmymind

    People post less about perfect

    I don’t feel competitive at all, I feel worried. If somebody has lost significantly more weight than me I feel like my surgery just isn’t working for me. Everybody says don’t compare but they also stress that the honeymoon period is short and I’m really scared that I will pass the honeymoon phase without hitting my goal weight
  8. jasmineinmymind

    Regular water or infant water?!

    I buy cases of Hint water because it goes down like a dream. Plain water irritates my stomach
  9. jasmineinmymind

    Not satisfied after eating

    I feel the same way. I never feel full, I just stop eating. Honestly it’s really hard to not have that feeling because it’s easy to eat too much and god knows I do not want to stretch out my stomach! I feel mentally dissatisfied too
  10. @greentealael what changed? What happened at 4 months?
  11. jasmineinmymind

    Non Scale Victories

    The most important victory of all. I had my 2 month follow up today and finally, after 10 years my cholesterol levels were all normal, not high!! If I had kept going the way I was I would probably end up diabetic. It feels amazing to get a clean bill of health
  12. I’m glad that my husband is slim and health-conscious because watching My 600 pound Life really highlights how important it is to have a supportive spouse! I can’t imagine if he were overweight and making bad choices. It would make things a lot harder for me
  13. jasmineinmymind


    This will not be a popular opinion but I've tried everything and the only thing that works is when I eat fat. Clearly I only eat it in moderation but still. No fat = no #2
  14. jasmineinmymind

    No weight loss

    Thats actually a little comforting to know
  15. jasmineinmymind

    No weight loss

    @ms.sss Omg yes you’re right. I was so tired last night. But yeah 2 months, still. The majority of the weight was within the first 2-3 weeks then just kinda here and there. I’m seeing my team on Thursday and will try to figure out what’s wrong
  16. I have been so upset with my slow weight loss and feeling almost normal that at almost 7 weeks I said screw it and went to McDonald’s. I got a filet o fish and small fries and ate about half of each. I don’t regret doing it because I really needed to know if I would feel any kind of restriction. I do think that only being able to eat half and being very full is a good sign. That being said I really don’t think I will eat at McDonald’s again because it made me feel like crap. That’s all good news
  17. jasmineinmymind

    If you could close one fast food chain

    Carl’s Jr. has an astonishing amount of fat, calories and sodium in 99% of their food. Like it’s nearly impossible to find any edible at all. They are criminals in the obesity epidemic
  18. jasmineinmymind

    So Who do You Look Like?

    Back in the 80’s I used to get told a lot that I looked like Christina Applegate
  19. jasmineinmymind

    No weight loss

    I came to the horrible realization today that I am almost 3 months out and I’ve only lost 25 pounds. There are a lot of people who would scold me and say that I should be grateful but I am absolutely gutted. I would never have thought that I would only lose 25 pounds by now and this is supposed to be the honeymoon period! I really do feel like my body is betraying me and I don’t think I’m ever going to get to my goal of 150. I’m honestly so depressed over this that I can’t handle it. I have wanted to lose weight for so long and I went to all of these drastic measures to do it and Things just aren’t working out for me the way they seem to work out for other people. I really hope that I can do something to get Weight loss going. The scale hasn’t really moved in weeks!! Like everyone else I am doing exactly what I was told to do and even exercising but I’m just not getting the results. This is all so depressing and I just don’t know what to do
  20. I am wondering about the experiences of people who had 100 pounds or less to lose. I know that the heavier you are the more you lose rapidly. If you started at 100 pounds overweight what is the average weight loss per month? I wonder if it’s harder to lose or if it’s easier because I have less to lose. I really want to hit my goal within the year. Experiences anyone?
  21. jasmineinmymind

    People with no more than 100 pounds to lose

    Ugh. 6 weeks and not much progress. Looks like I’ll be a slow loser
  22. jasmineinmymind

    Flour tortilla

    At 4 weeks I was still on soft foods
  23. jasmineinmymind

    No restriction

    I feel the same way. I was really hoping to have the hunger go away but it never did. I was cleared for regular foods and we went to a diner. I ordered a cup of chili and it seemed a little greasy but I was really hungry so I ate it anyway. I even ate 2 saltine crackers. No problem at all. I think it was probably about a cup (8 oz). I got home and about an hour later I felt hungry!!! I just cannot believe how easily I can tolerate anything I've tried. I'd really love to know from people 6 month plus who were like this...did you lose weight?? I mean is this a sign that it wont work?? Ive lost 20 or so pounds but I feel like thats not much at this stage.
  24. I have needed to lose weight for the last 20 years so I have no idea why this was the pivotal moment for me but it was. Everybody says that if you do the ketogenic diet you’re guaranteed to lose weight. While I did it absolutely perfectly to the letter and I didn’t lose a single pound not even one. And this was for over a month. That was when I knew that there was just no way that I could ever lose weight on my own. Now, one month after gastric bypass I’ve lost 20 pounds. I know I did the right thing
  25. jasmineinmymind


    My surgeon said that when he does sleeve to bypass there really isnt a rapid weight loss phase. It doesnt work that way. Im sorry

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