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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CMF

  1. I'm sorry that my first post here is an angry one. I am considering lap band surgery because I've weighed over 300 lbs most of my life and need to do something about my weight. I've been able to loose a ton of weight before, but put it all back on. A few years ago I went for 355 to 278 with diet and exercise. My present weight is 332. I read one article on the Lap Band lifestyle that really put me off to the whole thing and I want to know what others here think about it. My overall take from the article is that a lap band is the equivalent of someone putting a gun to your head [maybe somewhat less dramatic] if you don't follow an extremely strict diet. Anyone following the diet would loose the weight whether or not they had the lap band procedure. The article explained that post op patients need to follow the following diet: 3-4 days of clear liquid diet 0 caffeine for 3 months 0 carbonated beverages 6 weeks of liquid diet followed by 6 to 12 weeks of shredded food diet 0 bread 0 potatoes 0 high Fiber veggies 0 fried foods 0 nuts 0 fruits with the skin still 0 steaks and maybe 0 hamburger for some I went into this thinking that the procedure would let me eat whatever I wanted but that I would eat less because of the lap band. Now I'm thinking that if I'm desperate enough to consider the lap band, I might as well pretend that I already have one in place and follow a modified version of the diet above. I would achieve the same results without any danger of nasty complications. What do you think? Charles
  2. Can you build, or at least maintain, your current muscle mass on a lap band diet? Are there bandsters out there that pump some serious Iron?? Thanks, Charles
  3. I asked the question after looking at the pic gallery in a low carb forum and then looking at the pic gallery in this forum. It struck me that there are many serious hard body low carbers, not so much in the gallery for this forum. I mentioned this to my wife and she pointed out that while all bandsters started out as obese, there are many low carbers that just wanted to loose a few pound. Ergo, comparing the pics from the two groups was not reasonable. Charles
  4. The "band" is not out of the question. I see it as a last alternative. This is only second serious attempt to loose weight on my part and I have motivators that I did not have when I was younger. Again, thank you all for your support. Charles
  5. My reasons would include better over all health now and to prevent ill health in the future. I am 52 and have children that are 6 years old and younger. I'll have trouble keeping up with them in the years to come if I maintain my current weight. I do have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure but they are well controlled through medication so I am not worried about them. I have severe sleep apnea but I use a CPAP machine. In short, the present circumstances do not compel me to move forward with the procedure. What compelled you to get off the fence and get banded? Charles
  6. CMF

    Why did you band?

    I'm gonna stick around for a while and ask questions - this is part one for me. My own version of Atkins, what I call golf, and yard work are helping me shed pounds gradually right now. Let's hope it keeps going and sticks. Charles
  7. CMF

    Why did you band?

    It's scary stuff Leslie. And a lap band is more scary than the weight right now. Charles
  8. CMF

    Why did you band?

    I'd be more gun ho if my doctor pushed me a little. But he is happy with how I am responding to medication. I only take two pills a day. My blood pressure is better than average and my blood sugar level is just above normal now. The doc's take on it is that he thinks banding would make be healthier - but he is not the expert and referred me to a surgeon to discuss it further. Being a skeptic, I'll go into a talk with the surgeon thinking that he will try to sell me on the procedure - that's how they make their money. And, I am skeptical of groups. Those in attendance will be fanatical about the procedure. I'm just dipping my toe in the pond right now and not ready to join in. I'm sure there are many that regret having the procedure but I guess that they don't post here. I need a balance unbiased perspective on things. By all accounts lap banding is a very serious procedure and a measure of last resort against a life threatening disease. That is why I need compelling evidence. Charles
  9. CMF

    Why did you band?

    This is what I have to say to that: Sorry to read about your hubby's uncle. Charles
  10. CMF

    Why did you band?

    I guess I'm not scared enough about my health for it to be a sufficient motivator. I don't see a fat person when I look in the mirror [unless I'm practicing my golf swing in the bathroom with little on - not a pretty picture]. And, I feel like I can take on the world when I get down close to the 300lb mark, i.e., I feel very healthy. I need something to motivate me . . . . Charles
  11. CMF

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I've always been big. Charles
  12. I will post follow-up/related questions on another thread. Charles
  13. It will be for me if I decide to do it. But it's not for me now. I noticed that most of the folks that have replied to my post are either having the procedure in the near future, or had the procedure in 2008. I wonder if old-timers have anything new or different to add. Charles
  14. I have not closed the door on the option and that is why I am posting here. I'm been on a low carb diet for about three months [give or take] and have lost about 25 lbs. I added the weight tracker thingy to my signature to see how well I can do without the lap band. A couple of follow-up questions: How many doctors did you speak with choosing one? Is a lap band like a diamond [forever] or do folks have them for period of time and them have them removed? What is the rate of expected weight loss for men? Are most members of this forum women? If so, why? Will exercise cause the band to slip? [i don't want to give up my lousy golf game, throwing around the kids in the pool, or gardening] Can anyone recommend doctors in the metro DC area? Thanks for your patience. Charles
  15. What Happens After Adjustable Gastric Lap-Band Surgery? Post-Operative diet for Lap Band surgery patients Lap-Band Diet Restrictions Lap-Band Diet Restrictions

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