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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Hogaboom

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  • Birthday November 13

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    Looking forward to my new journey in life!
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    Sewing, quilting
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  1. I had trouble with the shakes too and drinking them ice cold helped. I can also tell you that even though the two week liquid diet seems brutal (I was there just like you), the rewards on the other side are so worth it. Try to look ahead to one month from now when you will be losing and feeling so much better! Good luck to you!
  2. I am 8 weeks post op and have trouble tolerating chicken. A co-worker of mine can't keep fish down. I did have a stricture repaired with an endoscopic dilation at week 4. Has your mom tried the Atkins protein shakes? Those have lots of protein (30g) and about 190 calories.
  3. I was very honest with my close friends and even my fifth grade students from the start. I didn't want anyone wondering if I was ill, so I told them of my plan. Everyone has been so supportive! Since I have worked at the same place for 30 years, my friends have been with me through thick and thin, and thick and hopefully thin for the rest of my life! What most people don't know about our surgeries is that the surgery itself is not what makes you lose weight. It is our new healthy choices and lifestyle that makes that happen. As my doctor said...this surgery is only a tool. You have to choose how to use it.
  4. Hogaboom

    Your Teeth After Surgery

    My boyfriend had a lot of tartar build up at his last exam. Hygienist said it could be due to 1 week pre-op liquid diet and 4 weeks of post op liquid and pureed food. Since he's not chewing food, it could be the cause. She recommended brushing with a soft brush, esp following drinking protein shakes. I plan to do the same when I begin my pre-op diet!
  5. My nurse practitioner explained that as an obese person, my liver is enlarged. The 2 week liquid diet helps to shrink it so it isn't in the way as much. Kind of scared me, so I'm ready to begin tomorrow. I appreciate the tips about hanging in thru day 3 - my honey had his surgery 34 days ago and is down 40 lb. I'm encouraged and excited! Hang in there!

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