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About HopefulonLI

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  1. I’m in “month one” and just trying to get used to this all. But something I am noticing is that even after I eat - say an hour later - I’m hungry again. Yes, a small amount of food will immediately stop the issue - but why am I always hungry? I’m also starting to feel insecure about the process. I’ve lost 24lbs and no one can tell a difference (I went from 238 to 214). I know this will take a while, but if anyone can give me some pointers or just bring some positivity in my life, it would be most appreciated!!
  2. Guys I also found a free app called “Monitor Your Weight” that allows you to add your weight daily, set your target weight goal and target date goal. It’s what I was looking for - I wanted a daily log to look back on. This may be TMI (so stop reading now if you’re squirley) but as we know, this process definitely leaves us constipated. Someone on here stated they use colace when needed. Well after 3 days of usage, last night I finally went and I literally felt like my life exited my body! :). In all seriousness, not going for that long made me feel sluggish. Anyway - long story short - I lost 2 POUNDS that next morning. Crazy.
  3. Should I expect this to take a year? I know it’s worth it. I’m just so anxious!
  4. You should definitely be feeling better soon!! By day 5 I was able to sleep without being woken up by sharp pains. The second week you’ll move a bit slower and still feel small amounts of pain (completely tolerable though!!) and now I’m on week 3 and I’m doing awesome. Hang in there, I promise this gets better. It’s a tough journey but you can do this. And get up and walk it most certainly helps that gas! I know it’s hard but try to at least get up and walk to the bathroom every couple of hours. You got this!!!!
  5. It’s funny because I’ve lost 17lbs in 2 weeks (!!) and I think it’s supposed to be more. You’re exactly right - I’m watching that show too much! Lol. I should be so proud of 17lbs but my brain is “rush rush rush”. I appreciate your words as it’s definitely helping me. And you’re right about weight - I was 238 when I started!
  6. Thank you for this - I needed to hear it. I don’t know why I did what I did, but I’m back to being focused. Im ready to start working out but I need to wait one more week. I think I thought this was going to be a breeze. I would lose weight quickly. But I know this is a tool and I’ve been through too much to waste this! 🙏🙏
  7. I don’t know what I was thinking. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago Monday, at Mercy medical & lost about 16lbs and then for this last week it just stalled. Nothing nada zilch. I’m so scared I went through this for nothing. And how the hell did I keep that English muffin down!! This isn’t a good day. Some one please tell me this will all be worth it in the end. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Because I just can’t fail, yet again.
  8. HopefulonLI

    2 week post surgery

    I’m on day 9 after surgery. I lost 16lbs - however now i’m in a stalemate. Im worried I’m eating too much. Can that even be possible however?! I’ve been eating tuna with LF mayo (or chicken - I have a purée machine). For a pizza like feel, look up bariatric baked ricotta. It’s excellent. I also take no sugar added canned peaches and purée them as well, or I’ll have a fudgcicle. I actually don’t mind this part too much, however I’m drinking coffee with skim milk which I’m worried is a no-no. Good luck - we got this!
  9. First off, waking up from surgery was legitimately one of the most painful experiences of my life. There was a grown man next to me, also waking up from his surgery (same type) crying from the pain. This has been an awful experience and I’m trying to understand why it isn’t highlighted to a patient before they actually go through with the whole process. I’m now on day 5 (hallelujah) and the gas pain (and holding down food without vomiting) is still there and it sucks. If I had known what I was truly about to get myself into, I wouldn’t have done this. I literally woke up from surgery in such extreme pain that I screamed out “are u Fing kidding me?!?!”. I know better days are ahead but can someone also agree with me that this is NOT pleasant? Or is it just me? Everyone seems so “woohoo” about this and I’m More like “wth?!”
  10. HopefulonLI

    1st appointment on Saturday

    It’s super quick. Request to get on your physicians surgery schedule ASAP. For instance, my doc only does surgery on Monday. I probably could have had the surgery already but I started a new job and put if off for a month (ugh not fun to wait!). Keep me posted on how you do - we can turn into hot tamales together!
  11. HopefulonLI

    1st appointment on Saturday

    MY approval went super quick - you should call UHC if you haven’t heard back from them yet. I’m scheduled for my surgery in exactly 2 weeks! I’m so excited and I’m happy for you too - you’re almost there!! :)
  12. HopefulonLI

    Suboxone before sleeve?

    Thank you Jeannine but I’m also highly educated and have already spoke to my doctor about it - who is NOT highly educated on the topic. This post is to ask if anyone who is currently utilizing suboxone has also had the sleeve procedure and what their doctor did to work around it. I also know you cannot stop it cold turkey hence why my doctor is completely uneducated about the RX and how it works. I am not an addict who needs assistance but I appreciate the concern.
  13. Has anyone gotten through this process while also using suboxone. I’m worried my surgeon will not allow it. When I first met him, he told me I would have to stop the medicine for 2 weeks before he could perform the surgery. It made me feel like he didn’t even understand what suboxone was - because if he did, he wouldn’t ask me to going into complete withdrawal. I’m hoping he will work with my prescribing doc, but it’s his Choice to make, and his only. I’m hoping someone out there can give me some hope because I’m starting to lose mine ☹️
  14. Really? That gives me so much hope!! I feel like the 6 months will drag and take forever and it really brings me down sometimes. I just wish I could start my life up again (in a healthier way) sooner than later. I’m in NY - I noticed you said Oxford :). Best of luck to you on your journey!

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