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    quana711 reacted to fluffy562 in 5 months and I hit goal!   
    Had surgery August 23 2017. Never thought I would of hit goal so fast. I mentally prepared for at least a year. I know that 70 pounds might not be much to some, but I too struggle and am an emotional eater. its been a whirlwind of fun and crazy emotions. I have decided to just tell people how I lost it, cause it has become so apparent and happened quickly and people were concerned I was sick. So far everyone has been positive ( at least to my face) and Its such a great feeling. I have been diligent on keeping to my diet. Mostly Protein, No sugar or Carbs. I take my supplements daily but struggle to remember the last Calcium of the night. Ive recently had my blood work done. waiting to hear. Hopefully everything is normal. ( keep fingers crossed) But I can say I haven't exercised at all! EEEK. it's been a mental thing. I HATE working out and I know that it needs to happen. my muscle mass is suffering and my skin is not pretty. i'm trying to jump start it. the weather hasn't helped. cold and raining and I'm freezing ( no body fat). I'm not perfect... I have had sips of soda here and there. I ate a couple chips on Super Bowl. I'm human and my problems aren't solved. I take it day by day and miss so many foods. This is all a learning curve and I'm happy to ride this journey.
  2. Like
    quana711 reacted to LasVegasMike in 8 weeks post op   
    Hey you and I got sleeved on the same day! Good luck with everything!
  3. Like
    quana711 reacted to LasVegasMike in 8 weeks post op   
    I hit a stall but it only lasted a week and I was about 6 weeks post op. I'm now 6 days away from my 2 month mark and I'm back to losing weight. So hang in there it will pass. When I hit the stall I started to walk every single day, about a mile and a half or so and I just ate chicken and cheese for all my meals. It jump started me losing weight again at about a pound per day.
  4. Like
    quana711 reacted to Walter.Sobchak in Food   
    -Food is not your friend.
    -Food is not a reward.
    -Food is not an escape.
    -Food is not a drug.
    -Food is not a treat.
    -Food does not comfort you.
    -Food is not a celebration.
    -Food is simply fuel for your body and nothing more.
    The sooner you accept this, the better off you will be.
    Sadly, I am still trying to convince myself to believe these statements.
  5. Like
    quana711 reacted to rs in How many calories should I be consuming?   
    What does your Dr say? It seems everyone's program is different. For the first several months mine said to focus on Protein and liquids only, not to worry about calories.
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    quana711 reacted to GradyCat in 8 weeks post op   
    Yep, no fun is it? But it too shall pass and the weight will start to drop again. Hang in there.
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    quana711 reacted to FatGuy5000 in You look different?   
    Love when someone tells me that I look different, but then asks, “Did you shave your beard or something?”. Yea....I guess that’s what it is.
    Starting weight: 333lbs
    Surgery Date: 2/22/18
    Current weight: 203 lbs.
    Total Weight Loss: 130 lbs.

  8. Like
    quana711 reacted to leebick in Arthritis pain, bad knees   
    I am 28 month post-sleeve. My surgeon laughed when I told her my fears about not being able to take Ibuprofen post-surgery. She said that it's one of those "old beliefs" that don't really hold up anymore... like not drinking from straws or chewing gum. All I know is, I've taken ibuprofen regularly when my back acts up and I've not had a problem with it
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    quana711 got a reaction from kygirl68 in WATER   
    I feel ur pain I am 8 weeks out and still struggle with water. I use to love it soooo much...idk how this happens


  10. Like
    quana711 reacted to ajallen in Arthritis pain, bad knees   
    I had a gastric bypass because I needed two hip replacements, I was on ibuprofen regularly before surgery plus Tramadol, I had to stop the ibuprofen before surgery I stiffened up quite a bit, I don't think the pain level got any worst, I have a high pain tolerance so when I feel pain there is something wrong. It took me six months to get my hips replaced and I have never regretted having the bypass and not a sleeve. I was on crutches for two years before I had my hips done, The doctors didn't believe they were that bad.
  11. Sad
    quana711 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Arthritis pain, bad knees   
    Yesss I had to stop a week before surgery


  12. Like
    quana711 reacted to SuzieQMinnesota in Arthritis pain, bad knees   
    Did you take ibuprophen regularly before surgery?
  13. Like
    quana711 reacted to SuzieQMinnesota in Arthritis pain, bad knees   
    i am considering having a gastric sleeve. I need to have knee replacement surgery but, must get my BMI down befor they will replace my knees. Here is my concern, I take 1000- 1400 mg a day of ibuprophen to manage the arthritis pain. I will not be able to take ibuprophen after surgery. The WLS team I have been working with tell me to discuss this with my general practice doc. I want to have some ideas of what others have experienced or used for arthritis pain. Is anyone using any kind of a pain patch? This is a major concern for me but, I realize that others must have had similar issues. I am considering the sleeve due to the arthritis pain and need for ibuprophen. Tylenol has never worked for me. I am not eating sugar to reduce inflammation but, still need ibuprophen to be able to go to work and move around to some degee. I need your input! Thanks!

  14. Like
    quana711 got a reaction from kygirl68 in WATER   
    I feel ur pain I am 8 weeks out and still struggle with water. I use to love it soooo much...idk how this happens


  15. Like
    quana711 reacted to kygirl68 in WATER   
    So here I am 2.5 wks post-op, on pureed foods, and trying to get in enough liquids and Protein but it's not easy. Before surgery I loved Water, always kept a huge mug of ice water with me and chugged it all day long. NOW I don't like the taste of it! I thought maybe the filter on my water faucet wasn't working properly so I started drinking bottled water that someone bought...nope...still does NOT taste good to me How does that happen?!
  16. Like
    quana711 reacted to Yenli in Insomnia   
    I have the dreaded early waking insomnia--I wake up early and cannot get back to sleep. I have no problem getting to sleep at night though. Some remedies that have worked for me: Designs for Health Insomnitol chewables (pricey, but I use them maybe 1-2 times a week as melatonin should not be used daily) , walking for exercise in the mornings, staying away from sugar/high carb foods, eliminating caffeine esp. after noon, Gaia Herbs Rhodiola Rosea, and Traditional Medicinals Organic Licorice Root Tea. I have tried many others, but these are the only ones that have helped me. I have a strange metabolism and many things affect me in an opposite way. For example, I am energized by magnesium instead of calmed.
  17. Like
    quana711 reacted to Jazzy1125 in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    I am almost three months out and just now ran out of pepcid AC. my doctor told me to stop taking it by end of 3rd month which will be feb 8th. I was taking them twice a day and then stopped after a month and i felt the heartburn, i was told i was to take it for 3 months. Last month i dropped it to once a day and have been fine. I am going to go the weekend without it and see if heartburn comes back and if so will go get some more- heres to hoping that now there is no more swelling, i dont need it anymore.
  18. Like
    quana711 got a reaction from dreamingofasleeve in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    I think I will cut my dose eventually but this is the only way I can even eat without it coming back up. But we gonna get thru this. Fingers crossed ASAP


  19. Like
    quana711 reacted to Lucas in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    I am 6 months post op and I was on pantoprazole until roughly 15 weeks out taking it twice a day from about week 10-15. Once I was completely off it the reflux was triggered with just about everything. I think its most due in part to the sleeve kind of being in shock of solid foods and is adjusting to in-taking it. I has gotten significantly better since that initial shock phase but it is still there at a more calm state depending on many factors. Such as what I have eaten, the position my upper body is in, and whether I chewed well. I find that moving after eating or simply taking a halftime during my meal helps a lot. Just sitting there after meal doesn't do my digestive process any good because lets face it, not many of use have perfect posture to promote the easiest path of travel for our food down the digestive track. Some remedies I use to reduce the reflux/hearburn are to eat my meal with a side of pickled ginger or ginger root tea 30/45 minutes after my meal. Laying down after a meal is a no go for me because I find to use gravity to my advantage for digestion. No medications and barely any antiacids required, I focus on vegetables and Proteins cooked without oils that make it harder to digest. It's all a give and take to figure out what you can tolerate and make those good decisions because your sleeve will let you know if it is not comfortable with your food choice.
  20. Like
    quana711 reacted to dreamingofasleeve in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    Girl me either my pain was so bad I couldn't even sleep. It kept waking me up. It was so awful. I never knew what heartburn felt like but I sure do now.
    Well fingers crossed for us both! I would definitely try to cut your dose slowly if you can I think it will help a lot!

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    quana711 got a reaction from dreamingofasleeve in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    Yea I take 40 mg one in the morning and one at night. The pain was so bad I woke up with a sore throat last week. I am going to take them til this bottle runs out I do not want to feel that pain anymore.miss.carter
  22. Like
    quana711 reacted to dreamingofasleeve in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    Oh my gosh I felt so alone. Not that I am happy your dealing with it too haha, But yes not fun at all!
    I was so scared of this issue. But my doctor also said it should get better but I am a nervous wreck!
    That was awful and I never want to deal with it again!
    All the positive thoughts our way!
    I had a couple people tell me that stopped cold turkey can be alot worse and that they started weening off it by going to one every other day for 2 weeks and then one every 3rd day until they are gone to kind of ease your body back into it.

    What mg are you taking? Just out of curiosity I was on one 40mg a day and while I was taking it I was fine. But the second day without it all hell broke loose literally.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Like
    quana711 got a reaction from dreamingofasleeve in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    I am currently going thru the same thing and I am 7 weeks post op...i have to take protonix twice a day... It has gotten way better the past week. My doctor said it will get better I hope so for both ouf our sake ..... I definitely feel ur pain


  24. Like
    quana711 reacted to dreamingofasleeve in Heartburn 2 months post op?   
    I am only a couple months out, but my first 8 weeks I was on pantoprazole to help with staple line healing. After 8 weeks they stop but I immediately started to get heartburn that kept me up all night and I couldn't eat anything because it hurt.
    I had never had heartburn before surgery. I am back on the pantoprazole for a few months, and I am hoping I can try to ween myself off slowly and get to a place where I don't need to depend on it.
    Has anyone else had a similar situation? Did your reflux get better?
    This was one of my biggest concerns with getting wls was reflux. I am scared I am going to need a revision [emoji20]
    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Like
    quana711 reacted to Swanton_Bomb in Chick-fil-a : post op   
    Grilled chicken, while healthier, is harder to tolerate. My personal strategy is as long as I keep to 600 calories or so and get my Protein for the day and make generally good choices, it is ok to work in something like chicken nuggets. I I wouldn't have them often because they are high in fat so they have a lot of calories for a small portion, but they are ok once in a while unless they are a trigger food for you. Chicken nuggets wouldn't be a trigger food for me, but other things, like chewy carbs are, so I try to stay away from those.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
