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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Calif_Princess

  1. Calif_Princess

    Health Net HMO, anyone?

    Does anyone have Health Net HMO? I do and when I went to my PCP 3 months ago to ask about the band weight loss surgery he told me that I have to have 6 months of diet and nutrition classes (thank goodness they're free...but their not in my town...so gas....at $4.50 a gal....not good). It was explained to me that the 6-month diet classes are required by my MEDICAL GROUP/Dr. and has nothing to do with Health Net, or the Dr. that will eventually put the band in. I have been faithfully going to the classes now for two months now but suddenly got a horrible thought that maybe the surgeon himself will also have long term requirements (like another 6-month diet) or maybe even Health Net will require their own long term diet....???? So last month I called my dr.s office to MAKE SURE that the surgeon will not also require another 6-months of diet classes or if Health Net will not have their own requirements also. I requested the surgeons name or phone number so I could call their office to make sure. But I am not allowed to even know who the dr. is that will be performing the surgery until AFTER the 6-months of diet classes are finished and I go back to my PCP and get a referral!!! What's the big secrete??? But the lady in the office assured me that this surgeon will not require any further supervised diets..... Yeah, like I'd be able to hold her to her word........ Has anyone else who has Health Net HMO run into this problem? Do you know if Health Net HMO has any diet requirements that I'd have to adhere to after I've already finished my PCP's required 6-months of diet classes?? I'm so afraid of doing these diet classes for 6 months, then come to find out that Health Net requires me to see my PCP for supervised diet for another 6 months or 8 or 9 months and that I have to lose like 60 pounds before surgery or something stupid. I'm totally lost....:confused2: Any help with these questions will be appreciated. :thumbup:)
  2. Calif_Princess

    Health Net HMO, anyone?

    I think it's so stupid that all these different groups and companies require different things.....the medical group, the PCP, the health insurance and then the actual surgeon...c'mon people!!!:wink2:
  3. Calif_Princess

    Health Net HMO, anyone?

    Oh wow, it looks like things are going smooth for you!!! Lucky you!! Yesterday I sent my dr, his medical group and Health Net a copy of the study done by Calif Managed Health Care stating how ineffective, and in some cases dangerous, the mandatory 6month diet is. Hopefully Health Net will tell my PCP's medical group where to stick their 6 month diet and I can get a refurral to the surgeon in the next month. Then I can start all the tests and the psy evaluation and hopefully get a surgery date by the fall!!! I don't know if it's just wishful thinking though.....:biggrin:
  4. Thanks guys for your answers. I sure have a lot to think about. I'm going back and forth, daily, it seems, about which surgery to have.....I want the guaranteed weight loss of the bypass, but just the huge scale of the surgery scares me and I DON'T want to have to deal with being sick all the time. On the other hand, the port also scares me and after going through the pain and recovery of surgery I don't want to be frustrated by not being able to find my "sweet spot" and not losing weight, or not losing very much weight.... choices.....I don't like choices....:confused2:
  5. Calif_Princess

    Fill Port

    I'm still in my fact finding stage while I attend these nutrition classes for 6 months....(oh brother....) I'd like to know about the fill port (if that's what they're called...my memory isn't so good). How uncomfortable/sore is it? Do you always feel it or does it just become like a part of your body after a while? After you're done losing all the weight you want, does that fill port stay there? Thanks in advance for answering my dumb questions. :confused2:
  6. Calif_Princess

    Fill Port

    THANK YOU for answering my questions!!!:smile2: I have so much research to do. :ohmy:
  7. Calif_Princess

    Hello from South Carolina

    Thank you Randall for your encouragement:cool2:!!!
  8. I'm still trying to make up my mind which procedure to have. I want the band, of course, because it seems less invasive and healthier, but I'm worried about the port. I don't want to have to worry about that port for the rest of my life, even after I've lost all my weight. I am a side sleeper so this really worries me. I am also short wasted. How is everyone else dealing with their ports and do you think your weight loss and increased health is worth having to deal with a port?:thumbup:
  9. Calif_Princess

    Lapbanders over 6 months Post-op--- CONSTIPATION

    I have had chronic constipation since birth. Finally, two years ago it led to a blockage, 4 months of only clear liquid, 50 pounds of weight loss and ending up in the hospital. I was finally told by a good dr. to take 4 TABLESPOONS of Psyllium Husks in juice every single day. Finally, after 38 years of misery and ending up in the hospital for 4 days I had an answer and I no longer have any problems. I get 60 to 65 grams of fiber a day just from the Psyllium Husks. So the recommended 30 to 35 grams of fiber a day is way off. I also drink between 2 to 3 litters of Water a day. I can't believe that something as simple as 4 TABLESPOONS of Psyllium Husks could cure my life long problem, but it did! Hope this helps!!
  10. Calif_Princess

    Lapbanders over 6 months Post-op--- CONSTIPATION

    I have had chronic constipation since birth. Finally, two years ago it led to a blockage, 4 months of only clear liquid, 50 pounds of weight loss and ending up in the hospital. I was finally told by a good dr. to take 4 TABLESPOONS of Psyllium Husks in juice every single day. Finally, after 38 years of misery and ending up in the hospital for 4 days I had an answer and I no longer have any problems. I get 60 to 65 grams of fiber a day just from the Psyllium Husks. So the recommended 30 to 35 grams of fiber a day is way off. I also drink between 2 to 3 litters of Water a day. I can't believe that something as simple as 4 TABLESPOONS of Psyllium Husks could cure my life long problem, but it did! Hope this helps!!:frown:
  11. Calif_Princess

    Hello from South Carolina

    Randall I can't tell you how happy your post made me. What a great attitude you have and I'm SO happy for you!! Please keep us posted on your progress, it's very encouraging for those of us who are still waiting to be approved for surgery.
  12. Calif_Princess

    Health Net HMO, anyone?

    Thanks Cella!! Unfortunately I'm way down south of you. I'm half way between L.A. and San Diego. There's two major medical groups in my area. Most dr.s belong to one of these groups. I thought of that too when my dr. first said I had to go through the 6 month nutrition classes. So, when I came home from his office, I called the other major medical group and asked what policy they had regarding required diets before WL surgery and they also require a 6 month diet.......so even if I chose a dr. in a different medical group I'd still have the same problem. A few years ago when I got very ill and couldn't find a dr. that would help me I finally had to go way out of town and pay cash and then when he immediately put in the hospital, which was even farther out of my "network area" we had to claim it was an emergency (which it was, I would have died eventually) in order for Health Net to pay for hospital costs since it was out of my area. I tried to change my pcp to this dr. that helped me but Health Net said no way since he's farther than 30 miles from my house (which is stupid because almost all dr.s are more then 30 miles from my house since I live in a tiny town in the mountains). So unless the dr./medical group lifts the stupid requirement I'm doomed.....:thumbup:
  13. Calif_Princess

    Health Net HMO, anyone?

    Cella, Congrats on your quick timing! Yes, It's my pcp that's making me do this....and he won't even tell the name of the dr. that he will eventually refer me to! Well I did report his office to Health Net and to the Dept of Managed Heath Care. My ankles are swelling so bad and my fingers get tingly and the tips go numb sometimes so I'm really starting to worry....this 6 month diet nutrition class is stupid.:cursing:
  14. Calif_Princess

    Hello from South Carolina

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cursing:
  15. Calif_Princess

    Hello from South Carolina

    Hiya!! Welcome to the board! I am also waiting to get banded. I'm currently going through the required 6-month nutrition classes... Are you going to be private pay or is your insurance paying? Do you have to go through diet classes? Hopefully not and you'll get right in. :thumbup: Keep us informed of your progress.
  16. Stephanie, I just found your thread today. Thank you so much for all the info. I'm still on the stupid required 6 months of diet classes before I even get my LB surgery....so PS is WAY far away (I'm sure I'll need all the time just to save up the $$) but reading your posts make me excited for what's to come for me. You're so brave. I would have been shaking too, on the way to the surgery center. I hope I won't need the thigh surgery.....that sounds SO painful. I've had saggy breasts since they fist started growing in 4th grade, sooooo I know (and am SO looking forward to) the breast lift. I know I will also need the tummy tuck. I've had way bad stretch marks since I was 17 when I was pregnant with my first one. Does the TT get rid of the stretch marks? I'll also need some skin removed from the back of my arms....they're floppy now and I haven't even been banded yet....... Well, thank you again for sharing. I'm so happy for you and your success!!!:thumbup:
  17. Calif_Princess

    Dr.s in So. Calif???

    Well I hope things work out for you! Hopefully you'll find the "tweaks" just right for your diet.
  18. Does anyone have any experiences (good or bad) with any Dr.s in Southern California???
  19. Calif_Princess

    Dr.s in So. Calif???

    Your primary isn't making you go through the 6 month diet classes?????
  20. Calif_Princess

    Dr.s in So. Calif???

    Thanks! :laugh:) I won't even get to know what Dr. I'm getting referred to until I'm done with the 6 months of diet class.............arg....
  21. Calif_Princess

    I really need some support !!!

    Well it seems recovery time is very low. That's great. Why is there shoulder pain involved? Is that due to the gas problem that some seem to be having? I am very worried about the constipation problem. 2 years ago I had a blockage problem and I couldn't find a dr. to help me for 4 months!!!! I didn't eat solid food for 4 months and lost 50 pounds. Finally I found a dr. that would take me seriously and admitted me into the hospital immediately and removed the blockage 4 days later....soooooo I'm hyper sensitive to constipation now.... I'm a worry wart...hehe
  22. Calif_Princess

    I really need some support !!!

    Wow all those gas pains are making me nervous that I will have them too. I'm quite a baby... my threshold for pain is very low, I hate that. How long did it take everyone to recover enough to go back to work/normal activity? I won't be done with my required 6 month "diet classes" until November so I was hoping to schedule the surgery during the Christmas break since I'll be starting college full time in the fall and I don't want to miss any days if possible. Also, has anyone had problems with constipation? I've had serious, chronic constipation since birth.:scared2: I finally found out that I have to have about 70 grams of Fiber a day, along with about 1.5 or 2 litters or Water every single day, just so I'm able to go to the bathroom (no matter how healthy I eat). Are you still able to take the fiber supplements (I take 4 heaping tablespoons of psyllium husks in orange juice) after your banded? I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.:smile2:
  23. Calif_Princess

    Why Lap-Band?

    Hi all, I was just wondering why everyone chose Lap-Band surgery over other weight loss surgeries (like stomach stapling etc...)? Melissa
  24. Calif_Princess

    Why Lap-Band?

    Thank you Alice!! And good luck Young NY!!!!
  25. Calif_Princess

    Why Lap-Band?

    WOW well.........that does it for me! Geesh.....it's so sad. :tongue2:( Yes, she looks good but she's got some bad problems now!!! I feel lucky since I am in PERFECT health except the fact that I have an extra 140+ pounds on my frame! But I don't want to end up like her, so I guess the "slow" weight loss of the lap band is WAY WAY WAY better then the bypass surgery! :thumbup:)

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