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About Sigi42

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday November 26

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  • Interests
    Boxing, Muy Thai, Archery, Reading, Cooking
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    Los Angeles
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  1. I have so many emotions right now: excited (2 more days! I got all 1.5 wks of planning done!), nervous ( bcs, duh), exhausted (liquid diet, long LONG few days trying to prep for last minute surgery), annoyed (how many times do I have to tell my co-workers I'm going on a leave starting Wednesday?? Stop sending me meeting requests!), and amused (my hubs just deadpanned, "So, since Friday you've lost 8 pounds. You should just stick to this 1000 calorie diet and slip the surgery."). Mostly, I'm sleepy. And really happy I got a last minute date and didn't have to do 2 weeks of full liquids while dealing with middle schoolers... Friday-Tuesday was enough. I bolted out of school today to make it to my PCP for pre-op testing. Had my first EKG (it was normal) and lost probably a quart of blood. Then got completely lost trying to find the imaging center for my x-rays [emoji23] [emoji23] . Tomorrow, I have my hospital blood typing + paperwork fun times and then my second visit with the surgeon. Oh, and I get to start my clear liquid diet and potassium supplements. Thursday, I refuse to leave my home! I'm going to sit, read a book, and pet my dog. This week has been A. Freaking. Whirlwind. #2moredays Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. I could have waited till we got out mid/late June, but part if me is like, I've been on hold since December...enough is enough! And I'm also like, These are my benefits, I don't get vacation pay, this is my life, I'm not wasting a chunk of my only break to recover! (Which, again childish/guilt inducing/**how I should feel!! I'm working on it**)...idk. They gave me that date, and part if me was just, If I don't take this, something will happen, and it will never get done. Then 5 mins went by, and my aggro OCD kicked in, and panic ensued [emoji23] It will get to be okay. My Type A spirit beast has already started making lists, which is very calming. I'm so excited to have an almost surgery twin!! Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. I am feeling super overwhelmed right now. I am a teacher, and I thought I'd have my surgery in January. But, no word on my application. We had a strike. I slipped and fell down a staircase. Strike ended. Went back to work. January ended. Found out my paperwork went missing. February came and went. Then, this Wednesday, my approval letter came. Thursday, at the end of the day, the surgeon's office called and said it was next week or May...I went for the 15th for lots of reasons, but now I'm freaking out. I am missing tons of work, very suddenly. I think I made the wrong call, but I can't take off in May because that's when the state test is administered, and subs can't proctor the exam. I feel... guilty? for leaving my students for a week and a half. I feel anxious? about getting all my lessons for the sub ready in time. Plus all the other worries. I guess there's not a point to this post, other than me being really worried I won't get everything I need done sorted in time. Fasting, multiple appointments all over town, working, parenting...arrrrrgh!!! Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Sigi42

    March Bypass Buddies

    March 15th--and just found out today! Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Sigi42

    Nicotine test please help!!!

    For an infrequent smoker, 10 days would be a safe window for a blood test (usually). For a urine test, after about 4 days. Saliva tests are after about 4 days as well. The thing is, it depends on frequency over a long term, so it's probably best to plan for the worst. There's an article on WebMD that breaks it down more, just search "nicotine testing".
  6. Maybe it would help to think of these doctor interviews like a job interview...you want to be strategically honest. Never lie, but maybe don't volunteer the whole truth? Good luck with your next doctor!
  7. Me, personally, I would go to a different clinic. My history as an abused child also came up during my psych eval, but the psychiatrist never once leapt to the conclusion that I turned to food as comfort. To be be fair, she did immediately ask if I had been through counseling for it, which I had as an adult, so maybe that's why it wasn't a flag?? (FYI, pregnancy hormones and motherhood can really stir up childhood traumas, so be prepared if/when you start a family...counseling will be your friend!!) All the same, find another provider through your insurance and get a second opinion.
  8. Questions: Who will be watching your children while you are in the hospital? How will you be getting home from the hospital after surgery? What if there are complications? Are you relying on an alternate family member? Will the hospital.release you to a cab after surgery? Ultimately, is it prudent for your husband/co-parent **not** to know your surgery location? Could you leave a Post-It on the fridge on your way out, just in case? If you are this adverse to telling him, can you make up a plausible alternate surgery, and just avoid the whole situation?
  9. Sigi42

    Pre-op testing

    Web MD says they are both gone from your urine in 3-4 days. Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. I have PCOS and crazy, imbalanced hormones... I told my super judgey mom that I'm having my uterus removed. My theory is that it covers my hormone imbalance, is used for severe cases of PCOS, and would (probably) result in weight loss as my hormones find balance. Luckily, my husband's had a vasectomy and I have an implant, so no "miracle" babies for the lady "without" a uterus. If I end up needing a real hysterectomy in the future, I'll still have my ovaries. I toyed with saying I was getting my thyroid removed, but the recovery times don't match. I'm also going to be using this excuse with my co-workers. My husband rolled his eyes when he heard me tell my mom on the phone...but he also didn't live through the hell she put my sister through for having fertility treatments. I can only imagine her reaction to me having WLS.
  11. Sigh...the surgeon submitted my file to the insurance yesterday afternoon...right before Christmas...will this take a long time? I wonder how the holiday season will impact it? Do insurance...underwriters? Nurses? Work on Monday? Is anyone else pining away over Christmas?? #alliwantforchristmasisaninsuranceapproval Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Sigi42

    Surgery and Divorce - Advice!?

    Bwahahaha you just made me snort my hot tea through my nose, which I guess is good for my cold, lol You should **definitely** use that line in public, at least once. Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Sigi42

    Surgery and Divorce - Advice!?

    English Teacher thoughts: I feel like "Bye, Felicia" **in usage** is gender neutral, like, "Girl, please!" Or maybe I just like annoying the men in my life, calling them "Felicia" and "Girl".... honestly, it's a crapshoot. #teamgenderneutral #professionalopinion Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Having a legal consultation is not the same as suing him. No one but a lawyer can let you know if you have a case... As with most things in life, you have to trust your gut. A lot of times, women have been socialized not to make a scene, to not make a fuss, to lie take it (like[mention=314375]LadySin[/mention] 's doormat)...this is your literal life and livlihood--get a consult from a few lawyers--they won't take something to court that they can't win. If they say you have no case, let it go, but you owe it to your piece of mind/wallet to find out. If nothing else, report him to the hospital and his licencing body. Good luck! Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Update: I went to my psych evaluation today. Was running a little late, so was a little flustered. Took about 20 mins to fill out some mental health questionnaires, then was called back to see the psychologist. We spent about 15 mins talking, then she got out her stamp. She said that I was her favorite type of candidate: a Type A, borderline ADHD teacher, with a clear set, daily routine, and a love of MMA. I was like, I thought this was a 2 hour appointment? She was like, You're so Type A. **And then chuckled at me!!** Honestly!! Hmph. Soooooooo... This time tomorrow, they will have submitted my file to the insurance for final approval!! #exciting Sent from my LG-G710 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
