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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hazeleyegrl1

  1. hazeleyegrl1

    Monthly Weight Loss Report

    its been awhile since i checked in...i'm now at an 80lbs loss....pretty much at a plateau right now, but hopefully working through it soon. xoxo, christie
  2. are there any baytown, texas bandsters out there? and if so, is there a support group in our area other then in houston? driving to houston in the middle of the week is nearly impossible for me. i would LOVE to attend dr. spivaks support group, but the time and place just isn't feasible. just wondering if there's any baytown, texas bandsters out there with a more local support group that gathers together here in town? please let me know. thanks, hazeleyegrl1
  3. hazeleyegrl1

    Monthly Weight Loss Report

    i've gone from 264.5 on 9/14/07 and currently @ 196.5 on 5/08/08. i plan to pick it up a notch soon, but had an unexpected hernia surgery at the end of april and can't exercise and very limited on physical activity for 6wks or so...or until dr says its ok. so, i'm HOPING to be in the 180's by june....but i will not pout about it if i don't make it. its only 6.5-7 lbs away...please cross your fingers for me. xoxo, christie
  4. hazeleyegrl1


    the dr diagnosed it on a physical examination only, no scans or xrays were necessary since the hernia was pushing out against the outer layer of my skin. dr. did say that it would've been harder to diagnose had i not lost so much weight, it was easier to tell. you could literally SEE and HEAR my bowels! gross. i'm now at home and medicating, relaxing, and recovering....and found out the hernia was caused by an incisional slip up from last surgeon, my ob/gyn when she tied my tubes....she obviously went too deep and cut my abdominal wall causing my bowels to push threw. way to go ob/gyn...thanks for nothing!
  5. hazeleyegrl1


    i have an incisional abdominal hernia....a huge one....and will be having surgery friday morning to have it taken care of....will be down from physical activity starting immediately and up until 4-6wks post op. went to the dr. monday morning and then was sent directly to a surgeon to schedule the surgery.....so, no seroma's...just my ob/gyn jacked me up in november when she tied my tubes. really sucks, not looking forward to surgery. kinda scared, but with God, i know i will get through this. thanks for all your advise and concerns~! glad i didn't put it off any longer. xoxo, christie
  6. hazeleyegrl1

    Relay For Life

    i know that some may find it inappropriate for me to post this here, however, i think that regardless of where the contributions come from, its all for a GREAT purpose! i'm walking in the bay area RELAY FOR LIFE this weekend from 7pm on Friday until 8am Saturday morning. All donations benefit the American Cancer Society. I have met and exceeded the "suggested" personal walker goal of $100, however, my Team (Second Baptist - Highlands) has not met our goal of $1000. We're a small but growing church located in a small but growing town. if you would like to make an online donation please follow the below link to my site. thank you and i apologize in advanced to anyone who may find this thread inappropriate bc i'm asking for monetary donations. IT IS FOR A GREAT CANCER FIGHTING CAUSE, and that is the only reason that I decided to post it here. xoxo, Christie http://main.acsevents.org/goto/ChristieZ
  7. hazeleyegrl1


    i put in a call to the nurse w/no returned call last week. i was busy doing Relay For Life all day friday and then sleeping today since it was an overnight event. i will put in a call and actually SCHEDULE an appointment when i call in this monday morning..... IF it is a hernia...and it is THIS big....what would the options be??? how are hernia's treated??? and why wouldn't they have found it during surgery 6months ago? either way, i'm definitely going to the dr and will keep ya'll updated on the diagnosis. thank you all so much for all the suggestions and advise. xoxo, christie ps - should i be worried? its starting to get bigger...and more sore around the area of the buldge...my husband thinks its the weirdest thing he's ever seen as when i lay flat on my back you can see it....until i tighten my muscles and then it literally protrudes from my body around the rightside of my belly button....like an alien inside of me! so should i be worried? whats the worst it could be? and whats the worst possible treatment???
  8. hazeleyegrl1


    please describe these seroma's ya'll are talking about. i'm 6month post op and have just recently over the past week or so noticed a bulge just right of my belly button...about the size of a grapefruit. especially when i flex my muscles it will bulge out. i can actually push on it and feel it moving around, almost like its a pocket of Fluid...i can feel and hear it squishing when i move it....and its just the weirdest thing ever! also, when working out or cleaning around the house...basically, ANYTIME i bend over at the waist, i can feel it. and, when i lay down flat is when i notice the bulge to the right side more clearly. it is strange and i put in a call to my dr.s office yesterday but the nurse has yet to call me back. at 6mo post op...IF this is a seroma...HOW will they be able to drain it??? will they have to make some type of incision for drainage? that sounds a bit painful. PLEASE DESCRIBE IN DETAIL this seroma...and please let me know how many months post op ya'll were. i'm wondering if perhaps i never noticed it before bc i was too heavy and the belly fat covered it up...now as i'm slimming and finally down into ONE-derland...as of today...woohooo!!!....but i'm wondering if i'm noticing it now bc my belly is getting smaller and flatter....who knows. thanks. xoxo, christie
  9. hazeleyegrl1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    PLEASE UPDATE ME!!!! i'm sooo excited! i cannot believe i'm at my JUNE goal already! maybe i underestimated myself a bit??? i'll have to make up a new personal goal for June, but for now, i'm just excited to weigh in @ 200! i haven't weighed this in over a DECADE!! NEW STATS: Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 200....................0
  10. hazeleyegrl1

    how many calories do you burn

    after a good solid mile on my elliptical i burn anywhere from 300-400 calories, depending on the resistance level i workout on. hope that helps....not sure what a "good" calorie burn level is, but i just know thats about how much i burn. i guess i really should bump up my mile and go for longer...it takes me roughly 30minutes to complete it when i go from a resistance of 1 up to 5 and back down again for the cool down. xoxo, christie
  11. hazeleyegrl1

    Walking in the RFL

    is anyone participating in their local RELAY for LIFE this year? our area's is THIS weekend and i plan on walking all night! i know that some may find it inappropriate for me to post this here, however, i think that regardless of where the contributions come from, its all for a GREAT purpose! i'm walking in the bay area RELAY FOR LIFE this weekend from 7pm on Friday until 8am Saturday morning. All donations benefit the American Cancer Society. I have met and exceeded the "suggested" personal walker goal of $100, however, my Team (Second Baptist - Highlands) has not met our goal of $1000. We're a small but growing church located in a small but growing town. if you would like to make an online donation please follow the below link to my site. thank you and i apologize in advanced to anyone who may find this thread inappropriate bc i'm asking for monetary donations. IT IS FOR A GREAT CANCER FIGHTING CAUSE, and that is the only reason that I decided to post it here. xoxo, Christie http://main.acsevents.org/goto/ChristieZ
  12. hazeleyegrl1

    When did you start gaining weight

    i went from being a "normal" 1st grader to the "fat kid" in the 2nd grade....maintained that label until i graduated into the "chubby chick" in highschool. at 5'2" i remember weighing a size 10/12 my sophmore yr of h/s and going from that to a size 18 my senior yr of h/s (c/o 1997). i still look at pix and wonder why on earth i thought i was so HUGE at a size 10/12...and of course, i know its bc all the kids i went to school with were either bone thin, or "normal"...i knew i wasn't the fattest one in the school...but i didn't fit in to the normal catagory either. i was the "chubby chick" or as some would say, "chubby baby face", etc. also a pretty FACE...never just a pretty girl. anyhow, i weighed 236 the day i married (2/27/99) @ age 19 and was by then wearing a size 22. lost 36lbs (weighing in at 200) 3yrs after i married only to find out several months later i was pregnant. gained back the 36lbs and then continued to yo-yo from 236-250 for the next few yrs. hit my highest at 264.4, which is what i weighed the day of surgery (9/14/07). now weighing in at 202.5!!! and wearing a size 16!! i haven't been a size 16 since my jr. yr of h/s....over a decade ago! I FEEL GREAT ON THE INSIDE AND OUT and i cannot wait to lose more and get to my goal bc if losing 62lbs feels this good, i know that losing a total of 100lbs will feel even better. LAPBAND (self payer) was THE BEST investment i have ever made...for my health, my self esteem, and so much more! i actually am starting to feel like ME, the ME that i wanted to feel like all along but couldn't find ME in all the fat that i hid behind.
  13. hazeleyegrl1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    PLEASE UPDATE: Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 202.5....................2.5 <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P>
  14. hazeleyegrl1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    please update w/my new info...THANKS! Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 206.5....................6.5
  15. hazeleyegrl1

    Monthly Weight Loss Report

    just updating my total weight loss..... Allisarin…23 Amber...39 andrea71…28 Bekiboo26....58lb Bunny...62lbs Caresarn…16 Chocolate_Snaps....52lbs dsmit13…23 eastxnurse....30 lbs EL1…23 flipper64...30 georgia girl…75 Ginger_...30 Gurlygirl....38 lbs Hazeleyegrl1...58 lbs. itstime....23 lbs Jennie1976...63 lbs Juliacleone…32 kagoscuba...37 Kellymovingon...53 Kimmie…45 Lapband4me...32 Lapitup…22.5 Linda E......24.5 lbs Lindypie...38 Lucylu...15 Magooz07…11 mandi78…23 Mdicurn…30 Queenp....28lbs Redgirl....33 lbs ScareDcat…58 Sirusman…67 Stacy 73… 60 suzygayle...52 lbs Thinmom…23 time4me...70 Tishamarie…49 Tulipstar...61 wannabthin...42.5 lbs Texrose575......37.5 (forgot to delete my old listing! ) sorry
  16. hazeleyegrl1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 208....................8 <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P>
  17. hazeleyegrl1

    "Green" Day Challenge

    please update me...i'm down a bit more! trying hard to reach that monday deadline, hoping for the best, expecting not really the "worse"...but kinda expecting i won't make it...still, down more then before! so i'm not getting too down on myself. GOOD LUCK ALL! still a few more days to go! Hazeleyegrl1 Starting Weight: 218.5 Current Weight: 208 Green Day Weight: 206.5 DOWN so far: 10.5 lbs. LBS to go: 2 lbs.
  18. hazeleyegrl1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    please update me, here's my new info...THANKS! Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 210....................10 <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P>
  19. hazeleyegrl1

    "Green" Day Challenge

    please update me....i'm still trying toward that goal, with a lil less then a week left...but i'm beginning to fear i won't make it. still working at it though, the closer i get the better off i'll feel. here's my update: PS - i had my GREEN DAY WEIGHT off by 2lbs originally...i think i confused the green day weight and my 60lbs total weight loss goal...got them backyards, confused, whatever. so please change that to 206.5 instead of 204.5...thanks. Hazeleyegrl1 Starting Weight: 218.5 Current Weight: 210 Green Day Weight: 206.5 DOWN so far: 8.5 lbs. LBS to go: 3.5 lbs. __________________
  20. hazeleyegrl1

    The BEST NSV for me EVER!!!

    wow....i'm down to 211 and my size 20's are starting to get cleaned outta my closet (as of today actually)...most of them are just too baggy to be comfortable anymore...i wonder if i can hit up Old Navy now! that would totally ROCK! i've only gotten to buy clothes for my hubby & son in there and NEVER for myself!!! wow, i'm totally going to try it out! i'm thinking i'm going to need 18's AND hoping that some 16's will fit, depending upon where i shop. most of my shirts are now 16/18 but most of the pants i owned were down to a size 20. with the exception of the pair i'm wearing now, which is the smallest i own, and they're an 18 but not fitting 100% like i want them too....they're getting to become too big too. probably will only be able to wear them and still look decent for another week or two. i feel a SHOPPING TRIP coming on!!! thanks for the NSV!!! now i know i can try a new store!!! so excited! xoxo, Christie
  21. hazeleyegrl1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    pls update my info...my new stats are: Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 211....................11
  22. hazeleyegrl1

    "Green" Day Challenge

    please update me, my current weight is now 211. i've lost 7.5 lbs w/ 4.5 to go, for this challenge. thanks.
  23. hazeleyegrl1

    "Green" Day Challenge

    Congrats To All On The Weightloss Toward The Green Day Challenge!!! Is Everyone Still "going Green" W/the food & Environment? I'm Trying And Starting To Learn How To Get Creative And Cook Things I Would've Have Thought Twice About Before Now. Congrats And Keep On Losing! We Still Have Plenty Of Time! Xoxo, Christie
  24. hazeleyegrl1

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    PLEASE UPDATE MY INFO, I'M DOWN A BIT MORE! YAY! I CAN SEE MY GOAL GETTING CLOSER AND CLOSER! XOXO, CHRISTIE Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 214.5 ....................14.5<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /><O:P></O:P>
  25. hazeleyegrl1


    Great Question! I'd love to see some responses to this. I'm down nearly 50lbs in 5months...from 264 to now 215 and i haven't noticed any extra or loose skin....yet! but, i'm very curious as to how much ppl lost before they started noticing and how many haven't had any problems w/loose skin at all. thanks for starting this thread, it should be interesting to see the comments. xoxo, christie

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