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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by zoomomma

  1. Hi all. Just switched doctors. using dr korn now in boise. anybody else use him? what did you think? going to his seminar on nov. 18th, had to postpone because of gas money issues. Let me know. Haven't met him yet but would appreciate any and all opinions and suggestions.
  2. zoomomma

    medicare in idaho?

    Anybody from Idaho use medicare for lap band surgery? Which doctors take it? Boise or IF area. I'm in the middle so either way is 2 hrs. Anything I should know about the medicare coverage?
  3. Oh, and I won't miss getting winded from crawling into bed and getting comfortable. Then laying there breathing hard for 5 min or more.
  4. Sometimes there is a medical reason. Turns out I am not a candidate for the band because of gastroperisus. I think that a good dr will tell you the pros and cons of both and discuss your health and history with you and help you come to the right personal decision for you.
  5. zoomomma

    Any December '08 Bandsters?

    Dec 30 or 31 here. Only about 6 wks left. Oh, boy. Can hardly wait.
  6. I just found out that my Idaho Medicaid will pay for my surgery. I can have the surgery even if my husband changes jobs. :thumbup:So it looks good for me. I'm so excited I can hardly stand up. :lol:Things are progressing nicely now. I should have the surgery by the end of Dec. While I am having bypass because of my gastroperisus I will continue to post and share my journey with you. Thank you for all of your support, it has meant so much to me. I cannot express how deeply I appreciate it, especially with this latest news about how I cannot have the band. I bless the day that the Lord led me to this site. Thank you.:cool::cool2:
  7. Hello. I went to the surgeon and got told some bad news and some okay news. The bad news: I'm not a candidate for the lapband because of my gastroperisus. The okay news: I am a candidate for bypass. I am sad because I love the people here and don't want to leave, but I will not be getting the lap band. I am also a little nervous about the bypass. It is more radical than anything I have had before. There are risks that I need to consider, and other things, before I do this. If the gastroperisus acts up really bad with the bypass they will have to take the unused portion of stomach out. If I get the lapband and it acts up my stomach could explode. My doctor will not put the band on me and I understand why. He explained everything and I know where he is coming from. The complications can be fixed with the bypass, with the band it would require removal and that would be a waste of time and money. So I have decided to have the bypass. I have to do what I think is right for me. So, I guess this is goodbye. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and stuck by me. I have appreciated this group more than I can express. You have all helped me so much, I hate to leave.:crying:Anyway, I'll see ya all later. Thanks.
  8. zoomomma

    Newbie and decision to make

    I have to agree. If given the choice, choose the lapband. It is safer and doesn't have as many issues. The people who said only "junk" would stay down were doing something wrong. It is a personal choice and one that must be carefully considered. Praying for you to make the best decision for you.
  9. zoomomma

    Hey Boise!!

    Hey from Twin Falls area! Dr Korn is my dr too. I like him. Very considerate and cautious. Very down-to-earth and informative. I will be having surgery last of Dec. How about you?
  10. Things I won't miss: thighs rubbing of course ugly clothes and lingerie arguing with my husband when I say I'm fat and he says I'm not (his favorite line is "yep, pretty hot and tempting" I love him for it) not being able to keep up with my kids ladders falling out from underneath me (don't ask, horrible) the joint and muscle pain not having sex with the light on and if he can see me being ashamed and uncomfortable not being able to wear my wedding rings not being able to walk without my feet killing me not being able to wear heels I could go on and on I love this thread It reminds me that no matter what surgery I have to do the health and other losses are worth it.
  11. zoomomma

    sad but hopeful

    That's what sucks. :thumbdown:This is my second opinion. The other dr was reluctant to do it also. Partly because of psych reasons and partly because of the gastroperisus. I have decided to go through with the bypass. Still nervous about it but I'm coming to terms with it and getting a brighter outlook. In the end it's my health I have to think of. I'm on borrowed time with my insulin resistance turning into diabetes and my cholesterol is going up quickly. I think i'm not destined for the band. So, I see the surgeon again on Tues, and do the seminar, I do the bypass class on dec 3. then it's just the nutritionist visit and all my records from my pcp. and the letter from my shrink. The thing is with the band the only fix is to remove it. There are other options with the bypass. My surgery date is tentatively set for dec 30 or 31. thanks for letting me stay. hopefully all goes well and i get the approval and the surgery. here's praying for it. :Dancing_sorry: I guess this is where my mustard seed of faith comes in. I'll have to trust that He will let happen what needs to happen.
  12. zoomomma

    sad but hopeful

    Thank you. If nobody else minds I may just do that. I hate to leave such a caring supportive group.
  13. I understand. I have to drive three hours for the closest one in network or not. I would take the drive, in the end it will cost less and you wouldn't have to worry about coming up with the money. After all, if you can't afford the surgery you would have to wait until you could and then that would really suck. And what if you never came up with the money? Three hours is not really that long a drive. I do it almost every month between my two boys' psych and me with my doctors. Anyway, just my thoughts. Hope it helps.
  14. :thumbup:I just talked to the surgeon's office and they gave me an early appoinment so that I might be able to have the surgery before the first of the year. My out-of-pocket doubles on the 1st of January, from $1800 to $3200. So I was really worried. I might also be able to skip the seminar, save me a three hour trip. Anyway, it is on the 13th. Wish me luck!:smile2:
  15. This is what is referred to as bandster hell. Don't worry after your fill things will be better. You will start to lose again. This is how I understand it, anyway. Not banded and not looking forward to bandster hell. But I'll do what it takes to get healthy. Hope this helps.
  16. Most of my surgeries, in fact all but one, they just taped the rings with the surgical/medical tape. Never heard of cancelling because they wouldn't come off. Talk to your surgeon, he can tell you for certain.
  17. Hello. I get the feeling from reading your post that your family is not entirely educated about the band. They don't understand about the hunger and overeating, or maybe they understand too well and don't want to lose their eating buddy. Either way, this is your decision and no one else can make it for you. You have to be willing to see and understand why you eat the way you do or the band will not work for you. It is merely a tool that helps keep the insatiable hunger away. I have not been banded but have been researching for about 5 years now. Everything I have read says the same thing. You have to work the band or it won't work for you. It's not a magic cure - it won't magically make the pounds fall off of you. As for the mental health aspect, your family needs to understand the mental anguish you go through now. Do they want you to be miserable for the rest of your life because of the weight and failed attemtps? Or do they want you to be healthy and happy? Maybe you should ask? I hope this helps. While I don't understand a family being so unsupportive, I do know that I can do this, with help from the lap band. This is a personal decision and cannot be made or influenced by anybody but you. Remember, TOOL not magic cure. Also remember that you can find tons of supportive and caring people on this site. It has been my best resource so far. Hoping and praying for you.
  18. zoomomma

    I'm scared!

    Oh, honey. It's going to be just fine. Take it from me (I've had 11 surgeries, not counting the lapband that I hope to get soon), you will go in, they will put you to sleep, and you'll wake up with a whole new lease on life. You'll be a little sore, but that will pass. Good luck. :thumbup:If you need to talk you can PM me. I was scared the first few, also, but the nurses were great and very helpful and sympathetic. I hope you have a good experience (all in all) and like I said if you need to talk I am here.
  19. Anybody ever use Dr. Korn of Boise, ID? Am going to his seminar on the 18th and hope to be banded before the end of the year. Just looking for info on him or opinions about him.
  20. zoomomma

    newbie here in Idaho

    same here hoping for nov or dec. my ins changes in jan and I will have to pay for out of pocket next year.
  21. zoomomma

    newbie here in Idaho

    Hiya. Nice to see some idahoans on here. I'm in hazelton, halfway between twin and burley. doing my surgery in boise with dr. korn. looking for anybody else who has used him. what he's like, etc. good luck on your journey. you'll find tons of support here, i love this site.
  22. zoomomma

    Pocatello anyone?

    there is a doctor in nampa that does fills for mexico patients. I think his name starts with a c but i can't remember. let me do some looking and i will get back to you
  23. zoomomma

    Lap Band and Bi-Polar

    Hello. I am also severe bipolar. I am going through the process of getting the lapband. As long as you are stable you can get the procedure done. Now, if you are not compliant with your meds and stuff they may question whether you can be compliant with the necessary life changes. However, if you are stable and compliant with your psych doctor everything should be fine. I was told that if I could get a letter from my psych doc I might not even have to see another psych for the eval. I would check with the doc you choose to have the surgery with and see what they say.
  24. Hello all. I am going to my seminar on Tuesday. Finally getting things rolling. Hoping for the best. Hoping for surgery November or December.
  25. zoomomma

    Should I diet? Advice PLEASE!?!

    I would not "diet" right now. Although, most insurances take the initial weight not the last one. I am trying eat healthy and like I would have to for the rest of my life after the "band". That's all I'm doing. Only in larger portions. Hope this helps.

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