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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minidriver

  1. I agree. I kind of use the "do you like my pet" litmus test with people. Of course, some people have allergies and such, but I just don't get it when people don't like animals. I mean, what's not to like? When we lost our last doggie (she was 15) my husband said that he just couldn't get another dog. After two years, I kind of put my foot down and told him that we needed to take the plunge and get another dog. He was pretty hesitant and somehow felt that it was a betrayal to our previous dog and that he couldn't love a new dog in the same way. Fast forward 3 years - he is so happy with our Keeley and tells me everyday how thrilled he is that we have another dog. They bring such joy and love. I just can't imagine our lives without pets. I have this goofy hope that, after I retire, I can afford to move permanently to Southern Utah and work at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. It's a huge place that takes in all kinds of animals, including lots of pets from Katrina, Michael Vick's dogs, etc. They try to find homes for them, but will keep them forever if need be. They do great work. You can sponsor a pet as a gift, too. Here is their website: Best Friends Animal Society Home Page
  2. Thanks. Georgia 0' Kittee is the cutest name! My pet's names are: Keeley (Australian Kelpie) Fatso (kitty) Scooterbug (kitty) Sophie Bean (kitty) Bitten Marie (kitty) Wow, there are lots of us on here who love pets! Maybe that's why this board is so awesome!
  3. Yes, somehow they forget to mention how hard it is in all those parenting guides.
  4. She is a dolly! What a brave little girl. My daughter works in a pediatric hospital and sees some of the same little ones over and over and is just amazed by their strength. It's great that you're willing to help other families. Information makes such a difference. Being a mom is tough sometimes, yes?
  5. Oh my goodness, your poor little Hannah! May I ask what is wrong? That must be so difficult.
  6. Thanks, sweetie. I won't say it's been easy, because it hasn't. But I really do believe in the "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger" way of thinking about life. I think that my experiences with him have made me such a better teacher and I feel so fortunate to be in a position to really make an impact on others' understanding of mental illness. It's something I talk about in every class (not as weird as it sounds since I teach neuroscience) and I think my students come away with a much better understanding of the problems facing the mentally ill and the importance of research into causes and treatments. I figure it's my "pebble in the water" contribution to the problem. Some of my students are incredibly bright and maybe one day one of them will find the cure. We've learned over the years to enjoy the times when he's doing well (like now) because it's impossible to predict what will happen tomorrow or next month or next year. It's a cruel disease and people who suffer from it live in the shadows of society.
  7. Poor Buster. I'm sure he'll be fine. His mommy will take good care of him. Did the vet give him antibiotics? As for the Atkins shake, if he can tolerate it it's probably really good for him. The fact that he would drink some of it seems like a good sign. do you have an all night vet where you live, just in case you need to call in the night?
  8. You just get rid of those clothes. You are NEVER going to need them again. This isn't like all that dieting pre-band . . . this time it's gone for good. NO MORE FAT CLOTHES HIDING IN THE CLOSET!!!!:thumbup:
  9. Hi Munchkin. Not too nosy at all. He has paranoid schizophrenia. He believes that he is "an enemy of the state" and thinks that helicopters follow him whenever he leaves the house, etc. He hears voices quite a bit and all the other awful stuff that goes along with it. He does quite well on his meds as long as he has a routine and little to no stress. He's had a tough time though . . . addiction, a year in jail, a stint living in the homeless shelter. Yes, I've read Pete Earley's book and it was heart breaking and soooo accurate. We are looking at bringing him (Pete Earley) to our campus to speak next year (if we can afford him) as we are introducing a segment on mental illness into our campus wide diversity activities. We have some decent services here for the mentally ill, and the Clubhouse is a real godsend. It's one of only 10 worldwide that serves as a training base for other cities hoping to establish a Clubhouse program. It's the one place my son can go where he feels completely safe. He even claims that the voices he hears at the Clubhouse are nice! Sorry about your doggie . . . is he okay?
  10. What a cutie pie! Look at those eyes!
  11. :behindsofa: He'll forgive you when he's all better. They have big hearts and short memories.
  12. You guys rock. This is so inspirational. This surely has to be the absolute BEST support group in the country. I feel so lucky to have stumbled into your midst. Mal - I hope you baby starts feeling better. I hate it when my animals are sick. They just don't understand. hotmomma - I'm glad you got through yesterday. That had to be tough. And you should be VERY proud not to be the fat mom anymore. You've accomplished so much. LA - I bet you have a huge week next week. It's your turn. dee - your advice is wonderful. I can tell you already that #2 and #7 are gonna' be the tough ones for me. I have a really hard time recognizing my hungry/full signals and sometimes I find myself eating for absolutely no reason. I am also a big slug. A true couch potato. A big, round baked potato slathered in butter and sour cream. I really like to hike, however, and last year we bought a piece of property in Southern Utah where the hiking opportunities are endless and breathtaking (Zion's Nat'l Park, Bryce Canyon, etc). I did my best last year, but it's hard luggin' all this butter and sour cream up the side of a mountain. So I end up missing out on many of the hikes that DH takes, because I simply can't do it. I hope that, by next year at this time, I'll be much stronger and able to take on some of the steeper trails. Hmmm, kind of a metaphor for life, yes? We just got back from the day treatment center that my son attends. It is part of the Clubhouse group- a network of centers where adults with SPMI (severe, persistent mental illness) can go each day and do meaningful work. They keep the clubhouse running, make meals, help other members complete their GED, etc. Anyway, the international Clubhouse association is making a documentary to use all over the world, and my son, DH and I are going to be in it! They'll be spending next Tuesday with us, interviewing us and finding out how his mental illness has impacted us, how the clubhouse has changed his life, etc. They are also taking my son to a conference in Hawaii in October. It's very exciting. Of course, I keep thinking about how "chubby" I'll look on film. Kind of my worst camera fears brought to life! :behindsofa::eek::grouphug:
  13. minidriver

    new with questions

    Hello. I am thinking about being banded. I have been overweight my entire life and have lost and regained 40 or 50 pounds over and over and I'm sick of it! I already know that my insurance will not cover it - it's a flat out exclusion in the policy. My BMI is 37.5 and I have sleep apnea, high blood sugar, and hip and knee pain. Does anyone have any idea of self-pay costs in the SLC area? I am really ready to give this a try. I think it would be well worth it.
  14. My goodness, Lap. You certainly do have a great deal happening. How wonderful that your dinner with your sister was pleasant. Dealing with toxic family members is a tough, tough thing to do. Sorry about your daughter, but I'm glad to hear the grandbaby is okay. It won't be long now! Bikini- there is a preop diet (I start it next week) and it doesn't sound too tough. No pasta, bread, rice, etc. Lots of protein and green veggies. Sounds like the atkins induction or south beach phase 1. I don't think it will be too bad. I'm much more worried about the few weeks after surgery. I remember after my first c-section I was on clear liquids for 5 days and was desperate for food by day 2. It was dreadful.
  15. Hi Deb. Well, my preop is also on a Tues afternoon and then my procedure is Wed afternoon so I decided to stay until Friday morning. I'm sure you'll be fine though. I just wanted to be able to rest on Thursday.
  16. I wish I could come but it's a bit too far to drive for dinner. Looking forward to seeing pics of everyone though! Shelbi- I hope you enjoyed every ounce of that two pounds. How fun to go to the beach!
  17. I'm pretty sure that the Surgery Center is at the hospital. I LOVE Lily Tomlin. How fun for you!!!
  18. Good afternoon ladies! What a bunch of losers you are this week. YAY! Widow - I am planning to stay an extra day after my surgery. I did lots of reading about that very topic on this board, and I came to the conclusion that it would be MUCH better to take that extra day. Deb - it looked to me like it would be pretty pricey to go from the airport to the office or hospital in a cab. I think taking super-shuttle back and forth to the airport would be less expensive (35ish each way), then maybe cabs between dr. k's office, hotel, and surgical center. We ended up deciding to rent a car . . . but it would have been less expensive to use super shuttle, etc. Your doggies sound precious. I think doggies in diapers are really cute. BTW- my mini is pepper white with a black top. I custom designed a peace sign for the sunroof. It's pretty cute (IMHO).
  19. I do love my MINI Cooper. Her name is Penelope. She's cute. Your doggies sound wonderful. We had a black lab who died 4 years ago at the age of 15. She was such a wonderful, gentle, loving soul. Now we have an Australian Kelpie who had been abandoned. She has a genetic condition and is slowly going blind, but is so darned smart that you'd never know it. I'm officially a crazy cat lady though. I have four of them. They sleep on me at night. I keep telling them that when I lose weight there won't be enough room for all of them!
  20. Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes.

  21. And a yay for sid too. That's so cool that your top was too big. So much better than the other direction. And it's great that you have supportive friends. Support can make all the difference.
  22. Any yay Mal for the 2.8 too. I think I'll need to get a digital scale as well. right now I just have a regular one and it's pretty hard to see parts of pounds. Well, it's pretty hard to see anything on it right now cuz I haven't looked at it for months. It's too depressing . . . . but not for long!
  23. OMG!! That is tremendous. Oh my. I would be weepy too. Size 10 capris??? wowowowowowowowow.
  24. Congratulations, Marcy! That's wonderful news.

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