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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieR041906

  1. Ok, my band slipped, and I cant drink anything, let alone eat. So, I called yesterday, they told me I had to pay 1700 to get the band out. I was approved for a revision surgery for gastric bypass, have to pay 2300. Not that much in difference. So, here I am talking to the people there, telling them, look what am I supposed to do? go to the er and get fluids every day? She says, I cant help you there. I said, are you just going to let me die? She was so whacked out. I can not get this thing removed. Im in pain. Constant pain. The burning in my throat is killing me. My insurance covered a good bit of the procedure, and it was 2 in one procedures. I dont see why they wont work something with me. Im going to end up dying cause of them. What do I do? When I swallow spit I throw it back up. The GERD is killing me. I cant even look at the meters below, at my weight loss cause I gained 50 back. How depressing. You know, I would NOT recommend, Carolina Surgical Clinic, to anyone ever again, and I sent them 3 others, my family members. I mean what the crap. So now Im waiting for them to return my call, which at this point I dont think will happen. I want both surgeries. But, now, I just want this band out so I can drink again. I have had nothing but problems with this band. If you have GI problems of any kind, dont get it. DONT. Unless youre on constant strong meds. I dont know whats left to do. Let it take me? Or what. Im starting to get weak from it. :confused:
  2. LeslieR041906

    One Wild Road

    Thanks guys, but, I have been to the hospital, actually 2 times already, they told me to follow up with my doctor, and I cant get medicaid, I make too much on my unemployment. Hopefully something will work tomorrow, I am so sick of my throat burning.
  3. Oh its not all about protein, make sure your taking your vitamins, take some biotin and some b vitamins. Give it time, your body will naturally adjust. People say its all about protein. But its not trust me. Ive talked to a lot of people that know. Yes keep it up to stay healthy. But for hair loss, that is your own personal way to dealing with trauma. Your hormones are off, everything in your system is off balance. So, give it time, it will grow back. So dont worry bout it k. :thumbup:
  4. It will grow back. Trust me. Dont do anything to it. If youre insecure, about hair loss, do what I done, cut it off and wear wigs. Mine look so real, and tbh theyre not so expensive. And believe it or not since I havent touched my hair, and keep it regularly groomed and clean, its thicker than it was before. Yes its strange, but it just happened that way. Ill keep it short until I get both my surgeries done. My revision from the band to gastric. Thats 3 hours under, and I can imagine Im going to be losing lots more. Thank God for the invention of wigs. :thumbup:
  5. LeslieR041906

    One Wild Road

    Thats whats going to happen, cause no one will help me come up with the money. I know that times are tough but isnt a life more important than material possessions? I have almost lost all faith in mankind. Im supposed to go in tomorrow, they still want me to pay co pay even though I told them I do not have the co pay til friday. Well, still doesnt matter, gotta have it. My co pay is only 40, but is a lot for someone who is unemployed and has to rely on others for help. Im scared to death. I dont know what to do. I cant take my anxiety meds, and and im already terrified of dying. I had a payer to pay for the surgeries, but they backed out. Which, I considered them family. I just have no idea of what to do.
  6. LeslieR041906

    One Wild Road

    On top of that, i have been to the hospital 2 times, throwing up blood, the first time they seen a hernia, and the band slippage. I mean cant people care enough to help others?:confused:
  7. Ok, I was banded june of 2008. Done great, lost 100 pounds, however, I have GI problems, that caused me to have episodes of vomiting blood, due to excessive GERD. Well, November of last year I lost my insurance, and no one told me how much a fill would cost. 700.00. Well, thats out of the question. Well, long story short, I spent 7 months without insurance, and had gained 50 pounds back. I am not happy. So, also I just recently gotten my insurance back, and had hoped to get things going again until I got gastric bypass. Well, that is what Im waiting on. Tuesday, of this week woke up sick, throwing up blood, pain all in my stomach. Had to leave class to go to the ER. Tests were done, and they found my band slipped, and that I had a hernia. Well, here I am kinda happy that I did get all this cause I want the band out. Its causing me so much problems, pain, and disappointment. For me this tool, is not what I needed. It worked, and I done all I could. But my prior diseases kept me from losing anymore. Well, they didnt admit me, and sent me home, stating that its not bad enough to remove the band. Well, its still causing me pain, im still throwing up blood, and I dont know whats left to do. My doctor planned on doing a double surgery that day. When I get the gastric. Im scared, but, I cant let myself get as big as I once was before. It has been an interesting journey. And I thank the band for all its done to help me along the way. But, having stomach problems, its not a good thing to have. Doctor says this should eliminate my GI problems, greatly. But, Have any of you ever had anything like this? I need help cause Im in so much pain, and distress, the ER will not do anything for me. Please I need advice. All that I can get. Thanks for listening. Leslie Chappell BTW, the weight below is only a reminder as to what I got down to. Im now 288. More depressed than ever. :bored:
  8. LeslieR041906

    Need help

    It has been a while since I was on here. I havent lost weight in a while. Insurance issues as well as not having a job anymore, really put a damper on my success. Anyway, I havent gained which is a good thing. Once you have no insurance to pay for the band any longer, youre treated differently with your surgeon, at least this is how I see it. And it happened. to me. I had a fill, about a month ago, everything was going great. I started the gradual loss of weight again. Well, last Friday, I started having acid reflux, and then my band got tight. So, For an entire weekend I did not eat or drink. Talk about not having energy, and a quick loss of 10 lbs. I was hurting, all over. Physically and mentally. I called my doctor that weekend, and he refused to see me. Told me to go get a bag of Fluid. I seen him on Monday he took all the fill out. With my inability to pay the bill, he wants to see me in Feb. Anyway, 2 days ago, I started getting choked again, only with food. And throwing up. I hurt when I eat, and the acid is unbearable. I can drink. But eating is out. I have no money or insurance to pay to get my band fixed. I know it has slipped. In fact I believe I felt when it actually happened. I dont know what to do. I hurt. And I just cant afford to have this done. What will happen if I just keep drinking? Will I lose the ability to drink too? On another note, before I lost my job, I was approved for gastric bypass, because of all the problems I was having with the band. Since I have had the band, I have had problems. I was even told by my surgeon that I wasnt supposed to have the band because of my GI disease. I dont know what is left to do, it is bad enough, that my husband just lost his job too. I am stuck, and at times I feel I will die. Maybe I am being too paranoid, but, I cant help but feel this. The way I have felt over a course of a week is unbearable. If I had a choice to do this over, I would have done the sleeve. For all those who are considering the band, it is a great tool for those of you who DO NOT have GI disease. I lost 100lbs in a year and a half. I need help and advice from anyone. Thanks for listening.
  9. LeslieR041906

    Need help

    I really dont know what is going on with my doctor. When I have money, and are able to pay he is all nice. He gets frustrated that my band has a habit of getting tight after a month. I have gone through this for over a year now. I went Monday, and he was in a good mood with all the other patients, I could hear him in the other rooms, laughing and carrying on. He basically didnt want to help me out until I get insurance and a job. Its crap. I got the band, because I was tired of being huge. And my health is better. Do they want me to fail? So he comes into the room I was in, and is frowning, and he really didnt want to talk to me. I would love to know if I can get on medicaid, and get gastric done regardless, and just go to a different doctor. What I really want is the sleeve. Anyway, I really dont know what my doctors problem is, he seems like he cares one moment, and then changes when you have problems.
  10. I had to have my fill taken out because I had 4 bad infections going on and I was vomiting, and I couldnt get anything down. In my 14cc band all I had was 2.3ccs in my band and it still made things get stuck. Well, this was last friday about a week ago. Since then I have watched what I ate, and have gained 12lbs. Im so mad, so depressed, etc. I go see my doc today. And I just dont know what to do. For a while, my band was tight. My calories per day is about 300 to 600. I drink shakes, and when I do eat I vomit it back up. It was almost like I had bulemia or however you spell it. Well, I am addicted to doing that. I was dropping weight like flies. Perhaps I had a problem. So, now Im eating, and gaining, and I am so depressed. I cant tell my doc what I was doing because he would loosen my adjustment. I barely had anything in there to begin with. Anyway, I just need some advice. I dont exercise because I have back and disc problems. Apparently being obese for so long did a number on my back. I also have fibromyalgia. But, I know its a serious issue to vomit and I know that I shouldnt enjoy that. But it feel wonderful to lose 100lbs in a year. This is the first time I gained. Im scared. What if I reach my goal, and they take the fill out, and I gain again? What is the point? To be honest I want the sleeve. That is all I am thinking about. But my doc says, sleeve is permanent and the band isnt. Just sad and depressed. :rolleyes2:
  11. A lot of bad events. One after the other. Started when my husband lost his job. Lost our insurance. So now, I have to pay 731.00 for fills, which I dont have. Right before he lost his job, I was unfilled to 3ccs. Well I had to have an endoscopy. A week later, he lost his job. Ive gained 10lbs. Cause i have no restriction. I went to my doc on Wednesday, he only put a half fill in, no restriction. He said that since I was going through what i was going through there will be no charge for fill. Anyway, I need to go back to him. My sweet spot was 5ccs. Im so depressed and so upset that things are turning out for the worst for me. I have insurance. But I have to pay full price until I meet my deductable which is 5400. I dont have that kind of money. Esp with just me working and him bringing home only 184 a week. I dont know what to do. Im eating more since Im depressed. I hate it. Ive gained and feel Ive gained more. I stay constipated cause of all the stress. I tried yesterday getting help but obviously I make too much to get help. And even though I make too much, how come I cant afford going to the doctor? Or my meds? I dont know what to do. This is a major set back for me and I just can express how much its effecting me. I hate it. Anyway, I just had to rant and vent. Luckily I havent gotten rid of my clothes. Im sure Ill need them. Maybe I should opt for gastric bypass. Then I wont have to worry about 700 dollar fills. Im so depressed. I hate it.
  12. For a while, I have had a Gerd issue. But, it seems to resolve itself when I dont eat or drink when I go to bed. But, Ive had it rough since this past Friday. Well it started, my intestines were burning all day, had dirreaha. Felt really fatigued. Saturday came, was worse, throwing up, and having dirreaha. Plus a low grade fever. Thought to myself, ok, I have a stomach virus. My back was hurting as well for the past 2 days. More than normal. Anyway, I stayed in bed all day, I didnt eat nor drink anything, cause I didnt feel like it. Plus anything I drank I threw up. Well, Sunday came, I felt ok. Better than Saturday, and the fever was gone. Sunday night, well it started all over again. Only this time, I havent eaten all day, I drank orange juice. Right when I was trying to sleep, the Gerd crept up, and was burning my throat. So I got up, and I threw up. And in the thorw up was black streams, and it looked horrible. I didnt think anything of it, but I kept throwing black stuff up. And still to this morning, I have been throwing it up. And trying hard to keep liquids down. Im so nauseated its unreal, plus I feel faint. So, my doctor who did the band said he needs to see me ASAP. And so, Im going this after noon. But before I go can anyone tell me, have they gone through this? Assuming the black stuff is blood I am throwing up, why am I throwing it up? I know these are doctor questions. But, Uggh, Im just scared that he will take my fill out. I dont want to go through it all again. Ive lost 82lbs, in 9 months, Im so happy for myself, but I also guess its not worth risking my health. Just to let you newbies to the band know... do everything your doctor tells you. Dont cheat. I did. And I think that this is a result to my cheating in the beginning. I just couldnt help myself. Love and respect your band, and always remember to listen to your body. Anyway, I would love to hear from anyone on this subject of the black vomit.
  13. LeslieR041906

    I thought PBing was differant

    Totally agree Im the same way. And yes it hurts like mad, be careful. That is one of the things that started my problem now. Im actually throwing up black stuff and I havent eaten anything. Plus I have a pain in my stomach. I threw up almost everytime I ate. Things would get stuck, etc. Anyway, PBing isnt fun, nor is slimming.. its just nasty.
  14. I know that with this thread, I will be told what I already know, this is the time for my band to heal. Well, my question is, after all I have done, can I reverse it somehow? Possibly go on liquids, again, then work back up to mushies? It started, about a week ago when I was allowed to eat Mushies. Now, I feel it could be out of control. I eat soft Pasta, I still have my Protein shakes, but, I do sneak in icecream, fried chicken, mind you once. Problem is, YES I have hurt myself, cause, now, Im suffering from gerd. I was doing so well, but I got right back into the eating habit. I havent gained, but I dont care to be honest, I just dont want to hurt my band. I want to start over, come clean with what I have done, and try to do this the right way. I have a docs appt on monday, to see if everything is ok. Im going to confess to him what has happened. Biggest problem, Im full, yet I want more. Just as it was before. WHAT SHOULD I DO ABOUT THIS? I get my first fill on the 23rd of this month. I was ready for this, but, temptation is killing me. How do I seperate it. Having a band wasnt really something i wanted cosmetic. It was something I had to do for myself, to keep living for my 2 year old daughter. Im not a good example. And I want to do right, and treat my band with the upmost care. It wasnt hard for me to get the band, and it honestly cost me nothing, I notice others going through hell to get it. And here I am abusing it. I feel selfish, and I dont want this guilt. HOW can I start over. I know that I could have done damage. I know that there are stages for a reason. But, I let this happen, and I want to change it. Hopefully this is enough to help me this soon into my healing process. I want to know should I go on full liquids for a week or 2. What should I do? I know my doc will tell me. I so hate food. I want to let people in on a secret. And I know by sharing this, I will get all sorts of opinions, the other day, I went out and had fast food, I got a wrap, and it hurt after I ate it. Along with the guilt, the pain was too much for me. So I tried to vomit it back up. And then, I hurt. Trying to vomit wasnt good. I should have never done it. Since then I havent been the same. No one knows this, and its my guilt that I have to live with. I hate what I done. I wanted to go into this doing it right. Im litterally in tears, cause of what I have done, and I know right from wrong. I was ready for this band and I am still. Cause, I dont want to die. I dont want to leave my little girl. I want to see her grow up. Before the band, my bp was high having it just for this month has dramatically improved it. I think that I was depressed again, but I dont want to make excuses, my mom was just diagnosed with Lupus, and I just found out that every woman in my family had it. And I already have Joint problems, back problems, etc. Im scared to death that if I dont change now, I will die way before my time. This should be the only motivation I need. But why cant I look at it, that way when food temps me? I hate it. Im sorry for ranting and Im sure that this will make people mad. But, I just need some advice, so that I can start over. I need opinions, as to if they believe its not too late to start over. I was banded a month ago, and already to a bad start. I thought I had support here at home, but I dont, but I know that the support must first come from within. I would appreciate any and all help. Thank you for reading.
  15. LeslieR041906

    I've been cheating.

    I think that I posted this a while ago. And 69 lbs later, Im ok. Ive learned, what to do, and what not to do. Its a learning process, for everyone that has it done. I cant say I cheat, I eat what I want, and by now, I know that breads dont work, eggs dont work, rice, chicken, (well depends on how tough the chicken is cooked), sweets dont work, pretty much, fast food is out, no pizza, I can eat salads, and have learned to love them, and do unique things to them. Its just learning what your body can handle, as for measuring, theres no point. I measure out food, and still a percentage isnt eaten. So I just make my plate, and if I dont eat it then, I know someone in my family will have them, either my daughter, or my husband. Just for all of you, who are newly banded. Youre scared, and wondering if you can ever eat the food you once eaten before, some may be able to. Or it may take that magic fill level, to help you along. The liquid phase passes before you know it. And soon you will be eating again. You will have your speed bumps. But dont be discouraged. There was 3 months, where I was plateaued in my weight, and I was about to throw in the towel, but, I didnt want to give up. I was seriously thinking about gastric. And I said to myself that I would never. But I didnt. I eat chips, but not fatty greasy ones, try sunchips, maybe higher in fat and cal content, but, you want a chip, those are nice. Baked chips are good. I eat them a lot. As for sweets, I do get cravings, and yes I dont hold back. I have a piece of chocolate, but not the whole bag, box or bar. My tummy wont tolerate it. Anyway, youll get used to what your body tells you. And please listen. Cause if you ignore, youre in for some problems. I have experienced a lot of problems, with fills, either too tight, where hardly no liquid would pass, or too loose where I start gaining weight. Sorry for being so winded, its just I saw that this thread was brought back and I had to have my say in it. All this journey process is, is a learning process. And youll get the hang of it. Good luck to you all!
  16. LeslieR041906


    I have it and I have it bad. I have to go see my doc on Friday, but have any of you gone through this. If youre not familiar with Gerd, its when you have acid sitting in your throat, buring the crap out of your throat. Food is going down good. Very limited to what I can eat of course. But finding that grazing for now is taking the pain away. And I dont graze. Cant eat bread, of any sort, and are trying to stay away from trigger foods. If any of you are familiar with this, what do you do to get rid of it? It hurts. Im prescribed Previcid, but I have none left to refill, so I have to wait to see my doc on friday. UGGGGGGGH. Dont know if I can handle the acid anymore.
  17. LeslieR041906

    am i too tight

    You are absolutely right. Learned my lesson on this one.
  18. LeslieR041906


    I was on it for about 6 months, landed me in the hospital with heart problems. And was demanded to be taken off it. I wouldnt recommend it. Although, I have heard some success stories, but once you stop it, the weight comes right back. Its a diet pill, appetite supressant. Not good. ESPECIALLy if youre banded.
  19. LeslieR041906

    HELP! Constipated

    For a while I was using milk of magnesea. I was addicted to it. Dont know how I was but I was, it was like I was using it every other day, then I got sick from it. My intestines, started to burn. So, I actually am now eating Activia from dannon, I know its a yougart, something that wont fill me up but it has the ingredients, that help me go when and its not harmful to my body. I havent gained weight from it. So that helps. Find something natural, that you can mix with water, benefiber is good source. But, for me its the yougart.
  20. LeslieR041906

    Almost 2 weeks since surgery

    Everyone has the hunger, and it may not go away, and until your first fill you may gain some weight fighting the hunger. It takes a while for you to get a fill because your stomach needs to heal. You just went through major surgery. And of course the band needs to settle. When you start eating soft foods it will get easier, not by much, but at least by then you can eat. Hang in there, in time it will get better, this is the learning phase for your body, use it well.
  21. COngrats on your surgery, but, you have to allow time for your tummy to heal, and eating a burger that soon after could have done some damage. It is a good thing to come here, and admit to your mess up. But, believe me from someone who has cheated, dont cheat... listen to your doctor and follow your diet. Ive cheated way before I was supposed to. But I never had a burger or anything like that so soon after surgery. You probably did no harm, who knows, but just stay on the right path. Sometimes its hard to kick old habits. Trust me when you start getting fills and such, burgers, wont be a thing you can tolderate. Or at least I cant and a few other people I know cant tolerate it. The bread alone is untolerable. If you have any questions, let me know, feel free to message me. Im a cheater, or was a cheater, its not the best thing to do. I dont know if I done any harm, but so far Im ok. But whos to say, a year from now I wont have a problem. Take care, and stay focused. You got the band for a reason right? Lets do this!!!
  22. LeslieR041906

    anyone take abilify?

    I was on it, and I got off it, after I found it causes diabetes. Along with 5 other drugs in its category. Ask your doctor for another drug, it did me more harm than good. Always craving sugar. Im on Triliptal, and it works great, I have bipolar disorder. Anyway, hope this helps, please be cautious of this drug.
  23. I was banded in June, so far, I have done great. I had 3 fills, and one unfill due to constant vomiting. Anything and everything I ate, would come up. So, the unfill, undid a lot of progress, I have made. I cant lose, and I cant stop eating. I feel like a failure. Measure my food? No. For one, I want to feel the restriction without starving myself. Measuring my food makes me feel like Im on a regular diet and after that Im hungry. So, I have officially plateaued. Or however you spell it. Im not moving, down the scale, I go up, and then I stay there, I take milk of magnesea just to relieve the weight, and then I go down. Maybe I have a problem with that. But, I wish that I never got the unfill. I go back on the 7th, for another fill. And I know hes only going to do a half cc. That may do the trick. I hope. I dont know why they approved me for the band anyway. To be honest, with everyone, I have Bipolar Disorder, and its pretty bad. When Im depressed I eat, and I eat cause I see myself, and Im horrified at what I am. I dont like the way I look. I cant get motivated most of the time. I dont know what to do. I thought of doing the sleeve just to take the hunger away. Or maybe the gastric bypass or mini. Maybe just maybe this band isnt for me. What do I do now? I havent given it enough time to really work. It hasnt been a year since my surgery. But, Im Bipolar, and are we not supposed to go through psych evaluation prior to surgery. I was diagnosed at that point in time as Bipolar. Im just not happy. Not only with my weight but with everything in my life. I know that this isnt the place to rant, but this too is my home for support. I also have another support group on healthboards. They are helping me. My doc put me on a drug, called Abilify. The FDA here recently, called it and said, it was causing people diabetes. I crave sweets. Im on a different med now. But, maybe just maybe, something happened with my sugar levels with that drug? I dont know. I guess I have to go get tested. Maybe I have something, the band is supposed to help cure. Now, wouldnt that be defeating the purpose? Sorry for my rantings. Im just depressed. And needed someone to listen. I dont feel I deserve the band. I love the band, for all that it has done for me so far. But I cant get past not being motivated, because of my Bipolar Disorder. Does anyone else here have this disease? I just need some support, whatever form of support I can get would be great. Merry Christmas all.
  24. LeslieR041906

    Im depressed and its Christmas.

    for some reason I cant tolerate eggs. Tuna is great. But eating a salad, I Can eat lots and lots and lots of it, just because it goes right through me, tuna salad on the other hand, that may be a good change.
  25. LeslieR041906

    Im depressed and its Christmas.

    You have done well yourself. But I havent really lost any sizes. Maybe 2 sizes. I think. I was going to take some time after the holidays to buy some clothes for myself. But The scales are preventing me from doing so. So, Im making a mini goal, for when my taxes come back. Then I think I will go buy a few clothes. Some clothes I have I had to donate, cause they were way too big. Makes me feel happy that I couldnt wear them. Im no longer in the 270s Im ranging right at 283 or so. Its really hard to know Ive gained nearly 10lbs.. since they took out my fill. On the 7th of Jan I will get another fill. Maybe just maybe this will be the one for me. I know that we really cant have shakes for Breakfast and lunch, but for the most part I cant afford healthy food. SO Im left with no choice. I just have to find one that will keep me full. Exercise is going to be crucial but, Im starting school Jan 19th. And Having a full time job, along with tending to a 2 year old exercise is going to be hard. So Im really upset about that. Anyway, my meds seem to help, but there are times where I get too out of it. The anger is the hardest part, going into manias. Its hard. Anyway thanks so much for letting me vent. It helps a lot.

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