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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieR041906

  1. LeslieR041906

    On the pre op liquid diet

    how does the hot and sour soup taste? Never heard of it. But I really want something. Im tired of drinking. LOL.
  2. Ok, I know I have a thread already about my liquid diet. But, I think that I have done really well, although, my weight seems to be leveling off, not as much is coming off, so far Ive lost 10 lbs in 5 days. I know I need to get out and exercise a lot more, I know that will help. I still have some cravings, but, things arent bothering me as bad anymore. But, 9 more days to go to surgery date. Am I doing anything wrong, here is what I do on a daily basis.. Morning, I drink EAS Myoplex 42grams of Protein, then I have 2 bottles of Water with special k protien powder, 5 grams each. lunch, I drink Atkins Advantage with 15 grams of protein. When I go home, I eat a good bit of sugar free Jello I think the 2nd day, I had 3 small bowls. I also drink a can of chicken broth for the salty taste. For dinner, I have Slim Fast Protein shake 15grams protein. Im also drinking throughout the day. Does this sound reasonable? I havent cheated, although I wanted to. But I want to. Anyway, I love to hear more responses to what Im doing.
  3. The doc told me that I should drink only liquids, and anything that can go up a straw, I can have within reason. But keep my protein up to 70 grams a day. Well I want to go out to have Vietnamese and the Pho' soup. I can have blenderized soup. What about eggdrop soup? Any suggestions?
  4. LeslieR041906

    Liquid Diet Woes

    Why is your weight such a big issue? Im 322. I hope they dont come with that same excuse for me. I mean do you have to be a certain size for the band? Wow. But, I am so proud of you for the long effort on the liquid diet. Ive only done it for 5 days now, and yes its hard, but the first 3 days were the hardest, then, the cravings changed, and as long as I sip some broth, that gives me the salt I have been craving, and really I end up ok. I still want food. Anyway, I would love to know more as to why they cant go ahead with the band. That would drive me crazy.
  5. LeslieR041906

    June 9th

    I would love to have that time, unfortunately, I have to go in at 11:30, surgery is at 1:30. LOL. Are you on a liquid diet too? And if so what kind?
  6. LeslieR041906

    3 days on liquid diet

    Thanks for the advice. Ive done great so far, and even though I watch my daughter as we speak, eat an ice cream cone, I still hold strong. I dont think I will cheat, I just want to cheat. And thats bad. But thank you so much for your advice.
  7. LeslieR041906

    June 9th

    Hey Im being banded on that day too!!!!! WOW. What time are you going in?
  8. I dont have a murmur, but I do have a PFO, which is a hole in the heart. My cardiologist has done every test under the sun and everything is normal, however, I still have dizziness, migraines, and just fatigue. He cleared me for the surgery, but Im having more pain, than normal. They can operate and close it up. PFOs are birth defects, I lived my whole life not knowing I had this. And it could contribute to weight gain due to poor circulation. I think that you should be ok. With murmurs, I dont think that they can go in and patch it up like they can a PFO. But, do more research on murmurs, see what you can find. Good luck.
  9. LeslieR041906

    Lost 8 Lbs In 2 Days

    So will it slow down? I mean Im sure it will at some point, but, if it does, what does it slow down to. I have to continue this for 3 more weeks total, giving after my surgery, I will have to do it for 2 weeks.
  10. Is this normal for anyone else? I had to weigh myself 5 times cause I couldnt believe it. Im on the liquid diet, and started 2 days ago. Man its hard but could I really have lost 8lbs already?
  11. LeslieR041906

    Scared & indecisive

    I agree, you should only do it if you have 100lbs or more to lose, or if you have factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. The band is a life time thing. The only time they take it out is if there is a problem with the band. Other wise you just go right back into that yo yo diet. My doc told me on thursday, that they rarely take them out due to request, they only take them out if theres a problem, so there is a life time with something your for one not sure about. Please think hard. It took me nearly 3 years to come to the decision if I wanted to do this. And yes Im scared, thats normal, but Im so wanting this, to better my health,.not to look good. Try something like weight watchers, or nutrasystem first. I wouldnt go surgical just yet, but of course that is your decision. Take care and good luck with your decision!
  12. LeslieR041906

    Pre Op Liquid Diet

    Today is my first day of a 2 week liquid diet. I have to keep my protein at 70gs per day. I can have no solids, all liquids. Im doing EAS Protein shakes in the morning, which has 42 grams of protein. Then 2 high protein slim fast shakes. Then to make up the difference, I have purchased the special k, protein mix that goes into water, it has about 5 grams. Mean while, I have the option to drink all the water, sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles, crystal light, chicken or beef broth, or blenderized soups. Maintaining my calorie intake to 800-1000 cal a day. The doc said that if I have not lost any weight, then he would stop the surgery and reschedule, so I have to do this. There is no other option for me. So, today is day one. Im really hoping that I have the will to do this for a month, 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after. Good luck guys.
  13. LeslieR041906

    Abdominal Crunches After Surgery

    I had my pre op appt. This past Thursday, and that was one of the questions I asked my surgeon because, I have a ab lounge, and I dont want too much sagging skin once I reach my goal. He said it would be fine to do the ab lounge 2 weeks after, and crunches a month after. Six month? No I dont think thats accurate. What I have learned, on here, is that every surgeon is different. Especially some give the liquid diet prior to surgery, and some don''t mine did, because of the issue with shrinking the liver. Anyway, from what my surgeon said, I would think it would be alright. But, also get others advice, to come to your final conclusion. Good luck!!
  14. LeslieR041906

    I cant wait

    What took so long for me is the psychiractric part of it. I went through my normal therapist, and he took about 3 months, or so. Other than that it was a breeze. And it wasn't long to get approved. Which Im so happy about. So, next monday starts my liquids. Im a little scared. I hope I have the will to keep going with it.
  15. LeslieR041906

    I cant wait

    Im gaining weight. I cant wait until I get the surgery. Which is June 9th. I havent even started my liquids yet. Im getting quite depressed cause of the few pounds Im gaining. Guess its kinda my fault, I have been indulging in fattening foods, cause I know once I start the process I wont be able to have bad foods. All I can say is Im so looking forward to getting this. I know the bigger I get the more I dont feel like doing anything. I have no energy. Its time for a change. And I mean a big one. Anyway, I had to rant. Have any of you indulged in eating foods you know are bad, but you eat them cause you know once you start your pre op those foods are no longer ideal? Let me know. I just hope Im not alone on this one.
  16. ok, simple question, do you lose weight on the liquid diet they put you on for the 2 weeks? I have to take carnation instant breakfast averaging 800-1000 calories per day. Since there are no solids, do you lose weight? I know the purpose for this diet, its to shrink the liver. Thanks everyone. Will be starting liquids on the 26th of this month.
  17. LeslieR041906

    Roller Coasters and the Lapband

    I have to say this, I can only wish to ride roller coasters, 4 years ago I couldnt get on anything, cause of my weight. Mostly my boobs, I could fit in the seat, but I couldnt lock the belt. Its really embarrasing. I am being banded June 9th. I cant wait for this. Im so scared of the whole thing though. I have a 2 year old that I want to spend lots of time in the future doing all kinds of things, including amusement parks. I had to digress a bit. Im sorry. This thread just reminded me of the horrible times I had at amusement parks.
  18. LeslieR041906

    Surgery Date

    Im happy but at the same time scared. I dont know what to expect. I hear so many stories and some good some bad. I know each person is different, but, I just dont know how my body will handle it. Thats what worries me.
  19. LeslieR041906

    Surgery Date

    As my last thread, I was approved, after calling and calling the clinic, I got a surgery date. June 9th, and I start liquids on May 26th. Im so excited. I have a feeling Im going to be on here a bit more!!!
  20. Well, it didnt take long for BCBS of NC, to approve my surgery, however, my wait now is with the clinic. I have been calling everyday now, to get them to schedule me for my pre op appointment. I have been telling them that I am on a time limit, reason being right now with my insurance I am covered 100 percent, and if I wait until after June, the first of July, I will have to pay 3500.00 out of pocket. Big difference, especially for someone with financial problems to begin with. So, its not the insurance, or anything like that, everything went smoothly, now its the clinic, thats taking their sweet time. UGGH. They said that I will more than likely have the procedure done the first week of June, but I still have my 2 week pre op to do, and I think I will miss that deadline. Anyone else have any problems with their doctors taking their sweet time. I know that there are other people ahead of me they tell me Im second on the list. SO HOW LONG SHOULD IT REALLY TAKE!!!!>???? Anyway, I will keep you guys posted and give you a more defined date..
  21. LeslieR041906

    Liquid diet anyone?

    Im waiting to start mine, but they told me that I have to have carnation and nothing more, other than water. I have the special k, protien water packets, I wonder if I can drink those. Man Im thinking to myself this is going to be a hard 2 weeks when I do get started. I have family dinners on Sundays with my mom, and man, sitting at the table with them will just kill me. Especially when all I have is CARNATION...Yep it is mind over matter. But, do I have the mind to make it matter...lol.
  22. LeslieR041906


    Hi, everyone, I wanted to introduce myself. Im a 30 year old Female, in the process now for the surgery. Today I found out that they had submitted all info to the insurance company. So Im a little nervous about that and at the same time excited. I have BCBS of NC, and from what I hear they are really good with approvals. So, I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. And hope I get a lot of helpful answers to some questions, and as my experience gains, I hope to be helpful to others. :biggrin2:
  23. Hi, I wanted to introduce myself, Im 30 years old, 5'8 and 326lbs. I have been going through a long process for this surgery, and Today the information was finally sent to my insurance, which is BCBS of NC. From what I hear they are pretty good about getting things approved. I am really excited, and very nervous. But, importantly, I cant wait unti Im a lot healthier, so I can keep up with my 2 year old girl. So, as far as the status goes, Im just waiting on insurance. The longest part was therapy, for some reason, they had to take the longest. Im kinda glad Im keeping them, and are going to continue to go to them. I have researched for 2 years on this surgery. And finally I hope that insurance will approve me, and I will be able to have it done. Does anyone have any special advice for me? My medical problems include, Sleep Apnea, I have a heart defect, called Patient Foreman Ovale which is another word for a hole in the heart, and I didnt know about the until Dec of last year. I have IBS, fibromyalgia. Any suggestions, or advice before I have this done?
  24. LeslieR041906

    Thank GOD, Approved

    I have BCBS of NC, how was your BCBS difficult? Im waiting on approval, and I just want to know if its going to be difficult for me, however that could differ from state to state.
  25. LeslieR041906

    Horrifying First Fill

    I was wondering about that. Now Im a little nervous. I dont like needles.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
