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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieR041906

  1. Ok, for the past few weeks since surgery, I have been feeling really well, so last night, I worked out on my AB Lounge. I did 60 on it, and right after, maybe no longer than 30 mins after I started getting nauseated, all night long, and woke up with it. I didnt go to work cause I was so nauseated. Also I have a pulling pain near my band. Could I have done something? My doc said it was ok, to work out on the AB Lounge, do you think its possible it was too soon? I need to know, cause I dont feel too well.
  2. Im not hurting today, so I said to myself, if I was hurting today, then i would talk to my surgeon, but, I feel fine today. I think it was a stomach bug that did it. Both my husband and me seem fine today, as for the ab lounge, Im stopping with that for now. When I go for my first fill I will ask him then, what I can and can not do. I guess for now, I sticking with walking. I was worried but, Im ok now. I can drink fluids ok, I havent eaten anything, well of course I dont eat during the day, I have my protein drinks. I will know tonight. Thanks all for being concerned. I was too. :thumbup:
  3. Im worried now, Im still really nauseated. I took a pain med, in hopes that I would feel better. Ate some mushies. couldnt finish all of it. Weird thing is, My husband, had a stomach bug to start last night. Im wondering if maybe I have some of it too. I dont know, I just think that I did something WAY too soon. I will call in the morning and let everyone know what he says. Thanks guys for the responses, I just feel horrible. There is pulling feeling, not major pain, but, some, right there near my band. Well see what he says. Think until then, Im back to full liquids, I dont want even think about food, even if it is mushies.
  4. I had to take a week and a half off, it just depends on how you feel and what your doctor says, definately take it easy if you do return early. Dont lift heavy things, and try to keep moving to keep the gas pain down. Be careful.
  5. LeslieR041906

    Uggh! I have to post and are not proud.

    I know I can... And I am. Its just been too many years of depression, eating, depression and eating, that I have relied on. And, to be honest, the first 2 weeks was hard, but I did it. I didnt cheat not once. Im not trying to make excuses, but, it does stem from that. And I havent learned to let go. I will do this. Im not going to try, Im going to do.
  6. Im going on week 3 post surgery. Today, I ate, I didnt feel bad, I had for lunch 2 pieces of pizza, yeah I know, Im going to hurt myself. I knew this, but I didnt hurt, and I was satisfied. However, pizza isnt appealing to me anymore. It doesnt taste the same. Then tonight, I went to on the border, had half a chimichanga couldnt eat much more, and was stuffed. Today, I wanted to splurge, I have been eating semi solids, for a week now. And are still losing weight. Today, was a different day for me. I have decided to make a pact with myself, Once a month I will treat myself. Once a month. But with care. However, I feel guilty. I feel like I NEED to get back on track. I feel like I committed infidelity to my diet. UGGGGH. But, Im still ok with it. I know that this is the time for healing. My doc especially told me that I need to eat mushy, but I chew and chew and chew to the point its mush. I cant say that everyone can do this, Im just saying this is whats happening to me at the moment. I know I should be more careful. Which I am. I dont eat to the point I want to blow up. I eat, until Im satisfied. And that means, going to bed at night hungry, when before, I was used to eating before bed. Its hard trying to break that habit, especially when you hurt from hunger pains. But, I think that within that month, 2 weeks prior to the surgery, and even after, Ive done well. So, I feel that I should treat myself once a month, Especially since Ive lost 26 lbs in a month. Ok, maybe Im not making any sense. Thats ok. I just want to vent. I do feel guilty, but, I feel I deserve a night to myself. And I feel everyone does. Tomorrow, will be back to morning and afternoon liquids, with a small dinner. And GYM GYM GYM. Gotta burn all this off. LOL.
  7. LeslieR041906

    Uggh! I have to post and are not proud.

    Oh speaking of getting stuck. Last night, I had a small dinner, veggies, and salmon baked. Well I chewed, and chewed, but I swear that fish was stuck in my throat. I thought I was going to die, and Im able to eat that stuff. Uggh. Whats up with that? I wasnt eating too fast. Dunno what happened there.
  8. LeslieR041906

    What %

    My doc says, for when I "DO" eat solids, I can go on something like South Beach. Its healthy, and you benefit from good carbs rather bad, while watching your fat, sugar, and calorie intake. However, I cant say much, cause, Im 3 weeks out and are already breaking rules by eating.
  9. My port is about an inch and a half above my belly button. And it doesnt hurt. Im so sorry about your port location. I cant imagine going through that. Perhaps you can get him to move it, if it honestly bothers you to the point youre in pain all the time.
  10. Well I got there at 11:30. They prepped me, I got into my gown, had to scrub down prior with a special soap. Then I spent a little time in a room, then off to holding. Where they put the iv in, prior to that in the room before holding they gave me a heprin shot in the belly, to prevent blood clots. Once the Iv was in, they gave me a med that made me feel rather better about going into surgery. About 1:45 I was off to the operating room. And they put massaging pads on my legs, strapped my arms down. The doc was great, so were his staff. Everyone was so nice to me. Next thing I know I was out. And waking. For me the surgery took about and hour and 20 mins. Afterwards, it was hard to breathe for me and I was shivering. I knew I was cold. But everything did go fine. I developed pain in my shoulder, arm, and chest due to gas. Yest the gas pain is horrible. Probably the worse of it. I was nauseated once. But the doc didnt prescribe me any nausea meds. Uggh. Dont know why. Anyway, Everything was ok, but Im just in so much pain. For me, my c section was much easier. Cause, I had a surgeon who stitched me up really well. And Dr Lowe did great too with the lap band. I have only 4 incisions. Now all I want to do is sleep. I just got home. And Im not hungry, I cant stand the sight of food. I am thirsty, but I have to remember to take small sips otherwise I will be throwing up, and I dont want to do that. UGGh. Anyway. I will write a more in depth happenings tomorrow, on the my surgery story thread, in the other fourms. Im sure this is worth all this pain. A new healthier me is waiting to be unleashed.
  11. Im not sure if this is so, but I did hear that there was a recall on that drug, heprin? May want to check it out. They gave it to me too, left a huge bruise on me, I mean huge, bigger than a grapefruit. And looked awlful. But, after my surgery, I heard there was a recall. Maybe I am wrong. But worth looking into, they said it wasnt working and was giving people clots, and death. Thanks for the heads up. People on here should be aware.
  12. My fisrt one was yesterday, Im now, 2 and a half weeks out, and 26 lbs down. Im so proud of myself, and my doc is so happy. Especially with the way the wounds healed. They are almost invisible. Kinda like it didnt happen. He wants me to walk more, 40 mins a day, I guess I have to find the time in the day to do so. Right after work seems to be the best time, but that means I cant go pick up my daughter from daycare. But thats ok, I have people to help me with that. I guess its just the motivation I need. How do you guys get past all this? DO you just push yourselves to get up and out? How do you do it? I know I can drop more weight if Im very consistant with my exercise routine. But wanted to give the update. YAY. Im happy. :embaressed_smile: Just need advice for exercise!
  13. LeslieR041906

    Post op appointment

    I would love to do that, but I went and bought a gym membership. And I know thats going to get boring fast. I want to get a new stroller for my daughter, one that is back friendly, like the tri wheel ones. But that cost too much for me right now. Plus generally its too hot out. LOL. I know I can sweat it all out..
  14. LeslieR041906

    Post op appointment

    Burned? Thats odd.. how? I never heard of that. How big is the burn?
  15. LeslieR041906

    Post op appointment

    I dont have the realize band, or at least I dont think I do, but my port area incision is about 2 inches long, how long is yours. The only thing I hate about that area is, there are some small over laps in the skip, bulkiness, if you know what I mean. But otherwise its healing well.
  16. What vitamins have you guys started? My doc told me that I can have either flinstones complete, or centrum. I have the generic brand of centrum... Do you think this is acceptable? What are you guys taking?
  17. Ok Im stuck in limbo, with 311lbs at this point, and have been for a week. Although, I havent had the energy as I should to go to the gym every day, but I do make it to the gym at least 3 times a week. I dont do much when I go, maybe a mile on the treadmill. But, thats about it. My diet, is mixed with liquids, and for dinner, a healthy, mushy. But, I do notice, Im not getting as full as I once did about a week ago, Im 2 weeks and a day post op. And today I see the doc. I wonder if I can convince him to do my first fill today. LOL. I doubt that. Im hoping it wont be that bad cause right at the port area, I cant feel a thing. Its like my nerves were severed or something. Anyway, I just had to vent, I want to lose more. UGGH. I guess it will happen in time. :thumbup:
  18. LeslieR041906

    Indention in port area

    Kinda off subject, but, everyone has lost a good bit of weight since they were banded. Man, Ive only lost 22lbs, and are going up and down. I see everyones tickers, and wonder, HOW!!! I know some of you are about 30 days post op. How are you keeping it off? Let me know..
  19. LeslieR041906

    Cant wait until my first fill

    Thanks guys! I just find myself, more hungry than normal. Uggh. Just like I was before the band. I mean, I do have a limit, but since the healing process is taking on, My tummy wants food. LOL. And I chew and chew, and still, Im trying to look for the part where I get full. Its not there anymore, it was about a week ago. Just anticipating the day it happens!!! Yay!
  20. LeslieR041906

    Sleep Study Question

    My sleep apnea was diagnosed last year, and the nurses wouldnt tell me anything. Uggh. So I had to wait 2 weeks, they told me I had moderate sleep apnea. So, I know that doesnt help, but, that was my experience. Its was killing me to know the results.
  21. Ok, Ive started to eat, I was banded 2 weeks ago. When I eat its small amounts, I get full a lot faster than I did before. But, Its not long after that Im hungry again. Ugggh. I also feel bloated, and that I have gained weight. this morning I weighed at 311 and now I weighed again it said 315!!! HOW!!!! Water? Im exercising, walking everyday. OK, so last night, I had chinese food. It was chicken, and I chewed and chewed, I eat 1 meal a day, and its a very small meal. Other than that, Im drinking my protein drinks. And water. Anyway, I dont know whats going on, sometimes, I feel like my band isnt there, I feel the port. I can feel that through my skin. But, I feel sometimes either something happened with my band, that maybe it slipped, or my smaller tummy is bigger than what its supposed to be, something feels wrong. I dont hurt, I have no problems eating, and thats the problem. Do I have to wait to my first fill in order to get results? Sorry for the rather confusing thread, but Im worried, Im not doing things right. What do I need to be doing? :redface:
  22. LeslieR041906

    I have a problem

    I totally agree, cause, you dont want to go all that way, and have something happen on your way back, that wouldnt be good. Travel light. Wear flip flops or sandals if you like them.. something comfortable, cause one, its going to be very hard to put on shoes right after. Well it was for me. Luckily I had my husband there for me. Anyway, I hope this helps.
  23. LeslieR041906

    I have a problem

    There will be swelling, I found that stretchy pants, were most comfortable, no jeans, you will be fatigued, and no matter what push yourself to walk, cause you will have gas pain that will kill you... ugggh. Not literally of course. But it will hurt. Gas x or some kind of gas reliever will work just fine. Drink small sips, cause if you dont you'll risk getting gassy, I hope this helps.. AS to everyone else, thank you for your responses, Sometimes you feel as if youre the only one going through this sort of thing. Its really good to know that youre not alone. :ohmy: Tonight, was different for me, when I ate, I felt my restrictions, I guess I will have my days. I just want to throw my scale away now, Im so mad at it. lol. But, no matter what, we are all in this together, and were going to get through it together.
  24. LeslieR041906

    Stay away from the band!!

    Dont give in to others, there are still great people on here that help others. Dont let them win and leave!!! Its all about opinions here really, and advice... we will always have pranksters.
  25. LeslieR041906

    Stay away from the band!!

    Ok, where is the person posting this thread, something sounds very wrong, even with me not having any fills, Ive lost weight. Its part of a diet you follow, and exercise routine. You have to work with the band. This isnt a quick fix. So, I agree, possibly someone just posted something to speak negative things about something they probably dont have. Cause if this were a true thread, they would be active in this thread. Uggh anyway. :biggrin:

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