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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieR041906

  1. What I mean is I have no time, what so ever to go walking, or exercising. I just took on a part time, along with my full time job. And I have a 2 year old. What am I to do? I cant balance out my schedule, and Im too tired to do anything else. So, any suggestions. I have to be up at 6am, I go to bed at 9 or 10pm, my part time, is on friday and sat 11pm to 7am. but this week and next Im working evenings. Uggh. I havent been to the gym in 3 weeks, I feel horrible. I have no one to watch my little girl so it makes it that much harder. Any suggestions? My doc says I HAVE to walk 40 mins a day, every day. How? I see him next wednesday for my first fill. Hes going to know, I havent been doing it. I feel horrible. :cursing:
  2. LeslieR041906

    Im freaking fustrated...

    Dont worry too much about it. You wont start losing anything until your 1st fill. I know people have said it, and I know how much you want to lose, Im practically starving myself, just to lose the weight Ive lost so far. I was banded on June 9th, and so far, as you see on my ticker, Ive lost 30. But, trust me, Im not eating much at all at this point, but fruit, and my protein drinks. All because, I dont want to be discouraged, if I gain. And I did gain, all cause I was eating, and cheating on my diet. Now all that has stopped, Im kinda in limbo. Its really frustrating. I cant wait until my first fill on the 23rd. Hang in there, things will get a lot better. :cursing:
  3. LeslieR041906

    6 week post-op

    Wow that does seem a bit early. My surgeon says that it could be harmful to do it too soon. Your tummy hasnt healed quite enough. I have to wait 6 weeks, I get mine on the 23rd along with my first fill!!!:cool:
  4. For those of you who read my previous posts, about cheaating, well I have been doing well, and I have lost all that I had gained and 2 lbs, along with that. Im so happy. Im taking about 100 grams of Protein a day. Maybe a little more, and eating lots of fruit, like cantaloupe, and watermelon. I also eat aprocots and plums. For a sweeter snack, have light ice cream, which is only 1/2 cup. Not every night, just when I have a sweet tooth. No more solids, I eat baked flaky fish. No chicken yet. I eat tuna. I have really been doing good. Only one problem, I have to find a great time to exercise. Im starting a part time job, and I have no clue as to when a good time would be to exercise. Plus Im starting new hours at my full time. Uggh. I havent been to the gym in 2 weeks, and I feel horrible. But, I have keep my weight loss. I know I would burm more, if I were to exercise. Anyway, just wanted to let poeple know whats going on. If you see I could be improving it, let me know. But, I think with what Im doing, Im doing just fine. Morning, 1 eas Protein shake 42 grams protein 300 cals fat 7g, carbs, 19grams snack, cantaloupe, watermelon or plums and apricots, lunch, 1 eas protein shake 42 grams protein same as above snack, light yougart dinner, small sensible, portioned, chew chew chew mushy dinner. low fat. Beans or tuna, soft pastas etc. snack if needed 1/ cup of light ice cream blue bunny brand. Need input, and advice if any...
  5. LeslieR041906

    Ive been doing well

    My surgeon allows soft pasta, but, I dont eat it that much, maybe once a week. If even that. The 1/2 cup of ice cream is more than enough for me, it comes in a 1/2 cup container. So when Im done, im just done. I have sugar free popsicles, but sometimes, they just dont cut it for me, since its all I had prior to surgery, and a week after. I dont eat a lot of bread, I try not to. I cant say that I havent, because, that is one habit that is hard to break, but Im slowly breaking it. If I eat bread its whole wheat. White bread, well, it kinda doesnt stick well with me anymore. The light blue bunny ice cream has 100 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, carbs are high, but I can use them for energy, 18 grams, Sugars are high too, 10 grams, Im really good about sugars, but, when I need a sugar rush, it helps, and thats all I need in a day. Im going out to eat tonight, and Im def going to stick to my guns, Ive done great this week, and Im not going to spoil it. Thanks for the advice. :thumbup:
  6. Im up to 100 grams a more a day, its not by choice, but its keeping me slimmer, and I drink water like mad. I was talking with a lady who just recoverd from cancer, she only has one kidney now, and she says that her doctor tells her to watch how much protein she consumes, well, she said the reason for that is the kidneys can start to fail with too much protein. But, I think the key is to flush it out. Is this true in our case? Even though the majority of us do have both kidneys, do we have to watch how much we consume, or does it really matter how much we have? And I am talking about good proteins. Need to know, very interesting subject.
  7. LeslieR041906

    How much is too much Protein

    Well I know that this week alone, I started amping up my protein, and Ive already dropped the weight I had gained, as well as an extra 2 lbs. I believe a lot of it was water, but, none the less good riddens. This weekend Im going to go and get some calcium chews, and just take those everyday with my multivitamin. I was reading online about it and it said for a person weighing in at 160 needs to consume, 56grams a day, so, what about a person weighing in at 300lbs?? We need the extra protein. I just worry about it too much I think. Im seeing my nutritionist soon so, I will ask her.
  8. I had that too, as time goes by, your port will be less noticable. Its just all the swelling and such going on. You should be fine. If your port filpped,. doc says there will be constant pain, pulling, etc. If you have that call them. Set up an early appointment, my doc said that he stitched it in there so well that nothings going to budge it. Hope this helps.
  9. LeslieR041906


    Man Im not even going to go there, loud violent farts all in the middle of the night, waking up the house, never had I had so much gas. UGGH.
  10. Ive followed this girl, shes done really good progress. Maybe she learned from her mistake. But, Good info on as to why we dont have carbonated drink. Every now and then I would want a coke, but I havent had soda in 2 months. Im so proud.
  11. Well as it states, I did see my doctor today. For those of you who read my previous posts, about me cheating, well, he was upset with me, but, he encouraged me, enough to start anew with no regrets, he also took tests to see if any current damages were done. And good to know none were done. Im back on track and back on the mushy diet. And will be for 3 weeks. However, there is a down side to this, I gained 6lbs, but, I feel that a lot of this is water, since Im so close to my monthly. And usually I retain a lot of water. But, IM ok guys, he really wanted me to follow the rules to a t. And I am. No more cheating, and lots and lots of chewing. Tonight, I had, green beans mushed up, kinda good, had, soft pasta salad, tuna salad 1 scoop. And surprisingly, I was full after chewing for so long. I just have to fight the hunger that Im having right now, and Im doing that with more protein. I had my 2 protein shakes today. And had yogart with protein in it. It was filling. And lots and lots of water. Today, I felt tired. But, I did walk, move around a bit at work, and tried to stay active. Im very happy with myself. One day at a time, Im going to do this. I will have my first fill on the 23rd. My doctor told me that it was totally normal to gain weight, and I didnt gain a lot, since most is water. Im laying off high sodium too. Any suggestions for foods on this mushy stage is welcome. I bought a book about weight loss surgery, and in it, there is a cook book for life. Maybe I will take some time, to look at a few of the recipes. But, please let me know of some good MUSHY foods, I would so appreciate it. Thanks all for sticking with me.
  12. Im going to call the office again, just to see if the nurse will talk to me. I know she will tell me to go to the er. I will keep you guys posted.
  13. This is really weird for me, all I drink is Water, and now, when I drink it, I end up with gerd. I can swallow it ok, but I drink it I have really bad gerd. This happened today, and last night. I really drink all the time. I didnt start this until the McDonalds incident.
  14. LeslieR041906

    I've been cheating.

    Girl, someone needs to tell me off.. and I wouldnt blame you. Cause what I did was horrible, and I had no excuse to do it. Only trying to get into bad habits. My little girl is my world and my light. Shes always there to make me happy when Im upset. I have to live for her. For all she has done for me. I have to do this for myself, and her, so that I can live longer. Thanks for your response. Its good to know that there are people out there that can relate. Makes it easier sometimes, to understand that what I have been doing is wrong just by others advice. I thank you and everyone.
  15. Thank you. Im just really worried I done something. I ate a mushie today, and was nauseated. Im really worried. I dont know if maybe its something that my tummy has to get used to or what. But, there is a certain mixture of nausea and gerd. :tt2:
  16. LeslieR041906

    I've been cheating.

    I believe that doctors should make people aware of what they are getting into. That if you cheat this could happen. I will talk to my doc about it, and just see what he says. I remember that when I went for my check up, he told me to stick with the mushies, but, he also said he thinks that I could handle solids, but he would prefer me to stick with the stages, for healing, to be sure I heal properly. Well see what he says. Thanks for the information you sent, Im sure it will be useful.
  17. LeslieR041906

    I've been cheating.

    Thank you. At first I thought it was great, that I had it under control. But, it is harder at first than I figured. Thank you again!!
  18. LeslieR041906

    I've been cheating.

    Wow, guys thanks. Im glad to see that Im not alone, but everyone is right I have to do this for myself. Today, Im back on liquids. Already, my stomach is growling, but Im going to fight it. Im going to let my stomach rest. I tried calling my doc, and unfortunately, theyre not there, and the emergency line told me if Im not tolerating liquids, or Im hurting then go to the er. Which, Im not hurting, and I can tolerate liquids. So, Unfortunately, I will have to wait til monday. I mean I can go to the er, but its so expensive. and right now, money is tight. Otherwise I would do it. Thanks for all the advice, but I feel bad about the other day. The wrap I had, I didnt chew properly, and stupid me I acted like I was never banded. It hurt going down. I know there is no excuse for it, but I was so nauseated, and I felt that I had to do it. One, I did feel guilty and I felt it would be a quick relief. The day before I had gone and bought a new blouse, it was a size smaller. And it looked great on me, EVERYONE at work, told me I was losing. But, after I ate, I looked bloated and bigger. Thats when the guilt came in. Anyway, heres what I do on most days, if food isnt an issue. Especially weekdays when Im working. I have 2 EAS Protein shakes, 42 grams of protein, and 300 cal each. So there is my protein, then I drink all the Water I can. If I get hungry, I eat sugar free, Jello or pudding, kinda like Im following the liquid diet. Then when I go home, I have a small meal, I dont over eat, I eat til Im satisfied. Usually bake fish, chicken, have Pasta, along with soft veggies. For a snack, I would usually get low fat ritz, and light tuna, with light mayo, and have a couple crackers, it calms a lot of cravings. So, the things I cheated with, well they come on the weekends. Which shouldnt be the case, but weekends, I have my family around, and they are eating, and I want the same thing they are eating, I fight it, and try, but sometimes, I lose. I used to chew chew and chew. But now, I find it hard to do. I dont know why, but I do need to get right back on that wagon. coltonwade!! Thanks for being straigt forward with me. Sometimes, the truth is the best advice. Hopefully it will knock some sense into me. That is a great way to to avoid cheating. Thinking about your band being ripped out. That scares me. Youre right I may have done damage. Im just praying that I didnt do much and I can recover from this. And I will tell my doc everything. Even though he will yell at me, I hope he does, cause it could be the only way, I can help myself. As far as my daughters eating habits, I wish I could learn from her. She doesnt eat meat, she a little veggie lover, and fruit lover. She rarely eats junk, anything fried she wont eat. I know my eating habits were great when I was pregnant. But, didnt think she would learn from them. LOL. All I craved was salad and fruit, any and all meat made me sick. Good thing I was taking my prenatals, and shes now taking finstones. Gosh before I was banded, I would eat crap from McDonalds, and you would think that kids love McDonalds, not her. I would give her a fry, and she wouldnt eat it. Shes 2 and I only pray she keeps these habits for a while. I dont want her to be like me. I dont want her to struggle with weight all her life. She deserves so much more. My goal, next year I want to be thinner to take her to the local theme park. I want to ride the kiddie rides with her. Last year I was about 320 and I got on 1 ride and thought I was going to die.. And other rides I embarrased myself by not being able to ride. I hate it. Sorry to digress, but, I had to talk about some things. I didnt mean to tell my life story. All in all I am greatful for all of your responses. Thank you. I will get back on the right track, I will make myself. and I promise. Thank you again.
  19. Ok this is weird, I have an indention right at my port incision. Certain ways I move cause pain. I was banded 2 weeks ago today, and this is the first time I noticed this. It must have happened this morning, or sometime in the night, cause it wasnt there yesterday. So, does anyone know if this is normal, the indention is about the size of a large grape, maybe bigger. When I stand you can see it. When I sit you really cant. Most the fat just buldges out. Do I have a possible flipped port? Please need help. I did call my doc.
  20. Ok, here I am eating mushies, etc, but still I havent had my first fill, yet, I dont feel much restriction anymore, and I tend to over eat, and get gerd feeling. How do you know when enough is enough. How do you know that youre not chewing your food good? Could this be a result of my gerd feeling? Anyway, Im just wondering if my band is still in the same place. I have to go in for a examination on Monday. We will see. I dont think that Im chewing my food like Im supposed to, but sometimes its hard. I guess I have to get used to this new thing. Anyone have any other experiences such as this? Did they have a problem by not stopping from eating? I need to know. I dont want to be alone in this.
  21. Hi, I've noticed you have done well on your lap band journey, I know people ask you you, how did you do it? Did you follow everything to a T? What was your diet like? Any pointers? Advice? How often did you work out? And if you worked out, what did you do? Anyway, please share your success!! I really need some help and advice with this situation. It would be greatly appreciated.

  22. LeslieR041906

    Question about Food intake

    The paper cup idea is great. I should try that. But I can tell you that Im not chewing good. If I can honestly master that, Im sure that by eating correctly, I will get fuller faster, and there will be no gerd, and I wouldnt over stuff myself. I admit, I have cheated 3 times, and I regret it, but, I was very careful, and I ate, in moderations, but, it wasnt something Im proud of. It was very easy for me to get the band, and I guess my brain hasnt recognized it. There are so many people fighting to get it, and here i am doing this. Im selfish. But, I can always change that. And I will. Im going to learn how to eat properly. Chew chew chew. Its truely the only way. I lost 26 all together. I lost the majority on the liquid diet. I dont want to gain it back. Thats what Im afraid of. I dont want to ruin this. I need to keep my therapy appointments etc. Just trying to figure out why food is so irresistable to me. Its horrible having cravings. Anyway, I dont mean to rant. But, thank you for your advice. I will definately keep that in mind.
  23. I have been cheating, I dont like it and I wish that I could start over. Its horrible knowing that you could have done something to your band.
  24. Well almost a year ago I was going to a weight doctor, they put me on Phentramene, and the HCG pregnancy hormone shot, but prior to that they tested my metabolism, which, they said it was normal. So, you would think that with all the diets Ive tried, why havent I had success? I didnt eat a lot. Dunno. But, have any of you ever had your metabolism tested? If so what were the results, mine was of course as I said before NORMAL...
  25. You may be nauseated, but, I dont hear much on vomiting. Not once did I vomit. And I was banded on 6/09/08. Think that its harder once you get banded. I dont know.

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