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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeslieR041906

  1. LeslieR041906

    Just checking in

    How high are your carbs?
  2. LeslieR041906

    Just checking in

    What kind of routine do you have to lose your weight? That was the other question? What are you eating? Exercise, how long and what kind of exercise. Just curious, I seem to be teetering up and down the scale. Not happy.
  3. Has anyone heard of this and is it recommended for lap band patients? Has anyone done it? Let me know, if you dont know what it is look it up. My co worker is doing the diet, and has lost from it,. It is of course a liquid diet, so, not sure if we are allowed to do it or not.
  4. LeslieR041906

    Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet

    I was wondering if we could take it not to lose the weight, but to cleanse. Detoxify. But, she has to drink this stuff for 10 days, its like maple syrup in the pure form cayianne pepper, or however you spell it, and some lemon thing that she bought at the herbal store. And she says that she takes a laxative 2 times a day. I dont think that I can honestly do that, the liquid diet pre op was the hardest, but at least I had some options on what I could eat, with this, its this or nothing. So, Im just looking for a good detoxifyer. If the weight loss occurs, then good. But, I need the protein, and the daily vitamins. Anyway, thanks guys for the response.
  5. Ok, my title says it all. I ate a south beach diet meal today, and I figured ok, its small enough, I chew it well I will be ok. NOPE. Uggh and its so aggravating. Anyone else going through this? Im know when I forget to chew, I can have some issues, and it hurts, but then I stop and rest a bit then start it again going slower. Man, that meal did not cut it for me. I hated that. And the fat content wasnt what I had expected. Anyway, Need feedback. I had my 1st fill last week, a week ago today. Maybe I need another.
  6. LeslieR041906

    Did something dumb. Advice please!

    Youre fine, no worries, please dont fret over this, cause I take pills even after my first fill. And the biggest pill I take is about the size of the last link of my pinky finger. So, no worries. There are far worse things to worry about than that, and so far youre doing great.
  7. LeslieR041906

    Finally my first fill

    Youre doing fine with your protein amounts, my doc said 80 may be pushing it. But, I was doing about 130 grams of protein a day. And no wonder I wasnt losing and gaining instead. I didnt gain much, but, it was enough to discourage me. But also take into consideration, the foods you eat have protein, even if youre drinking, you have to add up all the other protein. Especially in fish, which has high amounts. Cut down on one of the whey bullets, thats my suggestion, cause I was taking the EAS Protein shake that has 42 grams of protein in it. I was doing 2 a day. Plus misc protein. That added up quick. Its not hard to keep the protein up. Youre still doing great. SO keep up the good work. Also too much protein can cause problems with the kidneys. Anyway, I hope this helped. :thumbup:
  8. After so long, I got it today. And it was rather interesting. It really didnt hurt, although it was a little uncomfortable, cause I had to do a mini crunch, with my left arm behind my head, while he did it. But surprisingly it didnt hurt. He put 5ccs in. Told me that I can eat solids. I need to exercise more. And lay off the high amounts of protein. Cause that was hurting me more than helping me. Everything went smoothly, and I was really pleased. I ate dinner tonight, and felt restriction. Just have to remember I have to take it a lot slower, steadier, and I have to remember what foods hurt. But for those of you who havent had a fill yet, I wouldnt worry too much, the only thing I though was a little painful was when he was pressing in, searching for the port. And that was not with the needle. The needle was nothing. My doctor is great. YAY. Now Im back in the game and 2nd fill will be sept 10th. So, I have to read up on my books, and get some new recipes etc. I have a book just for this surgery, chop full of recipes. And now I can eat solids, Im going to take advantage of the recipes. Even the ones in my south beach diet book. YAY. Just got to get the exercise thing down. Finding a time to get it done is hard.
  9. LeslieR041906

    Finally my first fill

    No my doc just pushed in, and found it, no numbing no nothing, no x ray, it was really surprising. Im sorry you had such a bad experience. I was so anxious, when I was there, but it wasnt that bad. It really depends on your doctor. I think that the more procedures they do, and learn, how to improve certain situations, they can access the port with no problem. My doc said he did extra stitching so that my port wont budge, flip, or rotate. So, all in all I really trust him. He hasnt lied to me once. But, I feel for you, Im sorry for your experience. :thumbup:
  10. LeslieR041906

    eating after a fill

    Had first fill today, and doc said I can eat solids. So.... guess it depends on the doctor.
  11. I was supposed to have my fill last week but that didnt happen. They scheduled me for my post op appointment, which happened a month ago!!! Well, the first appt, I had to cancel cause I had to get my daughter from school, she was sick, and I had no one else to get her. SO come to find out that was for a post op, not a 1st fill. Well, they rescheduled me for the following morning, and I got there, had to pull strings to get off early from work, well, once I got there, I was weighed, all was good, until I got in the room, the nurse asked me if this was my pre op appointment, I said no, that this is my first fill. She said that they dont do fills on thursday. I was like WHAT!!! I was so mad. I told them that I had to pull strings to get off work, and I dont understand why they would schedule me like that. And the nurse was like I dont understand either, that this appointment was for a post op appointment. Well its almost 2 months since surgery, no fill, no restriction nothing. And Im eating, and eating cause I cant keep full. If I restrain from eating I get light headed. What do I do? Im gaining again. Ana all I do is cry about it. Im trying hard to not let it get to me. I have another appointment for the fill on Monday, but, this is killing me. Im off the mushy stage, by my calender, and have been trying to eat reasonable, Im keeping my protein shakes in the morning, eating fruits and veggies. Im so depressed. I really hate the staff at the clinic. I was making a scene, well not a bad scene that day, and my doc was right there in the hallway. I bet you will all the eating Im doing, Im stretching my pouch, I eat get full then I get hungry again, just like it was pre band. What do I do??? Im so depressed over this, I want my fill, so that I wont be hungry all the time. Isnt that what the band is supposed to do?:mad2::biggrin::sad::eek::sad:
  12. LeslieR041906

    Hi all Im sad

    I totally agree, we really need to stick together during these tough times. I know that weighing myself on a daily basis is not worth it. I know that my weight goes up and down like you wouldnt believe. And its depressing. I have one more week of training with my 2nd job, so that means my weekday afternoons will be free right after I get off work. So that means Im going to get to the gym every day. I know I can do it. For now, I have to deal with this. Uggh.
  13. LeslieR041906

    Hi all Im sad

    Thanks guys, the advice is really encouraging. Im just upset at this hunger thing right now. I want it to end. My doc said I can get my next fill within 2 weeks, if the first hasnt helped. And I have read that the first fill never really helps. So, thats a little discouraging. My biggest problem is exercise, I need to do it. Im working 2 jobs now, and I cant find time to get it done, plus I have a 2 year old. Uggh, so much for that huh? No, I just have to find the right time for me. Thats all. And I hope its soon.
  14. LeslieR041906

    Hi all Im sad

    By the way, Im not moving my ticker, I just dont think that I can handle that. I know when I get my fill, I will get there easily. I just cant stop eating.
  15. Is it that bad? Im really scared and nervous about the whole thing. My doc said its not different from getting an IV. And sometimes I cry with IVs. I need help. Advice.
  16. LeslieR041906

    Im getting my first fill tomorrow.

    Ok I will let everyone know, Im getting closer and closer to my time, and Im scared. The fill is at 4:10
  17. Ive been following the rules, and everything, Ive done great. But, Ive been having intestional pain, and burning for a few days now. Im not sure if it is gas, but I can tell you that I have had a lot of violent ones since this has started. Also, right around maybe just below my band, I have a pain, dull pain, I was thinking it could be my spleen, but I dont know. When I move a certain way it hurts. I have had a low grade fever on and off, but then again it could be hormones. I have no clue. I know I see my surgeon tomorrow, but, has anyone experienced this pain before. And any thoughts on what it could be would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
  18. Im noticing now, I didnt notice, that much before, mainly in my face. But, now, I can tell I have gone down a size. I can wear clothes comfortably now. Even clothes, I put away, that I couldnt wear anymore. I get my first fill on Wednesday, well see how that goes after that. Im crossing my fingers and hoping that it will drop more weight for me.
  19. I admit, I havent. I just havent found the time. I was working 2 jobs, and I have a 2 year old. I work a lot, and my job isnt quite sedentary. I do get up and bend, pull, walk, all sorts on my job. I stand on my feet for the majority too. Anyway, I need to exercise. Its horrible I havent, Im paying for a gym membership, and havent really used it. But, Im still losing. Guess thats the positive.
  20. Ive been going to this place since I started this journey, its a place called Smoothie King. They have a shake, called the Gladiator. It has 180 calories, 0 fat 0 sugar, and 0 carbs etc. 45 grams of protein. Blended with any 2 fruits of your choice. Anyone ever been here?
  21. Oh good lord, I never meant for this thread to take things to the extreme and be so serious over it all. lol. I was there today, and I asked them does anything they use have sugar, they use fruits, and purees. I know fruits have sugars, and carbs, NATURAL ones. Its not like youre going out and eating a whopper from burger king, who would do that? Its suicide for your band. Im just trying to give solutions for those of you who are in the liquid phase, who need to drink something different. I wouldnt drink them everyday. Thats probably asking for trouble. When I got the gladiator for the first time, I mixed it with banannas and strawberries, it tasted sugary. But it really had no added sugars. Only the natural you find in fruit. My doctor suggests I eat more fruit for the added Vitamins, and minerals, as well as it keeping you healthy. Nothing wrong with adding fruit to your Protein mix. Lots of people do it.
  22. Is anyone on a special diet? Like South Beach, etc? I want to hear from those of you on special diets, and if youre not on a special diet, I want to hear about what you eat. Start with morning, lunch and dinner, EVEN snacks...
  23. Check out their website. They have a menu on there, look at the stats for the gladiator. I guess people with sugar problems, should watch out. My mom said when she was pregnant with me, she at lots of watermelon and was borderline diabetic. Sorry to hear of your issues... But, please check out their site. They have other options I believe.
  24. Natural sugars, yes, and natural is good. I have lost weight by eating lots and lots of fruit. No problems there. No syrup. They just mix Protein powder and fruit. Natural sugars are good for you. Otherwise doctors would say, Dont eat fruit. I have had success with losing weight, and eating fruit. Lots of fruit. That is mainly what my diet consists of. And not all carbs are bad. Try not to refrain from eating all carbs, remember there are good carbs and there are bad.
  25. LeslieR041906

    After mushy stage

    What does your exercise schedule look like?? What are you doing for exercise and how many days, and how long?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
