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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About gym&tonic

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  1. gym&tonic


    How much liquid are you getting in on average?
  2. Dr Burch 100%. You will be very happy.
  3. Cedars Sinai! hands down. They are #3 in the country for gastric surgeries. Dr Burch is amazing
  4. gym&tonic

    8week out still nausea and vomiting

    Im 7 weeks out and going through the same thing! I was hospitalized last week for 5 days for dehydration and then they did an CT scan and a contrast test, which lead them to do an endoscopy. I guess I have a ulcer but almost a week later I'm still getting sick sometimes and not getting in enough liquids. You posted this a while back but how are you doing now? Did anything seem to help?
  5. Think about it like this... if two people eat 800 calories (or whatever their target range is) a day, and one divides that between 3 meals through the day and the other distributes it over 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks. Theoretically the person dividing it over three meals will be eating more per sitting which may have the risk of stretching out your stomach. Where if youโ€™re disturbing your total allotment of calories over five or six small meals your stomach never gets in danger of expanding too much. With that being said, if you are someone who had previously struggled with grazing and mindless eating then yes the 5-6 meals a day can be like a trigger. As we get to the maintenance daily calories range once we get to our goal the chances are you will be easy sitting at 1000 calories a day or more. So again, if you have that over 3 meals a day you are going to be consuming a larger portion then say 5-6 portions. My doctor told me 3 small meals and 2-3 snacks a day which I really hated at first and still kind of do because I feel like I have to plan more and take the time to make meals that are itty bitty. But all it comes down to is what works for you and being mindful in the process.
  6. Me! Im having gastric bypass on the 20th! Once I got the approval phone call about a week ago I was sooo excited. But I have to be honest, I'm getting kind of nervous and of course im over thinking all of it and thinking "what if im one of those people who doesn't lose any weight!" Maybe its all the protein drinks talking but I just feel blahhh. well and the fact that ive lost like only 3 pounds on this pre op diet
  7. Im glad I came across this post as I am getting Bypass on the 20th. I was under the impression ( and hoping ) I would be repulsed by food in the beginning and not wanting to eat. But it sounds like some bypassers have a little different experience
  8. After what felt like forever I got approved!! They called me this morning and my surgery date is Dec 20th!!! So fโ€™ing happy ๐Ÿ˜
  9. I know. I kind of wish he didn't say that because now my hopes are high
  10. how did your skin react to the dramatic weight loss? Any extra skin, from the photo it looks lie not. I ask because im 25 ad around your same starting weight.
  11. gym&tonic

    Under 30 Bypass Crew

    Im 25! turning 26 on dec 26th! Bypass in December. My surgeon said he most successful patients are on the younger side because... well you know
  12. So after calling the Dr office and them telling me they did everything on their end and it was all submitted, I called Blue Shield and of course they said they didn't see anything submitted but weren't sure so they left a message at my Dr's office. Heard nothing back from either of them and called BS again.... couldn't even understand the women. Called a couple hours later, and third time was the charm! The guy was able to tell me that my Dr's office just submitted in the early afternoon today (glad I called to remind them) and he looked over all the papers they sent in to make sure everything on the check list was completed. Super nice guy. Said I should hear back in about 72 Hours! Im hoping Ill hear something Wednesday before Thanksgiving but Ill be on their butt Wednesday regardless haha. My insurance coordinator did tell me that my 'tentative' surgery date is December 20th. Which is great but if approved I would be open to something sooner.
  13. Thank you so much for the info! Im on the phone with them right now checking in
  14. My surgeons office supposedly sent all the required paperwork to Blue Sheild on 11-16 but If i get denied then it will be a tight squeeze to get an appeal and scheduled for surgery before the end of the year. Which for me is critical because I turn 26 on Dec 26 and then will have a new insurance and would have to start the process all over
  15. My Dr said 12 - 18 months too! But being 25 and getting back into the dating world im planning a few months sober time as well. And hell I like having a cocktail in the evening

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